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Vigilante justice: feminism's latest attack on human rights : Comments

By Adam Blanch, published 22/8/2014

Mr Clark has initiated laws that will allow those who have obtained an apprehended violence order against another person to 'name and shame' that person in the press.

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Well said Loudmouth.
No one can 'force' someone else to think the way they do.
Suicide and homelessness are caused largely by mental health issues, and are not gender related.

Dane, as a community nurse I have and do work with homeless people too.
Have you?
One thing is for sure, the often claimed childhood sex abuse and mental illness generally caused their drug or alcohol abuse, and led to their relationship breakdowns and homelessness.
But you would know that already of course?

As for personal experiences, a relative of mine is just going through an awful divorce where her husband verbally threatened her all through the past 3 years of her marriage.
She has lost most of the money she put into the marriage and he has come out with most of the marital assets, because she was too scared to fight for equal shares.

So don't tell me it is a woman's world.
Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 26 August 2014 10:11:57 AM
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RObert, "I'm strongly of the view that trying to make DV about men by feminists (and some others) is a big part of the failure to get the rates down more than we have"

Don't feminists keep enlarging the definition to increase the numbers? However quite apart from that, genderising violence has a number of negative outcomes, the most obvious being that taxpayers' money is being wasted on feminist inspired (and again genderised) 'treatments' that are ineffectual in addressing the contributing causes. Nothing like researcher error for producing garbage that wastes money. Although those who are milking the public purse wouldn't see it that way.

I could take the easy example to point out that in by far the greatest majority of cases the children who grow up to see violence as their preferred solution were raised by women. What modelling in the home has produced that and what can be done about it? Remembering that alcohol and drug abuse, and child neglect are likely culprits in that sorry modelling.

I could also mention that the preferred shaming of men is unnecessarily generalised and could produce negative behaviour including self harm in boys and youth. Its use would have slim effect on the offenders anyhow, but the strategy serves another purpose, to justify and prop up those consultancies and careers of educated middle class feminists.

However my concerns are rooted in far more fundamental matters, such as the splitting and wastage of available taxpayers' money. Quite obviously there should be federally coordinated independent national research into violence. Also, the feminist inspired 'solutions' (that are not solutions at all) make worse and could never improve, the existing problems in coordination of health and others social programs among the levels of government and with private suppliers.
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 26 August 2014 10:23:36 AM
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Suseonline, "So don't tell me it is a woman's world"

Apparently it isn't a men's world either.

Violence is violence. It is all abhorrent.

<More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals
Campaign group Parity claims assaults by wives and girlfriends are often ignored by police and media
Data from Home Office statistical bulletins and the British Crime Survey show that men made up about 40% of domestic violence victims each year between 2004-05 and 2008-09, the last year for which figures are available. In 2006-07 men made up 43.4% of all those who had suffered partner abuse in the previous year, which rose to 45.5% in 2007-08 but fell to 37.7% in 2008-09.

Similar or slightly larger numbers of men were subjected to severe force in an incident with their partner, according to the same documents. The figure stood at 48.6% in 2006-07, 48.3% the next year and 37.5% in 2008-09, Home Office statistics show.

The 2008-09 bulletin states: "More than one in four women (28%) and around one in six men (16%) had experienced domestic abuse since the age of 16. These figures are equivalent to an estimated 4.5 million female victims of domestic abuse and 2.6 million male victims."

In addition, "6% of women and 4% of men reported having experienced domestic abuse in the past year, equivalent to an estimated one million female victims of domestic abuse and 600,000 male victims".
The number of women prosecuted for domestic violence rose from 1,575 in 2004-05 to 4,266 in 2008-09. "Both men and women can be victims and we know that men feel under immense pressure to keep up the pretence that everything is OK," said Alex Neil, the housing and communities minister in the Scottish parliament. "Domestic abuse against a man is just as abhorrent as when a woman is the victim.">
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 26 August 2014 11:05:55 AM
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It's so depressing to read some of the comments. And it's so depressing to have so many blaming women. Women bully men to the point were they can't help themselves and therefore beat a woman. Why didn't he leave if she was so awful? That's what women get to hear all the time. Why didn't you leave him when he was so violent? Children are brought up in violent homes headed by women. Women cause men to commit suicide. The homeless men are there because of women.

No wonder they deserve to die at the rate of 1 a week and be hospitalized. Women, and feminists in particular, brought this on themselves.

What do some of you propose? If a woman gets injured presume she's guilty and very probably deserved it and she should just suck it up, behave, or move out?

And feminists get blamed for making one gender (men) bad and the other good.

But as Suse pointed out, let one boy stroll around late at night on the street after drinking minding his own business get killed by one punch, meted out by another MALE, who also has been drinking and all hell breaks loose and draconian laws are instantly enacted.

Men don't like getting killed by men, neither do women.

I started this thread by saying I didn't think naming and shaming is a good idea. My experience is that domestic violence has quite a number of factors, primarily, but not only, a man being exposed to violence in his childhood. Reading the anti women diatribe, and that's all it is, I've changed my mind. Forget the AVO, just go straight for telling and shaming. To everybody. Until he moves out and on and goes for his counselling sessions with this article's author where he can get reinforcement about all these evil manipulative women driving him to violence, he could still be peacefully at home, but for the evil feminists turning his woman, not to mention the law, against him.
Posted by yvonne, Tuesday, 26 August 2014 3:43:43 PM
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The attempts to keep the focus on the violence of men in domestic relationships is simply a way of diverting attention from the culpability of women in choosing to enter domestic relationships in the first place. Violence between any two persons in society is a problem – it does not matter where or how that violence exists. We have structures in place to protect people from violence. If, however, you can avoid that violence and you choose not to then you cannot blame the society for failure to protect you. Society, laws and police are there to protect you when you cannot protect yourself.

Every day we are told that one in three women will be victims of domestic violence and yet women continue to enter into a situation where they have a 30 per cent chance of being beaten up. No one forces them into this situation. Any human being man or woman who enters any situation which they do not have to enter knowing full well that they have a one in three chance of being injured is a complete fool and shows a lack of self-respect.

Many women say they had no way of knowing that the man would become violent. They do know – they are told relentlessly that it happens to one in three. It is a gamble and you have to take responsibility for your own actions when you gamble. If you lose your money at the casino you cannot claim that you did not know it could happen. You cannot shift responsibility by blaming the reality of gambling.

Women can simply fix the problem of men’s violence by refusing to enter into domestic relationships with them but that is not the fix they want. They do not want a solution to the problem because there is one right under their noses which they refuse to take up. It is time for women to put up or shut up.

Posted by phanto, Tuesday, 26 August 2014 4:35:09 PM
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If you choose to enter into a situation where you are likely to be beaten up and have no recourse to the law because it upholds the burden of proof then you are entirely culpable for that choice. It is not what women say but what they do that really matters. If you have a way out of a problem and you refuse to take that way then you obviously want to be in domestic relationships for all the wrong reasons.

It is that reality which women do not want to have to face. They do not want to admit that they enter domestic relationships for all the wrong reasons. For romance, security, children, the fairy tale, to please their parents, to ease the peer pressure from their ‘friends’. There are dozens of similar reasons but none of them good ones. There is only one good reason and that is because you love the person you decide to create a domestic situation with.

When a woman enters into a relationship for the right reason she will not want to deny that she entered the relationship knowing full well that there was a 30 per cent chance of being a victim of violence. If she is a victim of violence she will not blame the nature of the relationship or the other person in it. She will not blame the reality of the gamble she took. She will take full responsibility for her choices and accept that she lost. She will extricate herself as best she can from a situation that has turned bad. She will cut her losses and run. She will not try and deny that she lost by blaming her partner’s behaviour since his unpredictability is a big part of the gamble. It is like blaming the deck of cards because they did not fall the way you would have liked.

The answer to the problem is very simple and if you do not want to solve the problem then stop going on about it.
Posted by phanto, Tuesday, 26 August 2014 4:38:23 PM
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