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Multiculturalism: a simple defence : Comments

By Keith Kennelly, published 30/1/2006

Keith Kennelly argues there are advantages for us all in multiculturalism, even after Cronulla.

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“Vietnamese escaped attrocity in Vietnam, but it gave them no right to become criminals in Australia. Thank goodness most of them were peaceful & integrated. They have done similarly in other nations - regardless of their religious background.”

Upon generations unemployed Vietnamese seek solution on means possible – and Bali demonstrates a very common approach between different “communities” in similar circumstances.

”Whether the Perth attacks are racially motivated or not we may not discover. But Sudan is 'divided' into Muslim north & Christian south & the slaughter there is clearly examinable. Aboriginal youths are a separate 'problem'.

However, Islam seems destined to repeat its own history. Unfortunately many of those rioting in Australia appear to be Lebanese. But it isn't the same worldwide. The common denominator is one religion - Islam. The culture that it breeds from its religious philosophies is the 'problem'.”

So-called “Lebanese” are predominantly from Christian backgound.

<“I do hope that you learn to (or do) separate the ethnicity (race) from the religion.

Multi-ethnicity certainly. Multiculturalism very questionable. The religion (belief) determines the culture. Skin colour or ethnicity often is only a secondary influence.

Cheers all

Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Friday, 10 February 2006 11:18:19 AM >>

Sometimes it is simply unworkable. Too often, I would say.
Posted by MichaelK., Sunday, 12 February 2006 3:54:35 PM
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TODAY we heard that it is 'prejudice' to speak of a 'Muslim' Australia in 50 yrs by 'demographic' invasion.

Below is an excerpt from a research paper based on information gathered about this matter.

[Lebanese Muslim women who were married early were much more likely than native women and other birthplace groups to have a child under three, net of other influences. A similar age pattern of fertility was found for Muslims and Christians,

although Muslims had higher fertility in all age groups. <-- (NOTE)

The most important finding of this
analysis was that variations in fertility among the selected birthplaces were not significant, when controlled for other socio-demographic characteristics, the exception being the Lebanese.

What are the factors behind the high fertility levels of Lebanese-origin women in Australia? <-(NOTE THIS AGAIN)

Islamic beliefs about family formation and the value of children may be the important factors. High in-marriage, the universality of marriage, and low levels of education and low labour-force participation could be the other main reasons for this pattern.

Fertility Rate for Lebanese between 1977 and 1991 was an average of 3.76

while that for existing Australians of traditional UK background
1.8 approx

Over 3 generations this translates into the following:

Lebanese extended family 28 persons
Australian extended family 8 persons

Lebanese population will be 3.5 what it is now in 3 generations.
(without extra immigration) Anglo population will be 90% of what it is NOW, with no growth whatsoever !

I repeat my call to Anglo Aussies.... HAVE MORE CHILDREN... enjoy family life... build this country and your own future. (I've had 3 and can only have 3 unless I take another wife :) (any volunteers Scout ? :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:09:17 AM
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Come on BD. You are scaring me (unless you are having a tongue in check slap at the ridiculous comments of liberal backbencher Danna Vaile yesterday) . You being openly racist and you should be ashamed. I almost didn't post seeing I can see the replies already but your openess leave me little recourse. Such posts would not look out of place in the journals of white australia supporters back in the 60's.

Demographics of populations change. Austrlia over-all has a poor population growth rate. The statistics simply say that we must increase immigration to fill the jobs and consequently fuel the economy. Either learn to contemplate difference, or move to Hutt River and build a big fence. You seem to mix sprinklings of rationality and reason with bigotry fairly well mate!
Posted by jkenno, Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:51:51 AM
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Hi all

jkenno (post 11:11:17 AM 7/2/06)

I clearly hear what you're saying. Like myself you abhore racial bigotry. But take the hypothetical scenario that there are 5 individuals in a room all called "Bill". If I need to identify a particular individual within that room I am going to have to isolate the peculiarities of that person. The peculiarity might be height, hair-colour, weight-proportions, ethnicity or additions to the individuals name, viz Bill SMITH versus Bill AZIMOFF.

Why are we so frightened to identify differences & make everyone the same? Only because of past/present bigotry. The solution to make everyone ignores the reality that we are different. That will have within its own confines socialogical & psychological disadvantages as people try to find their own identity.

I am not offended if someone calls me "a whitey", "a red-head", "shorty" or "an Irishman". I am offended if someone calls me "a c**t".

Isn't it interesting that Muhammad called all women that when he said: "Women have 10 'awrat (external genitals). When she gets married her husband covers one. When she dies the grave covers the ten." ... according to Ali (Muhammad's cousin & father-in-law) Vol 22 Hadith # 858 & Vol 11, Kitab Abad al-Nikah, p.65.

Great respect for women! I don't hear many people objecting to this utterence, which disrespects all women, including your wife, girlfriend, mother, aunt etc.

The subjugation of indigenous people is a blight on all nations throughout history. That can occur through the attrocities of colonisation, the acts of war seen throughout Europe & Asia, or equally through inappropriate immigration policies & a lack of understanding of the implications of multiculturalism where all cultures are deemed to be equal. Some are; some aren't.

Friedrich (post 6:51:33 PM 7/2/06)

A German with red-skin pigmentation? Now there's an interesting concept. Better not go back to Nazi Germany!

MichaelK (post 3:54:35 PM 12/2/06)

I agree!

Cheers all
Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Sunday, 26 February 2006 2:58:31 PM
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Hi all

David_BOAZ (post 10:09:17 AM 14/2/06)

Many of your figures agree with Government statistics. In most areas of Australia, European or Asian families rarely exceed 3-children. Amongst many Muslim families it is uncommon for the family to ne limited to just 4-children.

Keysar TRAD himself has 9.

jkenno (post 10:51:51 AM 14/2/06)

Hey, if you're going to have a go at Danna VALE, then at least spell her name correctly. She is in no-way related to Mark VAILLE - the Deputy PM.

As to her comments: they are laced with some elements of truth. Danna is not racially prejudiced. She's culturally sensitive. I've known Danna much longer than her time in Parliament. She has friends over many nationalities & of different ethnic backgrounds.

Australia has a poor population growth amongst its current generation because we've become materialistic as a society. We greedily got our 'investment portfolio' of domestic housing price-increases - now we battle to afford to survive. Muslims (generally), within Australia, haven't yet reached that way of thinking. Some will - some won't.

Notwithstanding, we (Australia) have a clash of cultures that will likely replicate what has, & will, be a copy of many other nations - here on earth.

Cheers all
Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Sunday, 26 February 2006 3:02:29 PM
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I am wondering what is more substantial: having a great life in a place where people copulate regardless bio-origins and religious prejudice or keeping a faith while submitting to self-service…?
Posted by MichaelK., Monday, 27 February 2006 1:16:07 PM
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