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The ALP should take on the IR laws : Comments

By Mark Hearn and Grant Michelson, published 20/4/2006

Labor should be bold enough to offer Australia a better way.

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I would have liked a little more depth from you sly, a plan to unite? a new policy of some worth?
or a reason you think the ALP is getting its act together.
In fact we started to rebuild the day Latham left, and continue to move towards a centain Labor long term goverment ,if not 2007[only leadership problems can defeat us] we will govern in 2010.
And the IR policy debate [the threads intent] is our greatest task, nothing less than that.
Remembering unlike John Howard Labor will try to rule for every Australian ,we must craft a new way in IR I however will fight my own party if need be to restore unions right of entry, book inspections, and to see the last of the shamefull building industry task group and fair wages group.
Tao may wimper as much as he/she wishes but unions and Labor in power may have yet another acord, proof workers understand the ties between both.
And more importantly proof we combinded Unions/workers and Labor can offer Australia a better way.
And never forget the view all who work are working class, or even vote other than conservative is plainly wrong.
Casual Labour hire workers on civil construction have reduced the rate from near $25 to $17.15 casual by signing AWA,s and while blameing ALL UNIONS refuse to talk to any about this shamefull thing!
25% leaves unions outnumbered 3 to 1 just the simple truth.
The place for workers to unite is behind the ALP.
PS lEADERSHIP the problem is my truely held view we need a change is seen by some as only Shorten? Steve Smith if he awakens could do it well.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 4 June 2006 8:46:46 AM
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Okay, with the exception of Tao we agree that the common ground for reinvigorating Labor is new leadership, unity and, of course, substantial alternative policies.

While I believe that Beasley should step down, if Labor were to offer the following, I would certainly consider them at the next election.

1. Independent Industrial relations Tribunal - eliminate the lawyers!

2. Choice of collective agreements or individual contracts

3. Basic conditions for work set into the constitution, which include:
a) Liveable minimum wage based on CPI.
b) Four weeks annual leave
c) Public Holidays
d) Penalty rates where work performed is in addition to agreed weekly hours - this doesn't have to apply to week ends if normal working week includes weekends, eg penalty rate could apply to Mondays & Tuesdays.
e) Safe work conditions
f) Security - employer must give reason for firing and a minimum of 2 weeks notice
g) Unions allowed on site & training permitted

4. Investment in alternative energy, eg wind, solar, tidal and consideration into Thorium etc

5. Sustainable development
a) construction of all buildings to be energy efficient
b) reduction in excessive packaging by businesses
c) public transport upgrades and development
d) Rail transport of goods upgraded and developed - less need for road transport
e) Investment in sustainable agriculture - suited to climatic conditions and market demand.
f) Protection of natural resources eg water, mining, timber

I know that there is more - this is just off the top of my head but surely this would be a good start regardless of whoever leads Labor?

I hope other posters would like to contribute to this list - who knows maybe someone in the Labor party might take some notice.
Posted by Scout, Sunday, 4 June 2006 10:46:21 AM
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On the contrary hedgehog, I can certainly criticize the ALP and the unions if I disagree with them. Moreover if I believe they are leading workers up the garden path, it is my duty to do so.

If your logic is correct, you can’t criticize the AWU unless you are member. Best you hurry up and join them.

Perhaps those who disagreed with the Nazi Party should have joined them to criticize them.

The degeneration of the ALP cannot be blamed solely on the AWU, or on the weak and subservient workers as SHONGA so disrespectfully put it. Social Democratic parties all over the world are turning into right wing parties – it is a worldwide process resulting from the impossibility of exacting concessions from capitalism as has been done in the past. The entire platform of the ALP is based on a lie, as is that of all unions.

Furthermore, considering your crude unfounded abuse of me, and SHONGA’s obvious disdain for the working class, why would anyone be inclined to join any organisation you two represent?

Why would workers join organisations which have so clearly lied to, shafted and disregarded them over decades? Why would they trust them not to do exactly the same thing as they have done in the past? Obviously not many do.

I completely defend the right of workers to organize themselves in trade unions or in any other way. What I do not defend is the union leadership who, safe in their cushy jobs paid for by their members’ collective contributions, use those positions to actively work to isolate and disorient workers – and then blame those workers for being weak and subservient.

The ALP and union leadership are lackeys for the capitalists. Workers must politically organize themselves independently of such lackeys on the basis of a socialist perspective.

And Belly: you are correct that workers are not conscious of what their interests really are i.e. to overthrow capitalism. However that is no reason for people who do understand those interests to give up on them, and become “pragmatic” capitulators to capitalism.
Posted by tao, Sunday, 4 June 2006 4:16:09 PM
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Scout, great minds think alike, i send many of your ideas/polices to our pollies mainly ALP via email. I pretty sure all your work related ideas are already in place under the previous IR laws, However the other policies are what a real leader like yourself would being doing at this point in human history.

Especially renewable energy and forestry. All houses should have water tanks and grid connected solar power thats a small step in the right direction. Beazley actually annouced a policy for solar power on school roofs about 7-8 weeks ago which is a positive start.

Tao, I will explain to you again. Unions are your FELLOW WORKERS.
NOT THE PAID OFFICIALS some of you refer to, which there are few.

Tao understand that without unions and the ALP there is NOTHING for workers, get that though your think skull. You have posted some valid concerns but i'm sorry you miss the core issue, so either please grow up or sit back and watch your income fall.
Posted by Sly, Sunday, 4 June 2006 7:28:22 PM
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Good idea Scout,

Here are some policies that would really benefit us all:

*Working week reduced to 30 hours with no loss of pay. This will create more jobs and enable workers to more fully participate in political and cultural life.
* Five weeks annual leave.
* Every working person must be guaranteed a well-paid and secure job and an income sufficient to raise a family in comfort.
* Raising of social security benefits to a living wage.
* Billions of dollars must be poured into the upgrading, expansion and staffing of public hospitals, schools, universities and child care facilities so that these services are equipped with the latest technologies and are freely available to all
* The sell-off of public housing must be halted, new high quality housing units constructed, and rents and house payments reduced so that no worker pays more than 20 percent of his or her income for shelter.
* A huge expansion in the number of apprenticeships and the availability of high-quality training and educational programs for all young people
*A progressive tax system to lower taxes on working and middle class families while raising those on the wealthy. The GST must be abolished, together with the tax loopholes and accounting gimmicks that allow most corporations to pay miniscule taxes on their profits. Direct taxes on wealth, such as estate taxes, should be restored. This is a first step towards ending the gulf between rich and poor and providing the resources for an expansion of jobs and public services.
* A vast expansion of scientific and technological research is required to deepen our understanding of the basic processes of nature and to enhance society’s ability to provide a fulfilling, healthy and safe life for all. Scientific research should be placed under the genuine democratic control of working people.

But the ALP will never implement them.
Posted by tao, Sunday, 4 June 2006 11:30:49 PM
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Scout well done! no item on your list is missplaced, while tao?
Well back to the world as it is the incomeing Labor goverment should, while researching new fuels drop by law all state and federal tax on LPG.
Subsidise state goverments so motor cars ext that change to LPG pays no state rego for 5 years.
Wealfare, no not entrench sit down money ,pay for true work, that is an hourly rate based on award for true meaningfull work.
It could be to better the comunity and must not compete with full time jobs.
Recycle every drop of used water even pipeing it inland would both use the water and let nature truely recycle it as rain.
Getting Labor elected is fighting workchoices.
No country needs cheaper fuel more than Australia unchecked our industies in the bush will die includeing tourism, lets get LPG as a stop gap and use our farming skills to make new fuels, if we compete with oil prices will drop, sand will not sell well in the western world and what else have they to sell?
Posted by Belly, Monday, 5 June 2006 7:49:40 AM
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