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Multiculturalism: a simple defence : Comments
By Keith Kennelly, published 30/1/2006Keith Kennelly argues there are advantages for us all in multiculturalism, even after Cronulla.
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Posted by FRIEDRICH, Saturday, 4 February 2006 6:32:30 PM
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Vote for me? Not likely. I decided quite sometime ago a political career wouldn't make me at all happy. I was persuaded by the words of Lord Morely who said. 'Politics is a field where action is one long second-best, and where the choice constantly lies between two blunders.' I simply prefered people not to be so sure I was a blunderer. Regards Posted by keith, Saturday, 4 February 2006 7:58:14 PM
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OOO boy what have the Idiots done to us. War seems to be back on the Agenda. Multi-destructuralism and we got it. Only a few angry faces upset about a war criminal and pedophile, who would have thought a cartoon could upset so many peace loving Moslems. Says more about them than our Left like to admit. It is to late . Posted by All-, Saturday, 4 February 2006 8:22:52 PM
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Hi all
jkenno (post 2/2/06) My former father-in-law used to hire about 40 jackaroos for his property near Brewarrina in the 1960s. He'd only hire full-blacks -apart from other nationalities. 70% were Aboriginals. I met quite a few of those gentlemen in the 1980s. They all praised father-in-law. He treated them as equals to himself. They ate the family food. In the 70s I asked my father-in-law why he would only hire full-blacks. His answer was pretty simple: "They're the only ones prepared to work. If I hire a quarter-caste he'll disappear within a few days. Whiteman's influence." Today Brewarrina is like "a ghost town". "Pip's Milkbar"? Kids hurried to get a milkshake in a metal container with a straw. Now? Bars & shutters on windows. Notwithstanding, Europeans rarely made integration appealing to our Indigenous brothers. We expected they'd become instant 'little whities'. The American Negros were treated worse. Conjecturally we're more advanced in our 'treatment' of this issue - compared to most other nations. That's no consolation. One mis-spent dollar or life lost is one too many. But integration is nonetheless important to our unity as a nation. (2/2/06) Mickijo (post 4:11:27 PM 2/2/06) You've got it in 5 succinct paragraphs. (2/2/06) Coach (post 8:48:01 PM 2/2/06) You're "spot on". Sadly, we haven't listened to people like ex-policeman Tim PRIEST & other "whistle-blowers". In NSW we must give police the support that they deserve in enacting the 'new' powers that they have - powers removed by NSW Attorney General Frank WALKER in about 1986. Law enforcement isn't a "service" - it's a force. Magistrates & the ombudsmen must be accountable & held accountable. There ought not to be some 273 chances - as in the case recently reported where a recidivist continued to ignore the judiciary, & they once again granted bail. We send the wrong message to the disrespectful potential law-breakers. (2/2/06) Cheers all Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Sunday, 5 February 2006 6:42:31 PM
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Hi all
BOAZ_David (post 9:01:41 PM 2/2/06) You're right. But how come some Aboriginals can become politicians, lawyers & leaders within society whilst others sit back & complain? The answer might be found in the "whiteman ghettos" of self-imposed welfare dependence, where thirds-generation Anglo-Saxons riot, commit crime & refuse to comply with their responsibilities towards vast majority of hard-working Australian citizens. Much is to do with attitudes & with society itself not making unwarranted excuses for the dysfunctional element. (3/2/06) jkenno (post 8:50:55 AM 3/2/06) Your question: ".. isn’t that an argument in favour of multiculturalism??" NO! It's an argument for multi-racialism. There is a difference. Why do you find the identification of someone, according to their skin-colour, abhorrent? As I hinted, I have about 20 Aboriginal friends in Redfern & probably about the same number elsewhere. None of them are ashamed of their aboriginality. Why should I be? One of my closest friends in Redfern is a minister & he jokingly says to me things like, "I'm only a black-fella." I'm likely to respond, "But what a black-fella!" As to Frank Sartor: Mick wasn't going to call on Minister Sartor to resign. [I know. I discussed it with him.] However, Frank Sartor had been such an obsteporous mongrel over many years, & many of Mick's associates were calling for Frank's head. The desire to level "The Block" was certainly part of it. Frank Sartor is despised in Redfern - not that Clover Moore is much-liked either. (3/2/06) Friedrich (post 10:28:33 AM 3/2/06) Certainly not everyone agrees with Mick. What's unusual about disagreement? Mick isn't a Catholic. He's a Protestant - unlike Anthony, his nephew (Muslim as you know). The Catholic Church has much to answer for. But that was a different era. Several of those affected who live on The Block don't hold grudges for what occurred more than 30-years ago. Some of those are Catholics still, some want nothing to do with formalised religion, & some are still traumatised. The fewer who face Mecca the better! (3/2/06) Cheers all Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Sunday, 5 February 2006 6:49:10 PM
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jkenno, lucky you!
Posted by Rainier, Monday, 6 February 2006 7:04:50 AM
Your post was pure jkenno.