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Cruise missile targeting of Syria : Comments

By Peter Coates, published 29/8/2013

The US and allies seems almost certain to use cruise missiles against the Syrian regime, but what can they sensibly target?

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Another international incidence that is little understood or comprehended in the broader scale of things.

Marcos is gone, the Philippines is now on a path to democracy and western security.....wrong.

Six days prior to Mr Aquino returning to the country the US and Australia are clearly warned he would be assassinated at the airport on his arrival.

Result, a dead politician who probably could have done a great many things for his country.

Truth, well lets not think about this too hard, the politician involved did not intend to serve the services of the US and their allies, result.............assassination.

Did we know it was going to happen, damn yes, did we do anything about it........damn no....the only question is why?

Do I need to go on......I think not......perhaps LEGO and his blind-folded follower's should consider the bigger picture and comprehend the murky world of geopolitics.

Ready to stand corrected on any of the above. I was involved and stood by passively and said nothing........complicit, yet, agree with it, no.

Nuff said.

Posted by Geoff of Perth, Tuesday, 3 September 2013 11:51:06 PM
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David G.

Don't you have any views that are not extreme and rabidly anti-American?

Life is more complex than your black armband views.

I thought you'd be happy with my earlier comment:

"There appears to be majority public and parliamentary OPPOSITION to a US or coalition Western strike against Syria."

Obama hasn't gone to war in Syria - doesn't that make you happy?


I'm not across the issues you've raised. But would be interested in your views about Obama's shrewd strategy to make Congress decide whether to strike Syria.

Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 12:03:20 AM
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Hi Pete,

I think there are a number of variables in play.

Obama has had a serious rethink on 'going it alone', despite his rhetoric in relation to doing what he believes is right.

The extreme right in US politics is probably looking to impeach.

The evidence to date remains clearly unconfirmed, yet plausible that the Assad regime are the perpetrators, evidence and clear justification is what is missing.

The longer-term view is also being considered, despite the MSM and the goading of those who wish to see a pre-emptive strike by the US.

Do I think they will do something, absolutely, US global status is at stake, the only problem lies with Russia and China.........two countries yet to swallow the red pill.

The outcome is fluid and most likely changing by the moment, one that very few understand.

Is Assad going to capitulate, damn no, not after Obama blinked.

Iran is smiling and the rest of the radicals are seeing this as an opportunity to capitalise on the US holding fire......for the moment anyway.

Longer term it is going to be geopolitical. What is Russia and China's position on the threat, what will Iran make of the slight back-down.......difficult to say, but in terms of a military strike it smacks of a much lesser threat in terms of regime change in Syria.

Longer term I would surmise a return to the UN and attempts to bring evidence and sanctions that will try to reign in the Syrian regime, ultimately failing because of Russian backing.

Iran will see this as an opportunity and perhaps consider upping the ante, whether this comes to pass is anyone's guess at this point.

Stay tuned and keep abreast of exactly what everyone says, a very difficult international situation that could quite quickly dissolve into an international conflict that no-one has yet contemplated.

At the very least Assad will be emboldened and whether or not this places him in a good or bad place is yet to be determined

My two cents worth

Posted by Geoff of Perth, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 12:24:26 AM
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Struth, I thought that Arjay was bad enough, but now some evil genius has cloned him and named the clones "Geoff of Perth" and "James O'Neill".

So far, both of you agree that the USA and Israel have used "chemical weapons" in Syria. O'Neill trumped Geoff when he claimed that the USA trains Al Qaida. Only then did the pair of them go right off with the fairies.

Both claimed that the USA wanted the Japs to bomb Pearl harbour and that the yanks conspired to bring that about. James went one better and claimed that the yanks knew that the Japs wanted to surrender but they dropped a couple of atom bombs on them anyway, because they wanted to test their new weapons. Although Geoff tried to outbid James when he claimed that South Vietnam actually attacking North Vietnam, instead of the other way around.

Their methodology seems to consist of taking every incident that ever happened in the history of the world and finding some way to make it look as if the yanks are doing something insidious. Facts can be made to fit the theory with a bit of judicious pushing and shoving.

Older people like myself have often wondered how it is that educated and supposedly intelligent tertiary educated people could for decades claim that the USA was evil and that the Soviet Union and Communism was the hope and light of the world? Especially since every socialist country on planet Earth was essentially a giant prison camp. But I see that with Arjay, James, Geoff and David G, this mindset is still fashionable thinking among some strange people in the west.

I am sorry that the USA has not bombed Syria yet so that the lot of you can scream how this is proof positive of US aggression. But I know that whatever the yanks do, you will find some way to suggest that their intent is self serving. If they bomb Syria, they are wrong. If they do not bomb Syria, they are wrong. No matter what the yanks do, they are always wrong
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 5:56:44 AM
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PullYerLego, the world seems to be divided into two groups:

a very large group that are still living in 1945 when Yanks were hailed as the 'Saviours of the World', a claim made by them, a claim that failed to take account of the efforts of Russia;

and a very small group of people who live in 2013 who have the intellectual horsepower to see through American propaganda that seeks to hide their quest for world domination.

PYL, ask yourself why the U.S. has military bases all over the world and battle fleets? Ask yourself why it engages in endless wars? Ask yourself why it engages in rendition and torture? Ask yourself why it keep people in cages? Ask yourself why it uses depleted uranium, clusterbombs and chemical WMDs? Ask yourself why it supports dictators and corrupt Kings?

And most, importantly, ask yourself why is it trying to handicap China and why is it gaining a military foothold in Australia if not to use us as a pawn in its imperial game?

Pete the journalist, like you, cannot see what is before his eyes either. He, like most others, sees what he wants to see.

I see what the U.S. is trying to do is no better than what the NAZIS tried to do all those years ago!

The only difference is that the Yanks are more duplicitous and cunnning.
Posted by David G, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 6:44:09 AM
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its a sad thing
im noting kerry called to TESTIFY*
[but third hand witness is here/say..he can only testify..HEARSAY

thats the usa standard of proof?
sounds more like heresy..of a heretic...
[to wit treason..on top of false WITNESS
warmongeringit witless

look we the end=peace..via many broken pieces
lets just declare israel wins[we surrender]..nostate..agreed

one world governance..fine
do what you will..but no more kill..*!*

tell your masters..WE MEAN IT*
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 4 September 2013 9:17:14 AM
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