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Concerns about immigration should not be ignored : Comments

By Graham Young, published 15/10/2015

Growing unease about Muslim immigration should be a part of our political conversation.

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Dear Julian,

All those "records" are faked - from 'A' to 'Z'.

Yes, there were Arab tribes and Jewish tribes and there were wars between them, but as Robert Spencer shows, the conquered tribes (including Jewish tribes) never heard the name "Muhammad" or "Islam" and were never asked to convert to anything. There are many archaeological records left from that period, but none of them suggests that Islam existed until at least 790 A.D.

It's likely that Aisha didn't even exist, or if she did then she had no relation to Muhammad.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 22 October 2015 12:33:25 AM
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Yuyutsu, sorry but you are reading the wrong books. Spencer is wrong, he is trying to discredit Islam in a way that he thinks may work but he is wrong. Mohammed was around at a time when civilization was well advanced & there is mountains of credible sources to confirm his bloodthirsty ways. The bloodthirsty Imams who came after are following his example perfectly.

EmperorJulian, spot on, i have met Harry & we are putting a team of theologians together to further the initial work.

Yuyutsu, Mohammed is a 100% evil false prophet all Muslims need do in order to follow God is convert to Christianity or Judaism.

EmperorJulian, actually Mohammed in his early period had been trying to be Christian but the Pagan Arabs rejected him because they had nothing of their own & lived by stealing to survive. Look at their fairy tales Ali Baba & the 40 thieves, Sin-Bad the pirate.

We could easily deport all Muslims tomorrow, just not en masse, slow steady repatriation is the best way because that way we can repair both Australia & the middle east.

Toni Lavis, the Raj were conservative christian protesters that is why they had & still have the highest morals, ethics & principles in world history.

Yuyutsu, sorry those records were not faked & are well corroborated. Mohammed tried to teach Christianity to the Pagan Arabs who enjoyed thievery too much, eventually he decided if you can't beat them join them. He incorporated professional criminality into Islam, became the most respected warlord in Arabia because he took less % rate of the booty for himself than the existing warlords. There is no honour among thieves so they all joined Mohammed's gang for the better pay.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Thursday, 22 October 2015 4:31:27 AM
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Dear Imacentristmoderate,

I admit that I did not read the books you recommended - but Robert Spencer did read them all and many more, even in the original Arabic language which I presume you haven't.

Robert Spencer dedicates his life to the critical research of Islam, I watched many of his videos, including when he debates with others about Islam, and I am convinced by his arguments.

Therefore, while I find several faults in Islam as we know it today, I find no fault in Muhammad himself, peace be upon him, which would be rolling in his grave in agony had he been able to hear all these gruesome and false allegations attributed to him. It's plainly a case of identity theft!

If you wish to continue this discussion, then you should address it to Robert Spencer instead.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 22 October 2015 7:36:06 PM
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My gut feeling about Reclaim Australia is that it will repeat the Hanson phenomenal impact on federal politics, and one of our priorities should be to head it off at the pass.

One of the fatal aspects of weak Commonwealth government is the creation of nine Sovereign States within Australia. State taxation however clothed is an enormous burden, and it can only be attacked by restoring the Justice System, and Reclaiming Australia for its Christian majority. Government by lawyers for lawyers is not good government. It was not good government in the Roman Empire, and it is not good government in Australia. Since 1952 we have become a de-facto republic, without an effective Head of the State of the Commonwealth. The Head of State should be Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second representing Almighty God and if She is unwilling to do so then another should be found. We are de-facto nine Islamic Republics. That is why Reclaim Australia is so dangerous. Lawyers have formed a cartel, and both Turnbull and Bill Shorten are legally trained. That cartel should be smashed and good government restored.

Islamic fanatics kill people wherever they can. Disagree and in many parts of the world, one does not live long. The most violent people in Australia are the Judges and Magistrates. They inflict terror in the name of the State on individuals. Pay our State Taxes ( fines, costs orders) or we will destroy you. We now have an army of Police and Sheriffs doing just that. I have sent to the Prime Minister what is needed to restore Australia to what the majority want. As Yamamoto warned Japan. Beware the sleeping tiger. The sleeping tiger in Australia is being galvanised by the atrocities of Islam, and that tiger is the majority Christian population. It could destroy both the Liberal Party and the Labor Party. By having Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second restored to Her Majesty, instead of being nine fictitious sovereigns, and impotent, the Prime Minister can head off Reclaim Australia and make us free again.
Posted by Peter Vexatious, Saturday, 24 October 2015 1:09:22 PM
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