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The twin failures of multiculturalism and integration : Comments
By Con George-Kotzabasis, published 9/12/2005Con George-Kotzabasis argues Australian Muslims must be willing to cast off anything incompatible with Western culture.
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Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 12 December 2005 8:34:50 PM
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A lot of blokes are correct to say that legislated multuculturalism it has to be. Why not? WE make it a penalty not to take hard drugs...its legislated...for the "good of society". It is failing, but so should Australia abandon the legislation (drugs/multiculturalism)? Or abandon the ideal of a drug-free country? . We should also legislate against race hate, and there should be limits to what racists/politicians are allowed to promulgate. Both are censorship anyway, so why should only one side of the racist divide, liberal-conservative divide etc have the say? I say, have the right sense to vote people who will give the judicious mix of legislation to get Australia out of this insanity and inconsistency. Look you at Cronulla. There were "whites" claiming to be Australians who went around doing exactly what we'd expect 3rd world country terrorists in places like IRAQ would do. SHAME on you so-called Australians and your double standards even when applied to your own citizens. Heal yourselves before you look North to Myanmar. Pass judgement only when you have done your home work. Then there will be a moral high ground for all the criticism we level at others. Denying racism exists in Australia is like denying the Abos don't exist. There is failure in the school system to deal with racism. This is where legislation needs to be tightened up. New ways to inculcate multicultural values must be discovered. Committed teachers should be placed in influential positions to ensure this. Immigrants should be properly prepared to be sensitive to existing mores, and of coarse if it is possible, terrorists screened out. But more so existing Australians need to have cultural awareness campaigns to open their minds to the dangers of increased polarization and its effects on future generations. What I saw in Cronulla and Sydney beaches looked like France a month ago. France will repeat itself in Australia, if left to the racist agenda. Unfortunately you can't re-export them as Old Mother England did with her convicts, recalcitrant "whites" and others. Posted by Lumens, Monday, 12 December 2005 8:53:25 PM
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The Police are focussing on the wrong people:
The police and government must move away from focussing its attention on ageing community leaders and focus on young adult figures within any groups involved. I'm thinking of one individual in particular who I would identify as a senior 'Australian' leader of the large and ultimatley influential 'Bra Boys' group. Koby Abberton. For those of you unfamiliar with Mr Abberton he is a senior surfing figure well recognised throughout Australia and the world for his surfing ability and a competitive surfer on the surfing world tour. More relevant to this discussion is the fact that he is a senior figure in the Maroubra community who is well respected/recognised by not only the 'Bra Boys' but I would argue by the majority of the youth community. In light Mr Abberton's continuing court case it would be to his advantage and the sydney coastal community if he were to publicly condemn the weekend's violence, and call upon the 'Bra Boys' community to do the same. Mr Abberton needs to realise that not only would this be a moral and courageous act but it would the public's opinion of him and would also reflect well on his continued sponsorship deals (His sponsors were criticised for their continued support in light of his alleged crimes). If Mr Abberton plays his card's right his support for a non-violent solution to the violence would reflect well when he next appears in court. Posted by joec, Monday, 12 December 2005 9:39:30 PM
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Organised religion is so Monty Pythonesque, it rarely fails to give me a good belly laugh.
If I may quote from their classic movie "Life of Brian"... "Blessed are the cheese makers, apparently they are going to inherit the Earth....Well, obviously, it's not meant to be taken literally, it refers to all manufacturers of dairy products" Brian and a group of his fellow Jews standing a good way back while Jesus gives his famous sermon on the mount give their interpretation on it but the scene, for all of its comic genius, is a perfectly reasonable historical assumption. The Bible, the Koran etc are nothing more than a bunch of over exposed fairy tales that a bunch of stone-age illiterates told to another bunch of illiterates who eventually told them to someone who could write and after individual interpretation, embellishment, exaggeration and artistic license evolved into the wonderful publications of today that are the root of the majority of this world's problems. So much historical and scientific data is becoming available to those open-minded enough to look at it objectively that I truly believe when our global society finally shakes off it's government and religious induced state of fear, that not only will the "Jesus and Mohammed walk into a bar..." skits will be flying thick and fast but that logic will prevail and see organised religion for what it is, the supreme human arrogance to think in a universe infinitely massive, with an infinite amount of stars and planets, that a higher, omnipotent power would send not one, but a few dozen of his "prophets" to give us a multitude of different gods, different laws and most importantly, different dress codes. How amusing and how pathetically sad that the majority are people so brainwashed by this nonsense and that it causes all the violence that is does. Posted by KnightWhoSaysNi, Monday, 12 December 2005 10:35:53 PM
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Knight etc
I found your post very interesting and worth reading. Illiterate? My you are egocentric. How is your super-ego? Merry Christmas Kaay Posted by kalweb, Monday, 12 December 2005 11:22:52 PM
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“FH: Not in Australia, but Bosnia 1996, Orthodox Christians (Lead by an Orthodox Priest) killed 8,000 Muslim women and children, cut off two fingers of each hand (babies were not spared) so they meet Jesus with “Trinity” fingers. I have not seen any condemnation and the Pope said : “we are all Christians”, should I assume he included those criminals as well?”
Posted by Fellow_Human, Tuesday, 22 November 2005 4:16:49 PM I read the links FH provided, at Mr.P.Pigs request for validation: There are NO 8000 fingerless victims! There were 3000 victims who kept their fingers… The atrocities in the link are in 1992 not 96 as FH claims. Robert, Even FH knows he lied, he proves it by posting links that are not to the atrocity he originally quotes. I don’t give a dam if it did or didn’t muck up the flow or context of the conversation. I hate that you go out of your way to support unproven statements, especially on such a heavy topic as war atrocities. What questions will I ask? I’d ask/suggest that we keep bringing down the PC. We need honest talk/negotiation not enforced PC scripted ways to think and behave. we’re all full of resentment at not being able to air natural reactions to things we find abhorrent. I said to you, I don’t care if you call me “hateful” I actually meant it. How can I converse with you when your feelings on the issue are drafted for you by new-age emotions of PC dogma? Ifran may not be as nice on the surface as FH but he’s at least honest about how he’s feeling. Have you wondered if we had been able to admit the Lebs were causing problems that Sutherland may not have happened? It was un-PC to say there were specific problems with, or to lay any blame on a minority. Once PC is gone we can actually examine the problem unhindered by fear of the ugly truths. So I’d ask Australians to keep being honest about how they feel regardless of PC. Posted by meredith, Tuesday, 13 December 2005 12:33:52 AM
Hasbeen... spot on.
SHAME on the Cronulla Shire for not taking action on ethnic anti social behavior 2 yrs ago
SHAME on the New South Wales Police for not acting EARLIER (like 2 yrs ago)
on Bob Carr and the State government for pandering to ethnic sensibilities at the expense of social order, and apparently urging magistrates in hot beds of ethnic gang crime to 'go easy' so they can keep the CRIME STATISTICS down... and in a favorable political light.
EXTREME SHAME on all those who held back (for fear of accusations of 'racism') from what they KNEW should be done for the past 2 to 3 yrs for the purposes of POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY or personal gain.
SHAME SHAME SHAME to the magistrates who were confronted with clear cut cases of gang violence but who then BLAMED THE POLICE for racial/religious insensitivity and set the perpetrators FREE !
SHAME IN THE UTMOST to those who failed to support the Police when their station was overrun by ethnic gangsters, intimidating officers
and threatening to kill them and rape their wives.
SHAME ON ME... for not being all I should be under God in Christ.
Matthew 23:27
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean