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Zarqawi’s war : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 13/6/2006

The death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi should be cheered by Muslims.

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something so barbaric?,

Step 1 See what Mohamed says about HIMSELF (i.e. the Quran)

[33:21] The messenger of GOD has set up a GOOD EXAMPLE for those among you who seek GOD and the Last Day, and constantly think about GOD.

Step 2 "Look" at that example mohamed set:

Book 016, Number 4131:
Anas reported: Eight men of the tribe of 'Ukl came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and swore allegiance to him on Islam, but found the climate of that land uncogenial to their health and thus they became sick, and they made complaint of that to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), and he said: Why don't you go to (the fold) of our camels along with our shepherd, and make use of their milk and urine. They said: Yes. They set out and drank their (camels') milk and urine and regained their health. They killed the shepherd and drove away the camels. This (news) reached Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and he sent them on their track and they were caught and brought to him (the Holy Prophet). He commanded about them, and (thus) their hands and feet were cut off and their eyes were gouged and then they were thrown in the sun, until they died.

Zarqawi is just following Mohamed's example.

Reflect on this reality from his 'example' and you might gain an insight about why I am adamant that Islam came from a Murderer, Torturer,Cruel,Megalomaniacal, sexually predatorial and politically opportunistic evil man.

Don't look at "Christians", look at Christ. Show me how Jesus carried out such barbaric actions, how he surrounded Himself with sex slaves, how he forced his adopted son to divorce his wife so he could have her, married and had sex with a 9 yr old girl, arranged a 'hit' on Ka'ab Bin_Ashraf, who wrote poems about him, ...and when you can do all this, I will have to concede there is little difference between the 2 faiths.
Until then, I will expose Islam and proclaim Christ.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 22 June 2006 8:34:49 AM
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[19.30] He said: Surely I am a servant of Allah; He has given me the Book and made me a prophet;
[19.31] And He has made me blessed wherever I may be, and He has enjoined on me prayer and poor-rate so long as I live;
[19.32] And dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed;
[19.33] And peace on me on the day I was born, and on the day I die, and on the day I am raised to life.
[19.34] Such is Jesus, son of Marium; (this is) the saying of truth about which they dispute.
(Quran, 19:30-34)

Mr Coach,
Indeed Islamic societies has been grown with familiarity to Judaism and Christianity. It was Christians who were the first helper to the first muslims. There are no 'religious enemity' in Islam.

Muslims rulers usually good to the Jews and the Christians, bani quraiza example was a tribal incident, not Muslim-Jews enemity.

It was 'the christians who did not follow the true christianity', who sometimes a bit harsh to the Jews. Only a tiny example:

We are also agreed in the resurrection of Jesus. It's great. In my opinion, a complex problem like Palistine dispute should be resolved by Jesus himself.

Posted by Jelata, Thursday, 22 June 2006 1:52:04 PM
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Jelata - "There are no 'religious enemity' in Islam."

The Arab News recently reported on a press conference in Saudi Arabia at the headquarters of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY, founded by the nephew of Osama bin Laden in the US, and under investigation since 1999 for links to terrorist groups including Hamas).

Some examples of WAMY philosophy:

“The Jews are the enemies of the faithful, God and the angels,” (according to A Handy Encyclopedia of Contemporary Religions and Sects published by WAMY) “The Jews are humanity’s enemies; they foment immorality in this world; The Jews are deceitful, they say something but mean the exact opposite.”

We prefer death and refuse to be belittled for the Cause of Allah;
O! how sweet a destiny!
We have decided and sworn an oath
To live or die as Muslims
Holding fast to the errors of the corrupt ones
Striving for Muslims to rule
Muslims! Muslims! Muslims!
We, with Islam were the best of nations
And with it conquered Kisraa [a Persian emperor] and Caesar
We have sown Justice in the world
So reap & spread amongst the people “Allahu Akbar”
Ask if you still don’t know who
Muslims! Muslims! Muslims!

...Raise the Qur’aan as the constitution of our time
And fill the horizons with: We are Muslims! Muslims! Muslims! Muslims!

Here’s a bit from a camp chant called “Youth of the True,” which laments the abandonment of shariah in contemporary times, and urges youth to “unsheath the swords/And don’t be concerned here with difficulties”:

Hail! Hail! O sacrificing soldiers!
To us! To us! So we may defend the flag
On this Day of Jihad, are you miserly with your blood?!
And has life become dearer to you? And staying behind sweeter?
Is staying in this world of torment more pleasing to us?

Now what were you saying about no 'religious enmity' in Islam?
Posted by dee, Thursday, 22 June 2006 4:34:04 PM
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" .. about basic personality and the values the person has been raised with rather than the tenants of the faith involved".

I see that the Islamic and Information Services Network of Australasia has raised $50,000 for the families of terrorist suspects on trial in Melbourne. The fundraiser was attended by more than 300 people. This is despite the fact that the families of the alleged terror cell members from both states are already receiving more than an estimated $1 million a year in taxpayer-funded Centrelink benefits and legal aid.

Among the alleged terror cell members is Abdul Nacer Benbrika who is accused of being the spiritual leader of the young radical Muslims. His wife and seven children will receive almost $50,000 in welfare benefits while he remains behind bars awaiting trial. The multimedia presentation was played between a series of speeches proclaiming the men's innocence.

These men were accepted into Australia as migrants who would be responsible citizens, instead of which they plot to kill Australians - and Australians taxpayers support their families. And it seems they have plenty of supporters.

Why risk importing more of this?
Posted by dee, Thursday, 22 June 2006 5:17:52 PM
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Hi dee, those arab fanatics didnt represent Islam. Never!

You know at many occassions the history, had muslims not protect their 'elder brother Jews', those unlucky people might have been vanished.

No, no, i would not continue. Such stories must be censored from a young, pure person like you.

Go for positive activities. You know Jesus was a great figure. Take his spirit and love as guidance. Good luck.
Posted by Jelata, Thursday, 22 June 2006 6:57:52 PM
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It is very nice of you to quote some lovely verses from the very thoughtful prophet of Islam in his earliest days in Mecca.

The facts you need to know is that there is nothing in common between Islam and Christianity.

1. Allah cannot be the same as God
2. Isa is not Jesus the Son of God
3. Mohammad was never mentioned in the Bilble
4. Islam denies the Trinity of God
5. Jesus is the only saviour – Mohammad cannot save you
6. Your paradise is not God’s Heaven
7. All Muslims are promised hell and only some will be rescued depending on Allah’s mood on that day…
8. Jesus fulfilled the law and the prophets – you still follow the law and “some” prophets.
9. Jesus is coming back to judge the world (all non-Christians) – you say he is coming to destroy all crosses and pigs?
10. Islam is a religion of rituals with NO hope – Christianity is enjoying a relationship with God our father NOW not after we die – knowing that we are already been accepted through the blood of his son Jesus. Halleluiah and Amen.

>> We are also agreed in the resurrection of Jesus. It's great. In my opinion, a complex problem like Palistine dispute should be resolved by Jesus himself.<<

You may believe in Jesus’ resurrection but you deny his death on the cross. WHY?

Jesus is going to resolve Palestine / Israel conflict when He returns in His full glory and establish His kingdom on earth. When this happens every knee shall bow to Him or burn in hell for eternity.

You mentioned that Jesus had received a ‘book’ – (We know he didn’t) – If the Qur’an was really inspired by the same God – why doesn’t the Qur’an contain such a book??

Why does the Qur’an deny all truths and claims of Jesus as God the Saviour of humanity?

Why would God send another prophet after He came Himself to fulfil the law?

Why follow Islam if you are not SURE to be saved one day?
Posted by coach, Thursday, 22 June 2006 7:08:52 PM
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