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Will the Ukraine stalemate spawn climate catastrophe? : Comments
By Andris Heks, published 7/6/2022It is not every day that you hear two of the world's shrewdest senior voices in international affairs, George Soros and Henry Kissinger agree.
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 17 June 2022 11:04:32 AM
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Armchair Critic,
It sounds like you're putting in a great deal of time and effort into evaluating everything. As far as George Soros is concerned I only know him as a financial speculator. However I like what he had to say back in 1998 when he spoke of reason, the supremacy of science, and the universal brotherhood of humans, as the pillars on which we can build a better future. That George Soros should laud these things to me shows that a business person as much as an ecological scientist or a moral philosopher can willingly embrace what is important to achieve sustainability on our planet. And surely that is a good thing. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 17 June 2022 4:19:46 PM
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Hi Foxy,
Yes I've gone through it all and I could debate things he said point for point. - But I'm not sure that is what I want to do here. If I were to do that I could easily write 1000+ words (and did so already in notes I already prepared with about half his article or more) and I'm not even sure what the purpose would be, except to point out how generic and bland his article and viewpoints actually were. Generally speaking I think he mischaracterised a lot of things, on all topics, whether it be Russia, China, Covid, or his view of the world being open or closed societies. I sat back and tried to take it all in and look at the broader picture, and most of all I looked at what involvement he himself had of the events that have now taken place. I thought about his own involvement in the overthrow of the Yanukovych government in 2014 as well as the Orange revolution in 2004, as well as other coloured revolutions in the region around the same time. I also thought about Zbigniew Brzezinski's book 'The Grand Chessboard'. I came across another article I'd rather share instead. Keep in mind Foxy this is an article written by a left-leaning writer. Yves Engler has been dubbed "one of the most important voices on the Canadian Left today" In it you'll at least get some confirmation of the things I've been trying to say to you. USAID, National Endowment for Democracy, George Soros Open Society Foundation, plus a whole lot of Foreign State Actors, and pushing the country towards Western Monetery policy. I'm not sure this is the best article, - But it will let you see that things are a lot more complicated than what it seems on the outside. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 18 June 2022 4:51:48 AM
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Maybe I should have my 2 cents on Climate Change. For the record, I'm not against things that are better for the environment. Take this article for example: I think it's a great idea, and we should be doing more of these kinds of things. I support better ideas and ingenuity that we decide and put forward for our own betterment. What I'm opposed to is rule by foreign treaty, and policy built around targets imposed by elites and unelected foreign beaurecrats, I myself see this as a different kind of tyranny and I don't support it. I was particularly peeved today with many people struggling with the cost of living, talk of impending rolling blackouts, war on coal, on the one side, and Albo increasing the Climate Change targets on the other. It seems like a complete disconnect to me. I was taught 'Don't cut your nose off to spite your face', and that's why I think much of these climate change policies amount to. Let me tell you the pain hasn't even been felt yet, there's going to be more interest rate rises to curb inflation, and people are going to lose their homes and businesses and in some cases jobs, and people renting are going to be costed out of the market and living in tents. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 18 June 2022 5:07:47 AM
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Right now, I'm more interested in the Ukrainian biolab situation, and Western State Sponsored Media Censorship. Why was it that the day the war started the Government of Ukraine ordered all evidence burned? (Skip to 33mins and see the footage for yourselves) These people aren't working on a common cold. How do you all feel about NAZI's doing human experiments with bio-weapons on psychiatric patients? I'd heard rumours about this already, it reads like Joseph Mengler all over again. You talk about freedom and liberty? (I guess these are the opposite of tyranny, right?) Do you support the current state of things where some talking points are promoted and others are suppressed, all to manipulate our knowledge and understanding of what's actually going on around us. - That's not a free society at all, is it? It's a different kind of tyranny. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 18 June 2022 5:28:54 AM
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Hi Armchair Critic
I thank you for attending to the references I gave you, though you did not respond much to their contents. I read with interest your references. I found no smoking gun in the references you provided either against George Soros or the Canadian government. I am all for legitimate investment by the West in developing and strengthening civic pro-democracy groups in dictatatorial regimes or in fledging democracies. Dictators fear nothing more than a strong civic society where organisations are committed to free speach and democracy. This is how Walesa's trade union movement, backed by the West and the Pope, was able to mobilise people power successfully against the Soviet puppet regime in Poland too. I have no problem with the Orange Revolution in Ukraine having been ultimately staged by an Ukrainian people power movement, even if it was assisted by the West. I am all for non-violent resistance to dictatorships both outside of Western democracies and inside them e.g. against the attempt of the military industrial complex within Western democracies to subjugate democracies to serve their warmongering, profit oriented purposes. It is one thing to recognise faults in Western democracies but it is another to fall for the pro-Russian propaganda campaign financed by Russia and in the West by, for example, by Murdoch's Fox News, and its fascist offshoots. Germany has all the right to lay charges against so called independent journalists who simply perpetrate Russian lies in the Ukraine war. And be careful which source's info. you assume to be fact. A classic mistake you make is your believing ex-Fox news crimianlly convicted real estate fraudster Clayton Morris. which you quoted. Look at the conclusion of his loss of a multimillion dollars real estate fraud case here: entitled: CLAYTON MORRIS LOSES $7 MILLION LAW suit. See last few minutes of the video. Continued below. Posted by Andris, Saturday, 18 June 2022 2:16:50 PM
I've watched all videos, poems, articles;
I listened to Soros' address at Davos,
- which was a reading of the 'The Fight of Our Lives' article he wrote.
Michi's link didn't work in the forum but I found the article here:
- FYI the reason the url Michi gave didn't work was because he left out a hyphen in between 'by' and 'george'.
I listened to the questions to Soros by the people in attendance;
I watched the YouTube video from MSNBC - Sen. Warnock: ‘A Vote Is A Kind Of Prayer’ For The World We Desire
I looked up and read the poem 'One Sentence About Tyranny' by Gyula Illyés,
- then I read your article Andris (and saw the poem was included.)
I'm not sure the purpose of the MSNBC video, but will add comment on the events at the January 6 US Capitol Building.
I listened carefully to what Soros has said and have taken notes, and I re-read Foxy's poem.
I've taken it all in and I'm thinking about how to respond.
- It's taken me a couple hours to go through it all.