The Forum > Article Comments > Saving democracy from the extremists > Comments
Saving democracy from the extremists : Comments
By Junaid Cheema, published 25/2/2015The publication had a very un-Australian affect on the readers - comments flooded the paper's social media site vilifying Muslims, promoting hate and creating divisions amongst Australians.
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Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 12 March 2015 7:12:30 AM
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" I agree with the article. Racial Hatred does spread discord & disharmony." Racial hatred and not the religious hatred spreads discord & disharmony; is this what you are saying? Please state clearly, don't mince your words. "Of course there are. (Muslim Scholars with message of peace and harmony) All with the same message, “Islam is the Religion of peace providing you convert. If not, we’ll kill you.” Are you aware that you are lying? This is not the message of religious scholars. How could it be, when Quran gives right to people to be of different faiths. I said, you are lying; it is harsh word, I used it as you will find it out yourself, that you are lying. Don't take my word for it. Don't rely on Muslim scholars. Ask the Christians who have read the religion what the message of Islam is and they will tell you that you are lying. Start with; The True, Peaceful Face Of Islam By Karen Armstrong,9171,175987,00.html And if you are serious, so far you have shown you are not, list of more non Muslim Scholars could be provided to you. "and only pick the imposters and fanatics and spread their word." Yes you picked up the imposter. The video clip you posted is of Anjem Choudary.. Find out his religious education and you would know he is an imposter religious scholar. A man of suspect character, who is viewed by some Muslims in his own country as " an enemy of Islam" and you and your Israeli friends pedal him as a prominent Muslim Scholar." Why, because he says exactly what you and your Israeli friends want said about Islam; "as far as non-Muslims are concerned they have not accepted Islam and as far as we are concerned that is a crime against God." Anjem Choudary, BBC HARDtalk (8 August 2005)" "Hey, your in trouble now. I sent those imposters a copy of your post. Keep a good look out mate." Thank you for spreading the truth. Let those imposters be exposed like you are exposed Good luck Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 12 March 2015 7:27:47 AM
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Thank you for spreading the truth. Let those imposters be exposed like you are exposed
So you don’t agree that; Australia should become the Great Southern Caliphate, All Australians must become moslems, Sharia Law must never be implemented, Homosexuals & Adulters must be whipped & stoned, Women must wear the face Burka or similar covering. Are you saying you don’t agree with any of that because, that’s what your imposters want. Well done McAdam. See being harmonious doesn’t hurt & we can all get along. Moslems can do their thing without imposing on Western Culture & we don’t care what you lot do as long as it doesn’t impinge on ANYTHING we do in the West. Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 12 March 2015 1:40:59 PM
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"Hey, your in trouble now. I sent those imposters a copy of your post. Keep a good look out mate." Your threat reenforces my suspicion ,...... that there are people active on this Forum, who are mindful that their posts are being monitored by "their big brother" and if they did not get it right, they could be in trouble. What else is the explanation of their ridiculous conduct that they hasten to post the hate material against Islam wether it is relevant to the topic or not?......same rubbish on all threads, so much so the wording is the same even though the topics of the threads are poles apart. And they persist on repeating their falsehood even after it has been proven to be a pack of lies, to every one on the Forum and possibly to themselves too. Well done Jayab, "they" would be pleased with you. "Richard Perle.I have never heard of him." "Richard Norman Perle.. is a member of several think-tanks including ....the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA).......Perle has written extensively on a number of issues."... "Richard Perle, a leading neoconservative theorist and architect of the Iraq war,...." The net is full of Richard Perle and his Decontextualization and you claim you have never heard of him. You, who reverberates the words Richard has tried to put in the mouth of the world. You, who promptly digs out Razia Sultana, feigns ignorance of Richard Perle. And you say instantaneously, "I have never heard of him.", in the style of a criminal, caught red handed; " I've nothing to do with it". Afraid, that big brother would be unhappy, you blew the cover? Continued .. Posted by McAdam, Thursday, 12 March 2015 2:11:10 PM
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Dear oh dear. Too clever by half: I wrote: <<I did NOT state that the Koran was so backward that it supported child marriage>> which you distorted to mean "You have agreed that: Quran does not support child marriage ". No I haven't. I did not state that the Koran DID NOT support child marriage either. i.e., neither yes or no. Can you see the difference ? As for chid marriage, Surah 64: 4 seems to imply that a man can divorce his 'wife' before she has menstruated, i.e. when she is still pre-pubescent. That sounds like 'child marriage' to me. It's all a bit irrelevant, since what may have been condoned fourteen hundred years ago, n tribal society, is surely not condoned these days. Am I wrong ? Perhaps I'm taking it all out of context ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 12 March 2015 3:23:02 PM
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Item ONE: You have not answered my question: “Do you consider an Islamophobe to be an extremist who spreads hate against Muslims?” Why are you avoiding an answer? Item TWO: You discover that <<Surah 64: 4 seems to imply that a man can divorce his 'wife' before she has menstruated, i.e. when she is still pre-pubescent. That sounds like 'child marriage' to me.>> Here is the translation of 64:4 64:4 - He knoweth all that is in the heavens and the earth, and He knoweth what ye conceal and what ye publish. And Allah is Aware of what is in the breasts (of men).[Pickthall] I thought may be you switched numbers, so I also looked at 4:64 Here is the translation: 4:64 - We sent no messenger save that he should be obeyed by Allah's leave. And if, when they had wronged themselves, they had but come unto thee and asked forgiveness of Allah, and asked forgiveness of the messenger, they would have found Allah Forgiving, Merciful.[Pickthall] And you ask <<Perhaps I'm taking it all out of context ?>>. What do you think? Don’t you gather ‘dirt’ synthesized by your Islamophobe mind to throw on a faith? Think about it!! THREE: I asked you whether you mean what you say in <<I did NOT state that the Koran was so backward that it supported child marriage>> And you said ‘Yes’ you mean it. Now you say what you meant was <<neither yes or no>>. The new answer came to your mind after your discovery exposed in Item TWO above. In any case, you are first person that I have come across whose ‘Yes’ means ‘neither yes or no’ Loudmouth, you stand on a week footing. Discard your hateful resources. Read real history like thousands of westerners have done which gave them deep respect of Islam. There must be a reason for Islam to be the fastest growing religion in the west. To find out the reason, you MUST step out of you make-belief world. I am waiting for you answer to my question in Item ONE above. Posted by NC, Thursday, 12 March 2015 6:08:19 PM
I think the mix is a lot less clear than either side of the debate would have us believe. There are muslims trying to live and bring change but also far more than muslim apologists would have us believe who cling to dangerous values.
Its clear that other faiths have content in their sacred writings and traditions that demands or condones actions that most would consider barbaric (part of the reason the west has moved away from theocratic rule). It not clear though that other faiths currenty have nearly so many adherants wlling to treat toe parts as relevant in this era.
I'm not aware of any other faith that currently appears able to draw recruits from such a wide selection of countries and cultures to go and fight in the name of that faith and either commit or support the most barbaric of actions (often against others of the same nominal faith).
I personally find the difference in strength of reaction from muslims around the world to the publication of cartoons and a variety of actions carried out in the name of their faith (and widely publicised) pretty telling. The far bigger insult to their faith should be the rapes, the slaughter of non-combatants, the use of extreme forms of torture etc rather than cartoons draw by a non-believer. It appears that perspective is oe not widely held by muslims.