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Australia - a racist backwater : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 22/12/2005

Greg Barns argues Australians have succumbed to materialism, fear, racism and xenophobia.

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Why is it that Pauline Hanson went to jail at about the very moment that she'd begun to win the hearts and minds of Australians? Yeah, I know there's some legal pretext or other. There always is. But the real reason, I think, is she scared the powers that be. So they removed her from the game by cheating.

You'll have noticed that the violence on the Cornulla beach was no big deal to the Australian government or to the media while the Lebs were winning. Lebs raped Aussie girls - the government looked the other way. Lebs beat up lifeguards - the government looked the other way. Racial violence got to be an issue only when the Aussies took back the beach, even though they turned out for only one, single day.

Racial villification laws are gag orders for White truth tellers. Tell the truth: go to jail. Show the truth in an unedited video: go to jail. Warn your White mates about a Leb gang on the move: go to jail.

Politically, the laws against racial vilification don't work in the other direction, which means the law has prejudged Whites to be the villains. Lebs can tell the truth, or they can lie to their hearts' content - either way, the police don't arrest them for it. They can make videos and show them, with or without editorial monkeyshines, and the police will leave them alone. And nobody cites Lebs for racial villification when they incite attacks on White people.

And it's unbelievable how the media lie about race relations. I'm an American, and although I suspected from the start that the media weren't being honest about Cornulla, I could be certain about it only after I'd rushed to an online introduction service and got myself a dozen penpals near Sydney and had them tell me the story by email.
Posted by Jenab, Tuesday, 27 December 2005 4:51:16 AM
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Never forget its the weapon of the left to lie, yes to introduce miss information into debate to prove the idiot ideas they hold are true.
This raceist cryed for joy as Nelson Mandeala became leader of SA.
Gave too much after boxing day 2004 and went hungry for a week because of it.
This raceist Aussie fears some Muslim raceism and relidgious bigotry.
And fears some Muslim Lebanese who add criminal behavior that that list.
Room exists for truth always.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 27 December 2005 6:05:06 AM
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phil baby,

you obviously haven't had the pleasure of living near aboriginals otherwise your comments would be more restrained.

let's face facts, our natives are mostly incapable of adapting to a western style civilisation and this explains why they have lived on the outskirts of our towns for 200 years.......hence our attitudes towards them has been paternalistic.

i suspect there is a genetic reason why aboriginals cant adapt to a modern lifestyle but this probably makes me a racist in your eyes for saying so.

you complain when natives are barred from entering a pub but then complain when their given 44 gallon drums of cant have it both ways. why shouldn't some natives be banned from a pub?? many people are banned usually for being troublemakers and this is why natives are banned from pubs in country should see what happens when natives get on the grog, they go absolutely troppo and carry on like savage baboons.

in my opinion the only hope for our natives is if the chilren are sent to boarding school where they would receive proper care and a good education which would enable them to integrate into white society.

the old policy of saving native children from a barbaric savage stone age culture was a good one and should be started up again.
Posted by vinny, Tuesday, 27 December 2005 6:48:37 AM
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Lenab,you are so right.The left wing journos have a strangle hold on our media too.They go from the nurturing environs of home ,too school,listen to mostly left wing teachers,to uni and listen to mostly left wing lecturers.Most have never tasted the reality running a small private enterprise organisation.

People like Greg Barns are the result of such a slanted system,and we have been turning them out by the thousands.The silent majority know the reality but we get shouted down with labels such as "racist" so they can protect their PC ideals and cover up the mess they have created in our society.That is why they scream so loud and long,since finally the the general public see through their lies and distortions.

There is a new awakening and news papers like the Herald are starting to see it's sales drop off.That is why they also slag off talk back radio as being populist,ill informed and full of "Rednecks" since people talk about the facts and reality as it affects them.Our Govt lies about crime stats and just tries to cover the whole mess up by punishing and blaming the victims and this further incites the situation.

Crime has got so bad in Sydney.I learned yesterday that my nephew has spent a week in hospital,bashed and robbed he never knew who hit him.The lefty weakness has destroyed our police force and made our judiciary impotent.It is an absolute debacle!
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 27 December 2005 7:14:28 AM
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Cronulla and Maroubra was not about white supremacy, so we must be careful not to identify the problem merely as a "White's" problem. It was not intrinsically a colour problem it was sparked by what most Australians consider a criminal cultural problem founded in Lebanese Muslim attitudes that has been ignored by the will of Government for years. We do not have problems with black African refugees or Indian settlers or even Lebanese practising Christians in Australia. The attitude is isolated to a cultural gang of Lebanese Muslims who despise our culture as inferior and they consider Aussie women degrade themselves as sluts by their undress.

The Cronulla protesters were typical Australians, other than a few White supremasists who hijacked the protest with violence. The real attitudes of supremacy was previously present in the cultural minds of Lebanese Muslim youth, who despised our Australian beach culture; culminating in the assult of surf life savers who in the minds of these Muslim youth had trespassed into an area they identified as their beach area.

"Get off our beach" was the retort to the life savers before the Muslim youth assult. So this is how they identified and saw the problem. Surf Life Savers are there for the protection of the whole beach area. This is the culminating point of the conflict!

It is this attitude that Australians consider as selfish criminal behaviour that has been condoned and not actively condemned by the Government and activist Muslim leaders. This attitude might be foreign to our values, but any action even if considered criminal to the West is acceptable if ultimately fulfills the rule of Allah's laws. This is a commonly used strategy in the Muslim arsenal to gain territory, and they have now conned the Government to give hundreds of thousands of Dollars to train Muslim life guards, while the Government has given little to the training of existing Surf Life Saving Clubs. Yet these Clubs are open and welcomed all who will comitt to its disciplined training and service.
Posted by Philo, Tuesday, 27 December 2005 7:17:56 AM
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However consider Australia has no problem with Turkish Muslim youth, so the problem is localised to one tribal / cultural group that is too proud to socialise as equal and assimilate into all aspects of Australian culture. They have been fed the line that their religious law is supreme and must rule in all the Earth. They are the cultural supremists who consider anything else is abominable to Allah.
Posted by Philo, Tuesday, 27 December 2005 7:19:40 AM
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