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I hate Nicole Kidman : Comments

By Adriana Maxwell, published 10/1/2005

Adrianna Maxwell explains why she hates Nicole Kidman

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As it is no surprise to me, morgan, she is no doubt absolutely clueless as to why no one would want to go see her movies, she also doesnt seem to have a clue on how to build a fan base. As it seems her whole life is one pre-arrainged appointment after another, I'd bet a spontanious act as that would be inconceivable, being in that a crowd of fans was probably not included in her script. And being that urban was on his leash, she didnt want him tempted to stray too much. But seeing that she's basically exiled herself in Oz, skipping Canne with golden compass, and simply sending a lame video to comiccon for visiting, stopping for a few moments to show just a modicum of warmth and friendliness to the locals seems to be just too much of a burden to her.
Posted by MACLEN, Tuesday, 7 August 2007 4:10:47 PM
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Please don't forget that NK is way above the rest of us. She doesn't want to mingle with the common folk she may get germs.

Police escort in the country, crikey, she is so out of touch with the real world it is ridiculous - what a sad sad sad existence.
Posted by WAKINGS, Tuesday, 7 August 2007 9:11:11 PM
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Of that I have no doubt, wakings... also, I forgot to mention in my last post last night, that the reason for the quick getaway, is that it would go off script... no doubt that she and urban have some scheduled "outing" already planned out, you know, to mingle with the locals, and also make sure "all" the media will be out to record it. Its the one thing she seems incapable of... spontaneity.
Posted by MACLEN, Wednesday, 8 August 2007 12:36:05 PM
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Maclen, you're probably right.I bet within the next week or so, there will be a 'scripted' 'performance'involving a 'spontaneous' outing to a sheep-shearing competition or a rattlesnake corroboree that involves Mr. and Mrs. Kid-Me-Not hugging a koala or snipping some wool off the back of a sheep..... a spontaneous outing that involves Ms Kidman's publicity slave Wendy Day notifying the international press two days prior to the 'event' so that the whole world can share the Kid-Me-Nots' spontaneous "warm and fuzzy outback experience."
Posted by morgan, Wednesday, 8 August 2007 1:05:51 PM
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In todays Daily Telegraph (Aussie) they have the returns for hollywood actors. NK and Russell Crowe compared poorly to others.

For every dollar NK is paid she returns 8 million at the box office, sadly RC was worse he only returned 5 million for every dollar he is paid.

Matt Damon was the best return with 24 million. Jennifer Aniston topped the females with 17 million (which surprised me).
Posted by WAKINGS, Wednesday, 8 August 2007 8:59:17 PM
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And no doubt, morgan, that you can be sure that People mag. will have those pics for this weekend... she's reality tone deaf to actually do all those type of things!
yeah i read that article wakings... the reality does not match the perception the reality deprived tinseltown braindead have of her... although I thought reading the article again this morining, doesnt it say for every dollar paid to her she earned 8 dollars, and not 8 million dollars? maybe I missed something? I got the impression when I first read it as being especially bad...

Also on the news ticker this morning, another movie shes doing was announced... how many does that make now? 4, 5? this ones about a nuerotic shut in who begins to see ghosts... and as a few of these articles are pointing out, didnt she already make this movie, called The Others?? I cant wait for these wrecks of films to come out and go unnoticed or mocked.
Posted by MACLEN, Thursday, 9 August 2007 3:17:58 AM
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