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Multiculturalism: a simple defence : Comments
By Keith Kennelly, published 30/1/2006Keith Kennelly argues there are advantages for us all in multiculturalism, even after Cronulla.
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Posted by keith, Tuesday, 31 January 2006 4:04:18 PM
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Rainier, you said: 'And so one is left to ponder whether the objective of your piece was a means by which you (and Ev) could have a solipsistic little spray at Islam?'
Please explain how the objective of a piece can be a means by which something else is done. Could you also please explain what you mean by 'solipsistic little spray at Islam?'. I don't know Keith nor have I ever communicated with him. Also I am not a solipsist. Here is an excellent free online book entitled 'How to Speak and Write Correctly': An excerpt from the book: 'To use a big word or a foreign word when a small one and a familiar one will answer the same purpose, is a sign of ignorance. Great scholars and writers and polite speakers use simple words.' The author also writes: ' may not be content to call things by their common names; you may be ambitious to show superiority over others and display your learning or, rather, your pedantry and lack of learning. For instance, you may not want to call a spade a spade. You may prefer to call it a spatulous device for abrading the surface of the soil. Better, however, to stick to the old familiar, simple name that your grandfather called it.' Is anyone out there willing to explain how the teachings of Islam are compatible with Multiculturalism as defined by the Australian Government - the definition shown in the article? Keith, can you please provide a source for that definition?. (ie. which Government document or website?) I would like to correct two mistakes I made in my last post - First, the cartoons of Mohammed were printed by the Danish newspaper 'Jyllends-Posten' on September 30 last year. Second, the Danish Government has not apologised for the cartoons, citing freedom of the press. However the paper did apologise. Depictions of Mohammed are prohibited by Islamic law. The illustrators have received numerous death threats. Islamic countries do not have freedom of the press. Posted by Ev, Tuesday, 31 January 2006 9:45:35 PM
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Apologies for the word solipsistic (* that the self is the only existent thing -English is my second language so I tend to use whatevers appears to be appropriate.) I learn better soon for you miss. But then you completely confuse me by calling out to someone else to “’explain how the teachings of Islam are compatible with Multiculturalism”. Why not have a go yourself Posted by Rainier, Tuesday, 31 January 2006 11:08:38 PM
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Redneck there are lots of positive imputs to immigration.I know many Greeks ,Italians ,Indians,some Lebanese ,Chinese who have a great work ethic and are honest citizens.Our flawed immigration programme however has not determined good citizens because of the PC United Nations guidelines that equates all our Global citizens to be of equal value.The argument should be about the degree of social change that the predominate European culture can handle,rather than measuring our tolerance by their perception our racism.
Multi culturism only works if the immigrants are reasonably intelligent and willing to assimilate.Our immigration programme has been found to be seriously wanting. This is where our own Present Liberal Govt has flawed policies.They will take anyone under the banner of UN classified oppressed political refugees Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 31 January 2006 11:21:49 PM
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Hi All
oldpro5 (post 4:03:08 PM 30/1/06) How did I miss you? Sorry! The new nations? That's revealing! Just look at the multiculturalism there in action - Indonesia, constant uprisings & terrorism aplenty; countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt & its Middle East neighbours; the multiple African nations. Need I continue? Thousands of people being tortured & massacred daily/weekly. As you suggest, Greece is a European example of where multicultualism ISN"T practised. They have very strick rules for entry & residency. They fervently recall the end of the Byzantine Empire. They remember the oppression & wars, so they reject what history has shown them isn't in their best interest. For the Greeks who don't like Greece: there's always Melbourne. Redneck (post 7:27:45 PM 30/1/05) I'm not an advocate of the American "redneck principle", but Redneck your list is comprehensively correct. I'd forgotten about John NEWMAN. He was a nice guy - & good martial artist. The murder of GP Dr Makin Morcos in April 1991at Mt Druitt was another case of 'silencing' dissent again Islamic 'corruption'. Few benefits of multiculturalism to Australia are evident when we holistically view the results. Keith (post 7:46:34 PM 30/1/06) Your response & belief that, ".. we are left to define multiculturalism to ourselves. That’s fine.", isn't fine at all! We ought to have had a clear immoveable definition in the first place. Humanities failings are only further exemplified when no boundaries are set. That is "relativism" which, whilst appearing to be conciliatory, only creates conflict as people redefine the non-defined. Thernistocles (post 7:54:38 PM 30/106) Hear, hear! Ev (post 10:21:21 PM 30/1/06) Thank you for elevating the wisdom of Marl DURIE. Muslim apologetics is rampant amongst the compliant PC-set. There is sufficient ignorance amongst the populace without social leaders showing weakness in the face of adversity. Meredith (post 1:57:00 AM 31/1/06) Your comment, "Christians made the leap years ago, islam has not." is prophetic but current. Nor can Islam change at its 'heart' - its doctrines & dogma won't let it. Friedrich (post 6:29:09 AM 31/1/06) Your perception is sadly a reality. Cheers all Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Wednesday, 1 February 2006 8:35:47 AM
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The omission of the reference in the original article was an oversight. Thanks for the correction. Posted by keith, Wednesday, 1 February 2006 9:34:12 AM
Perhaps you’d prefer the White Australia Policy? Then agitate for its return. I think you’d find most Australians prefer to think themselves not so intolerant. That policy represented our face to the world for many years. Multiculturalism takes that role now. I think you’d agree we have become more tolerant since WAP was dumped. More than 30 percent of our population have been born or have parents born overseas. That simple fact of mathematics makes us more embracing of and more comfortable with multiculturalism. While claims are made polls show Australians are anti-multiculturalist. . I think their concerns are much more focused on immigration policy than multiculturalism. I doubt they’d opt to return to the immigration policies of pre 1956.
I’m no economist but I think our immigration policies may have had a little influence upon our economy being able to produce a GDP of $369 billion dollars. I don’t agree we shouldn’t re-assess the sources of our immigration. I agree some of the spending on multiculturalism is likely targeted incorrectly and unfairly. Let the politicians know. Oh we’re doing that here, you say. There are other avenues as well.
Sydney? Where’s that? :-) See my comments to Sage.
Second Coming? Nahhhhh. I’ve always been here. Just call me Zeus!
I are not offput buy yous comment about my inability to have a thoughtful opinion and to write as good as I think I can. I think that is the way its not always bin in Australia. I think yous should ave bin a bit tolerable towards my ignorance and presumptioning.
I didn’t see you exclaimin in surprise when Andrew or Dirk done what yous criticial about me for doin. Are you always so lopseyed in yous attitudes?
Beside not being correct gramner and spellin, I can’t read neither. Is this bettor?
Careful mate, you might come to agree with my views on immigration and multiculturalism.
The post by Ev was also insightful, and well worth your unbiased assessment.
Little Agreeable Buddy.
I concur. That piece of work is the most important piece on Islam in Australia.