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Vigilante justice: feminism's latest attack on human rights : Comments
By Adam Blanch, published 22/8/2014Mr Clark has initiated laws that will allow those who have obtained an apprehended violence order against another person to 'name and shame' that person in the press.
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Posted by G'dayBruce, Sunday, 24 August 2014 7:53:12 PM
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Gee, Susie, if we are going to go by personal experience, I don't know about all these 'raped' and 'DV victims' either.
I guess I don't work in the DV/Rape industry so I only know normal people. And I don't know a single woman who has been raped and the only victims of DV I know are men. Once upon a time there was a stigma about rape and so there may have been a hidden problem but those days are long gone. Victim status is now something to be proud of. We all know the types who are drawn to this victim milieu. They are often depressed, single woman on benefits who go from one troubled relationship to the next. Sometimes they have a gambling or drug/alcohol problem and so making a rape/DV claim just makes them, well, a victim. It absolves them of all personal responsibility. We could test this theory about Shorten's accusor but, alas, accusors can make any claim secure in the knowledge their names and personal histories will never be revealed. We will never know. I know Schadenfreude is not an emotion to be proud of, but I couldn't help smiling when Shorten had to come clean about this accusation. Imagine Bill, one of the 'good people' who has spent his whole live advocating for the 'equality' and 'rights' of woman, now being accused of rape. Great stuff. I suspect that for every one real rape claim there are five malicious claims made to make-up for hurt feelings. Just ask Bill. Posted by dane, Sunday, 24 August 2014 8:22:25 PM
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Wrong, Feminists don't take power away from men, they enter into power sharing arrangements with the powerful in society, the state, big business etc. Feminists work with the state and vested interests to keep men from "doing anything stupid", like organising effective political parties or trade unions. The powerful elements of society love having women on staff because they're more obedient than men and less likely to strike or demand better treatment. As I said,male Feminists are the enforcers, they're the guys in the black hoodies and balaclavas who turn out to bash anyone who challenges Feminism: The activists like the ones in the photo aren't challenging the real power in society, they're attacking "patriarchy" ie anyone who disagrees with Feminism for any reason. Suse, I think you're just out of touch with the real world, Feminism no longer represents what you think it does, the reason it's being protested so vigorously is that the new generation are utterly obnoxious people like Chanty Binx,Suey Park,Miriam Weeks and Anita Sarkeesian. These are the daughters and proteges of the fourth wave and they're completely unhinged and unreasonable. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 24 August 2014 8:26:16 PM
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The same tired old arguments, time and time again, this gets really boring.
We have the feminist concrete thinkers, who believe every one else should bend to will and beliefs. We have the individuals who try to make inflammatory statements and use sophistry to try and win their point of view. So really it pretty pointless waste of time trying to point out errors of feminism and some feminists. In reality it appears that they just want to continue the stats quo. So never really putting into place measures that just might be really effective and achieve their so called desired outcomes. Posted by Wolly B, Sunday, 24 August 2014 9:30:19 PM
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Jay Of Mars
Well if women like Anita Sarkeesian are ‘obnoxious’ (as opposed to silent, submissive and seductive – the way men designed them to be), what does that make the Neanderthal YouTube War that has been waging against her for the last three years? A war that includes creative, imaginative stuff like online games where your reward for progressing to the next level is the privilege to gang-rape her onscreen. This campaign became so TOXIC and BESTIAL that even diehard anti-feminist male gamers started yelling STOP! Not because they didn’t agree with the rampant vitriol being waged against her ad nauseum, but because they were concerned that it might make them look bad and turn her into a feminist martyr. Oh, dear. Defending male innocence has its drawbacks. In fact, it has gotten so bad and even dangerous, that not only has she had to disable the comments on all her videos, even videos by other people who are supportive of her work have had to disable their comments. I won’t put up any links, but for anyone who wants to check out this sick, sick campaign just go to YouTube and type Anita Sarkeesian. WARNING! It ain’t pretty. And keep a bucket handy. R0bert Wow! You have my undying admiration. Your latest little side-swipe at me takes passive-aggressiveness and bullying-by-proxy to the level of an art form Posted by Killarney, Monday, 25 August 2014 12:18:34 AM
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Killarney, BS and I think you know that. You opened with a mocking and dishonest attack on research that has tried to give a more realistic portrayal of DV numbers than the stuff you prefer. I think you know enough on the topic to know how dishonest (other than through the lens of marxist concepts of power) what passes as feminist research is on the topic, especially the way the numbers are portrayed in public. What you are doing is a tired old game that has a lot more interest in feminist political agendas than in reducing actual DV or other social ills.
Odd, in other areas you often make some good points but on gender issues you are so stuck in your polarised views that I'm left wondering what drives that in you. We are all human, all in this together with good an bad on both sides of whatever passes for a gender divide. The pretense of some long term and on going male oppression of women is a handy lie but its not the reality of most peoples lives. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Monday, 25 August 2014 5:36:27 AM
Firstly, if the feminist narrative hasn't been influencing everything then why are the laws the way they now are? Men sure as heck didn't dream them up and force them on us, did they?
As for "not expressing violence", the ability to do that must be learned, it doesn't come naturally, and since it's instinctive and usually emotional the logic of it is largely irrelevant.
The "patriarchy" so beloved of feminists is a thing of the past, and only women can allow themselves to be ruled by men, if they don't want that then there are already ample ways for them to not have to suffer, far more than there are avenues for men to free themselves from abusive situations.
As pointed out, between the laws and the media any man accused is faced with proving his innocence, and even if he can, very difficult to achieve, the mud still sticks, it makes a mockery of the presumption of innocence.
Also, yes, women, despite common sense or experience, ARE attracted to violent and domineering men, that too is genetic, we've all seen it in action, time after time, despite all the education and denials.
Oh stuff this, I'm starting a thread on this, it should appear tomorrow.
I note too the disparagement above of women who choose a traditional role, instead of trying to be faux men as the feminists desire.