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Australia - a racist backwater : Comments
By Greg Barns, published 22/12/2005Greg Barns argues Australians have succumbed to materialism, fear, racism and xenophobia.
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Specifics: After Tianaman Square, blubbering Hawke opened the flood-gates on immigration. In one 'tear-jerked' charade, he granted asylum to 15,000 oversea's students studying here. Instant visa's and welfare cheques on an overburdened taxpayer - such largesse ?
Fast forward - family reunions multiplied exponentially.
Gough 'papa' Whitlam and his Treasurer undermined the Reserve Bank, secretly exploring avenues to by-pass a 'double dissolution' in the Senate. The 'Kimlani Affair' reputed worth tens-of-millions erupted in his face, when the 'Dubai Consortum' was leaked to the Press. Mr Kimlani - shonk broker, and chief negotiator wanted exorbitant 'fees' for his heist - amounting to almost 10 % commission. All hell broke loose.
Gough besotted with everything Greek, arranged with his Minister Al Grassby to open the dam-gates on Greek/Macedonian/Turkish/Algerian
migration. Once again, family reunions and the Welfare paradigm took precedence. High rise ghetto's rehashed as 'housing estates' sprang up all over Melbourne. The Greek enclave is the largest in the World outside Helles.
JWH, in line with G Bush's "Guantanamo Bay " razor-wire/land-mined prison establishments, created off shore Nauru, Christmas Island where imprisoned Afghan's, Iraqi's, Pakistani's etc languished for 6/9 years at millions of taxpayer's dollars.The 'woman-and-children-overboard' saga of Peter Reith's fertile imagination, followed by the Tampa's doppleganger roused World condemnation.
In an about face, Amanda Vanstone granted 98% of evacuees - visa'a, accomodation,Social security cheques for the 'psychological trauma 'or PTSD after their ordeal.A classical case of over-reaction after Cornelia Rowe and Filipina were deported, even though they were dinky-di.
Amid all the Govt hype, can you believe these people are grateful for Amanda's taxpayer funded benevolence.Would there be any 'love' lost.You have got to ask where these 'social-engineers' get there idealism from.
My guess is, they graduated from college,got there degree's, joined the Public Service, and became instant experts.