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Cruise missile targeting of Syria : Comments
By Peter Coates, published 29/8/2013The US and allies seems almost certain to use cruise missiles against the Syrian regime, but what can they sensibly target?
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Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 3 September 2013 12:38:15 AM
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No Loudmouth Joe, we do not agree that the USA has used "chemical weapons" on civilians. All bombs are composed of unstable "chemicals", but what you are implying is that HE bombs composed of "chemicals" equate with poison gas. That is a dishonest proposition, and it reveals the lengths that people like you will go to in embellishing the truth, so that it conforms to your twisted ideology which demonises the USA.
And your claim that "democratic forces" are fighting "fascist forces", makes me shake my head in pitying wonder. Adolph Hitler was democratically elected into power in Germany, does that make the Nazi Party a "democratic force"? What you have in Syria is a bunch of fascists fighting another bunch of fascists. We could just sit back and watch the fun except for one thing, the idiot Syrian regime under Assad insisted on creating an enormous stockpile of poison gas, and if the regime falls then those weapons will get into the hands of fruitcakes like HAMAS and Hezbollah. And if they get them, they will use them, against Israel. So what the shallow thinkers like yourself do not appreciate is that while the yanks may despise Assad for a lot of reasons, including his creation of a huge stockpile of chemical weapons, at least he was not stupid enough to use them on the Israelis. But his opponents are stupid enough to use them. And if they win they will use them. And there is going to be a hell of a war over that. The Israelis are very sensitive to the idea of being gassed to death. I don't know why. So, what the yanks want to do is to destroy those poison gas stockpiles, one way or the other, before things get really nasty and a few million people get killed. Which makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, in the West, we have people who have been conditioned to believe that the USA is the Great Satan and they are unable to think straight. Everything is seen through the distorting lens of their peculiar ideology. Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 3 September 2013 6:25:33 AM
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if force/violence could stop..evil..time has proven it dont
eye for eye for eye for eye..means we all gone our war blinders on. yankies capital;ists..produce poisons.. like naplam..whichkilled MILLIONS of vietnametc israel/usa inc..research murder death [by their works will we know them]..60 percent of usa in destroying things..[israel..aint far behind.. but the war isnt over till the killing ends you dont stop..the murder with more murder Pro-Israel contributions to members of Congress And all those congress-critters pushing for war with Syria are up at the top of that list! Judaism is a "Political Project" "The "peace" which Israel intends to confer is no more and no less than "genocide," the warrant for the execution of all humanity - except for those allowed to live as culture-less slaves." - Herve Ryssen According to Rysssen,..a French National Front member and former history professor, Jewish "Messianism" is a happy face for the NWO. "Peace"..means the end of all resistance* their tyranny. so lets STOP RESISTING.. ie dont fight matter what eye for eye=we all loose let the wars stop..death is only part of living WE ALL DIE some earlier..some later./.but die..we all shall do and once your dead..we much living did you do? did we respect..our own..*gift of living by murder of other..can we explain..why we killed.. why we only lived to kill? even our hired guns have had ENOUGH* should we kill those WHO REALLY DID IT? or keep killing scape goats? stop killing! Of course, Obama will say and do ANYTHING to get the attention of the conference away from BRIC countries, who are now advocating replacing the US dollar as the sovereign world currency. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 September 2013 6:34:31 AM
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I appreciate the depth of frustration that must exist in the tiny, cold hearts of those who can't wait for the U.S. to bomb Syria. They crave the killing, the destruction, the illusion that good is triumphing over evil. Problem is they can't recognize evil especially if it's wrapped in an American flag!
After all, how dare Syria use WMDs! Only the U.S. is allowed their use! They can use napalm, nukes, depleted uranium, white phosphorous, cluster bombs, etc, to their heart's content and everyone should cheer! Of course, they're the 'goodies' at least according to that gigantic intellect, Phoney Abbott! There are some sick people around, people who said nothing when Israel engaged in Operation Cast Lead and killed 1400 Palestinians including 400 children but they condemn completely and utterly those who used gas in Syria and caused the same number of casualties. Don't worry, war-lovers. The U.S. will act and you'll have your fun and the world will move ever closer to its end! Posted by David G, Tuesday, 3 September 2013 8:21:22 AM
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NOBODY should be allowed to use weapons of mass destruction, certainly not poison gas. The question is, what should peace-loving forces in the world propose to do about their use against defenseless civilians ? The answer seems to be: nothing. So we all pull back into our little isolationist shells ? Hard hearts all right. So internationalism is well and truly dead on the Left ? LEGO, If you had read past my first sentence, you would see that I mostly agree with you. Even that first sentence did not concede that the Yanks HAD ever used poison gas, only that if it had done so, it would have been as evil as any other country using it. As for fascist and democratic forces, yes, in this incredibly complex situation, there are fascists fighting fascists, but on the anti-Assad side, apart from the various terrorist groups, there are a range of democratic forces, some pro-US, some much more Left-wing - the head of one major faction was a Communist, after all. In my simple mind, I see the Assad forces and the various terrorist forces as all extreme Right-wing (one of Assad's coalition allies is the National Socialist Party), and the tiny democratic forces as Left-wing, or encompassing some progressive and left-wing factions - sorry, that's just me. So, the world does nothing ? Here's a hypothetical, for what's it's worth: suppose, twenty years ago, the Yanks had had a major base in Kenya and the Rwanda genocide had begun. Would we have advised the Yanks to sit idly by and not get involved ? Before the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, most of the US population didn't want to get involved in the war against Nazism. What would you have advised them, dear reader ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 3 September 2013 9:01:54 AM
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joe..i can..feel..your frustration
but see..war is a destraction there will winner* Russia has sold Syria..highly advanced rocket/launchers, anti-aircraft missiles..and anti-ship missiles...[the usa canonly loose[then..israel-lies win]..previous link but Rwanda..they had to..stop killing.. because of outside diplomicy..not bombs [it also proved...EVEN boots..*on the ground..didnt end it] catchup..with the root cause of much of the ONGOING murder Give Diplomacy..a Chance, Stop Fighting and Start Talking cooking up evi-dense? in an..insane world even..retaining sanity.. means becoming insane [ignorance is bliss] Anderson Cooper and CNN have been caught staging fake news..about Syria to justify military intervention. we are showing..that the mainstream media version of scripted and staged propaganda. The following video..shows him contradicting himself..while off air, and even asking crew “get the gunfire sounds ready” for his video conference..with Anderson Cooper on CNN. By pointing out..that the mainstream media is orchestrating..their entire coverage of this incident,..we are not denying that there is a tremendous amount of death and violence in Syria right now. the real fight will begin between special interests (AIPAC and NSA to name two) pressuring Congress to legitimize Obama's next war.. and We The People who are tired of paying for and fighting those wars. If we do not chose to fight against these, we will soon have no choice..but to fight for the war-mongers from now on. who next? what next on the dangers of a wounded beast As the globalist staged poison gas attack info explodes world wide and as humanity awakens, we must be on the look out for the empire to strike back. They can not let the public fully come to the realization of staged terror. Because then the corrupt ruling class can no longer grab more power by killing people and framing their enemy's. We are approaching the event horizon! Red alert! We can cause a paradigm shift or let the globalist counter strikes crush us. Fight back with words or be worse works Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 September 2013 9:36:46 AM
Can we all agree on that ?
Arise, ye workers from your slumber,
Arise, ye prisoners of want.
Right. So now, it is agreed that it is evil to use poison gas on civilians. Agreed ? Yes / no ?
For reason in revolt now thunders,
and at last ends the age of cant!
Is it also agreed that atrocities committed on small countries, far away, countries we have no major interests in, are evil ? Yes / no ?
Away with all your superstitions,
Servile masses, arise, arise!
So, do we keep turning a blind eye to atrocities, as we did in Pol Pot's Cambodia, or Rwanda in 1994, or do we support our fellow-human beings, and oppose and punish, if possible, those who would oppress them ? By extension, us ?
We'll change henceforth the old tradition,
And spurn the dust to win the prize!
As a rusted-on leftie, I'm appalled at the isolationist turn of right and left in this discussion. On a human scale, these are our brothers and sisters, and our own children, in this Syrian bloodbath. And so many of you want to sit it out and feck around about pissy gay marriage or 1 degree global warming. Shame on you.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.