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Vigilante justice: feminism's latest attack on human rights : Comments

By Adam Blanch, published 22/8/2014

Mr Clark has initiated laws that will allow those who have obtained an apprehended violence order against another person to 'name and shame' that person in the press.

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Suseonline, "I see just as many downtrodden women as I do men"

I don't know that anyone in Australia is 'downtrodden'. However some do seek victim status for the benefits and others promote it to keep their well-remunerated careers in the victim industry that was set up by Gough Whitlam. Gough was trying to help, but Labor soon discovered there were votes in legitimising victimhood and maintaining it for a growing mob of rent-seeking private professionals, public bureaucrats and NGOs, even if it resulted in the bucket of taxpayers' money leaking like a sieve.

However I do believe that most women have done very poorly out of feminism because it was always the greedy educated middle class feminists who were running the show and directing policy for their own secondary gain.

I have said in previous threads on the subject that feminists do not recognise the normal, natural and largely chosen transitions that most women go through in life and nor do they (feminists) accept any choice for women but the careerism as a professional that educated middle class women see and have as their right.

To give an example, city planning is of no interest to a middle class feminist, who would rather advise PMs like Abbott towards spreading the fabulous maternity leave conditions enjoyed by public servants. However city planning is of crucial concern to most women of all ages and for real, differing and obvious reasons. The forever whining and selfish middle class feminists have their cars provided by their employer and would abhor the very though of public transport and handling dependents, young and old, in a modern shopping centre. It is rather obvious that over-population destroys the lifestyle of most women, but again the feminists don't give a whit about that either. However they do resent any limitation of the victim and entitlement industries where many have their well-paid careers.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 25 August 2014 2:16:32 PM
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Hi Phanto,

I didn't intentionally suggest that you were a real man :)

I apologise for hurting your feelings. I like people generally, women and men, so you don't have any fears.

Point taken, RoBErT, about merely being 'charged' with breaching an AVO, although to 'name and shame' someone before they have been found guilty and shot, may also be breach of the law, don't you think ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 25 August 2014 2:25:07 PM
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Hiding behind sarcasm is a very cowardly way to apologise. Why are you apologising anyway? My feelings are my problem so if you had no intention of doing harm then what is the point of apologising. It is totally irrational, undignified and lacking in self-respect.
Posted by phanto, Monday, 25 August 2014 3:33:38 PM
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How do you know I'm not a sheila ?

I apologised for hurting your feelings, not for hurting you in corpore. I wouldn't do that :)

BTT: I have no problem with 'naming and shaming' a person who has breached an AVO, male or female: presumably, given the usual emotional history on both sides, such a breach would quite likely have moved quickly to shouts, threats and perhaps actual violence and the terrorising of children. People shouldn't have to put up with that.

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 25 August 2014 4:32:02 PM
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Suse, I wish the men on this thread were not so quick to dismiss what is happening and instead of ridiculing women and having a go at feminism would instead say that real men would never injure a woman.

I'm angry that the author of this article conflated violence with feminism. It is a disgusting bit of dogwhistling.

If none of you have ever bashed a woman, or raped a woman, than it is not about you. The fact is there are a number of men who do just that.

Like Suse I've worked in large public hospitals since 1976. And yes this is personal experience, but the fact is, I've looked after women in Intensive care (!) beaten up by men. AND I've looked after men beaten up by other men. I've never had to look after a man injured by a woman.

It is a fact, the numbers are for anybody to check up, One woman on average DIES EACH WEEK at the hands of a man, her partner or an ex. Do men ever die at the hands of his intimate female partner? Yes, but very few. You read it in the paper whenever it happens, because it is so unusual.

Physical violence against women is a serious problem. It is not because of feminism. It is because there are men out there who think they can beat their wives. They have ALWAYS been there. My mother is 83, well before feminism, she's glad that women can now speak out about this.

It is great that none of the men on this forum would ever lay a hand on a woman and find it hard to believe that this does happen. I can guarantee you that you do know a man who does just that, but you might never know. For all sorts of reasons a woman might not report this, and believe me, it is not related to a paypacket or having or not having charge of that or liking 'bad boys'.
Posted by yvonne, Monday, 25 August 2014 7:32:14 PM
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Yvonne, there is no point tackling the 'good 'ol boys' on this forum with any sort of truth, because they don't want to hear it.

Men have been bashing their intimate partners and other men, long before, and after, feminism was ever thought of.

As usual I will reiterate that it isn't ALL men who are violent, and women can be violent as well of course, but we don't see the same number of deaths and physical injuries amongst the male domestic violence victims as we do the females.

That is a fact, and the medical and law professions know this fact is correct.
Any other rubbish spouted by people who just don't know the facts should be viewed with suspicion....
Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 25 August 2014 8:44:54 PM
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