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The Forum > Article Comments > Concerns about immigration should not be ignored > Comments

Concerns about immigration should not be ignored : Comments

By Graham Young, published 15/10/2015

Growing unease about Muslim immigration should be a part of our political conversation.

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The problem is that the federal government puts the cart before the horse and 'diversity' - which NO government has ever sought a mandate for - ahead of the public good.

If the federal government should learn anything from Rotherham UK child sex trafficking scandals, it would be that it isn't only named and court-sentenced criminal gangs and terrorists who import and introduce toxic values, traditions and behaviour to the host country. There are ethnics who are every bit as likely to present threats to the safety and wellbeing of Australians and are likely to be corrosive to the democratic traditions and freedom we value. You can take the Kashmiri out of Kashmir, but you cannot take the Kashmir toxic values, traditions and behaviour out of the Kashmiri.

There is NO reason why for example, Somali or Kashmiri Muslims, especially without papers and a proved record of good behaviour (always unavailable), should be preferred and allocated priority over the many thousands of better prospects for citizenship and contribution to society (through work skills known to be in short supply, for a start).

The objectives of Australia's migration program need to be restated, direct consultation entered into with the public and a new mandate sought for the policy and practices. It would be surprising indeed if voters supported the appeals system and wouldn't prefer the Dept of Immigration to have the final say instead.

You would be re-writing the findings of independent reports and history if you denied that Pakistani (Kashmir) men targeting white girls for abuse was repeatedly played down for fear of accusations of racism.

Also that the UK Labour Party was involved. It is all about votes in marginal seats.

Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 16 October 2015 10:50:29 AM
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<Rotherham: politics ‘imported from Pakistan’ fuelled sex abuse cover-up – MP
Simon Danczuk says unhealthy style of politics obsessed with ‘looking after your own’ fuelled culture of cover-up in child sex abuse cases

An unhealthy brand of politics “imported” from Pakistan is partly to blame for the cover-up of mass child abuse in Rotherham and other British cities, a campaigning MP has claimed.

Simon Danczuk, who helped expose a pattern of grooming of white teenage girls by men from a Pakistani background in Rochdale, where he is the Labour MP, said a culture of intimidation and closing of ranks within parts of the Asian community had mired politics in towns and cities across northern England for years.

He said Asian councillors were under constant pressure from the community to “conform” and other politicians acquiesced for fear of being accused of racism, failing to face up to evidence of abuse as a result.

Last week a scathing inquiry report said there had been a “blatant” failure of leadership from politicians and council officials in Rotherham over the sexual abuse of at least 1,400 children over 16 years.

The Rotherham scandal and a series of cases in towns including Rochdale highlighted how evidence of Pakistani men targeting white girls for abuse was repeatedly played down for fear of accusations of racism..
He said he had personally come under pressure from Asian councillors and members of the community for speaking out as well as being warned by prominent figures in his party.

He pointed to the way in which two Muslim councillors in Rochdale had provided character references for one of the perpetrators of the Rochdale abuse...

He described it as “a looking after your own” within the Asian community which other politicians had accepted.

Ann Cryer, the former MP for Keighley, said she had come under constant pressure from the “politically correct brigade” when she raised the issue.">

The common denominator: targeting of non-Muslim girls>
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 16 October 2015 10:52:40 AM
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The outcome of the traditional presence of religion is what is leading many rejections of faiths which don't conform to those forced into us from our birth.
Religion causes much of the conflict in the world. The better solution is to reject totally the idea of some fantasy deity, and instead to rely on one's own ethics and responsibility for actions and thoughts.
Posted by Ponder, Friday, 16 October 2015 11:33:35 AM
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Saudi Suse

You can't be serious.

You have no respect for Australian culture
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 16 October 2015 11:44:11 AM
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Deport them to the Caliphate, wherever it appears, Afghanistan seems the most likely region to spawn the first stable outpost once the Taliban re take the countryside, the Syrian takeover has been complicated by Russian intervention but it's still alive.
I'm not really being serious but it could be done without too much fuss and literally no one would miss them, crime would drop dramatically and it's not like they contribute anything to society which we'd miss.
A better and more workable plan would be cut off their family benefits and to ban their kids from attending school past primary level, make it clear that particular ethnic groups have no future in this country, eventually the only people left would be very elderly and the "Muslim" population would disappear without any violence whatsoever.
It's clear that most "good" people also loathe Islam and Muslim people it's just that they fear the solution more than the problem due to years of negative conditioning toward ethnic cleansing and religious intolerance, which is unfortunate because the "pogrom" has always been a necessary and valuable part of every truly strong, civilised society throughout history.
Maybe instead of trying to make the Muslims more like us we need to be more like them or at least meet them half way, the ideas I've outlined in this post are more in the spirit of Islam than any current, realistically workable system.
Call it cultural appropriation, in exchange for their greasy lamb sandwiches we'll accept the fighting spirit of the Jihad.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 16 October 2015 7:42:29 PM
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A good thing and there should be more of it,

<Scott Morrison defends Kiwi detentions

Treasurer and former immigration minister Scott Morrison
Scott Morrison says New Zealanders convicted of crime in Australia have worn out their welcome.

FORMER immigration minister Scott Morrison has delivered a blunt message to hundreds of New Zealanders convicted of crimes who are facing deportation from Australia.

"IF you're here on a visa and you've committed sexual assault, if you're a gangster, if you're a bikie gang member, if you've engaged in physical assault or murder ... you've worn out your welcome in this country," he told reporters in Sydney on Friday.

"I don't care how long you've been here."
Mr Morrison's comments came as Malcolm Turnbull left for New Zealand on his first official overseas visit as prime minister...

"It is very important that we maintain our standards, our security and that is why we have a very long-standing practice, it isn't applied indiscriminately and is applied with discretion," he said.
Mr Morrison acknowledged there was free movement of citizens between the two nations.
"But ... if you abuse that privilege, then you should have no expectation that you'd be able to stay," he said.

Mr Morrison recalled that during his time as immigration minister he saw some "very grisly" cases including sexual abuse of children.
He defended Australia's policy of automatically deporting visa holders who had spent more than a year in prison.>

Also topical,
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 16 October 2015 8:58:48 PM
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