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Some thoughts on the Bali bombing : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 5/10/2005

Irfan Yusuf argues the Bali bombing was an attack on Indonesian Islam.

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Think about the capacity of such a person as you here described of Mahomet to write with authority and give correct details and interpretations of history. Sounds like Joseph Smith who wrote the Mormon book has equal authority to give historical details; and we know his fantacy on American history. They both claim to have received revelation from the same angel.

"It is our belief that the Quran is God’s word revealed to Mohamed (PBUH). We do not see it as a historical document since the prophet lived most of his life as a merchant not a historian (since he was illiterate) or ‘suddenly a swordsman at 53’ like some anti-muslim want people to believe."

The fact that Mahomet would turn to violence against those that dissagreed with him gives evidence to the depth of his disturbed character. A difference in belief about love and peace as given in earlier revelation by Jesus indicates the capacity of the man to explain divine revelation. Jesus faced the same violent opposition and what happened to him - he submitted to death. It did not end his appeal to influence believers. His death gave his message meaning and power.

Of course in the Muslim mind they cannt have Jesus die because it would show weakness in his character, so they deny this well documented fact of his death. Have a read of the official letters to Caesar by Pilate where he describes Jesus miracles greater than can be performed by any Roman god that he allowed to be crucified to settle a religious Jewish uprising. Ask why Pilate committed suicide when he heard Ceasar was sending a posse to have him brought to Rome to answer for the murder of an innocent man. The fact is it happened, and cannot be denied by a hunch of an illiterate man.
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 20 October 2005 8:11:05 AM
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CARNIFLEX....."my people are everywhere" :)


Yes... not surprising they (ICV) are distancing themselves now, I find it hard to escape the conclusion there is a slight 'awareness' of just how serious the issue of close identity with Mohamed is in a democratic non muslim society. Perhaps our feedback and 'nutbags' emails (to quote Waleed Ali) are having some positive effect.

F.H. I'm beginning to think that "IT" is just your hobby and that Dakwah is your full time work :)

Let it be known to all, a person cannot be a Muslim unless he confesses "Mohammed is 'the' Prophet of Allah" so, a close scrutiny of his life is quite in order. We have pointed out repeatedly the behaviour which you know of, yet you cling to him. This surprises me greatly.

Could it be that your on going rejection of criticism of his acts (described in Hadith, accepted by all schools of Islamic Jurisprudence) demonstrate that you in fact approve of them ? and if you approve of them, that you would not worry to see them repeated today because they are 'Allahs Law' ?

I draw our attention to Jesus, the Christ, Lord and Savior.
Suffering servant "He was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities"
In Him, we have acceptance with God, peace, and forgiveness.
But also, he is triumphant returning Savior and King,

6He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. 7He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

Revelation 21

Are you thirsty F.H
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 20 October 2005 8:31:52 AM
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You have seen Jesus teachings in the Quran, we share the very same. What we reject is the man made stuff that came later: Son of God, original sin, churches, etc..
It comes down to how do we approach faith: in your case is blind faith and miracles while we are asked in the Quran to think and reflect (we have no miracles in the biblical sense). Here is a sample:

pre revelation:

An honest merchant who never told a lie or worshipped an idol. Suddenly at the age of 40 became politically ambitious (even though he had wealth and status). So he decided to create a religion! (the death warrant in pagan Arabia!).

Lost everything, persecuted, his followers tortured and killed every day, yet persisted to preach his message (!) and declined wealth and kingdom when offered to him “if they place the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, I won’t stop preaching”. The torture, persecution went on for 13 years (enough time to give it up you may wonder) until he had a 1000 followers when pagan arabia waged wars on him and his followers. The ‘great’ warrior who had to raise a sword at 53, have always been attacked by a force 9 to 11 time his number for no reason except to stop his faith. Under attack and outnumbered, all what the man can think of is “God if we are to be killed today, you will not be worshipped on this earth”.

post revelation:

The Quran have enough puzzling statements that proves its divine source. It talks about an ‘egg shaped Earth’, planets movements, other creations, the sun motion, the sun as a source of light and the moon as its reflection, identifies star location and not stars (astrological facts we are finding this century) I can go on forever but you got the picture..

I guess this answers yours and BD question on why we believe.


Whats a Dakwah? I fasted longer hours in Africa but thanks for asking,
Posted by Fellow_Human, Thursday, 20 October 2005 1:39:17 PM
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G'day All

I've worked with or had direct experience of muslims for almost 20 years now in 4 different countries.

Different places, same behaviour, it's a huge problem.

If you wish I can go go into minute detail about what I've experienced and some may label me a racist but I've seen die hard lefties (as I once was) become ranting rednecks after having to deal with with your average aussie mozzie for 2 or 3 months.

Relatively speaking, they really have little to worry about your average Anglo Aussie or concerned Christian they have nothing on how the other cultures of this land feel about you.

In my line of work I've talked to Chinese, Vietnamese, Serbs, Croats, Arabs, Moaris, Indians and Koreans among others.

They really hate them and nothing will change that.

Waleed Aly says that Multi Culturalism works, I don't think so but maybe in some ways it will.
Posted by CARNIFEX, Thursday, 20 October 2005 4:32:24 PM
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I will be very interrested in heaaring of your experiences.

Thank you
Posted by kalweb, Thursday, 20 October 2005 5:53:43 PM
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I wonder why Jesus didn't think of the line Mahomet used. Quote, "God if we are to be killed today, you will not be worshipped on this earth".

The scripture says of Jesus 'even his followers dispersed and fled' and went back to fishing after his death. What changed their indifference - his resurrection and their receiving of the spirit from God. They were willing to die for his revelation of God. Most of them suffered severe religious persecution including Paul - stoned and left for dead on several occasions. He was finally put to death in Rome many years after his conversion. Why did they submit to persecution and torture? It was the message the Lord had taught them, "Love your enemy, do good to those who persecute you!".

Read 1 Peter and see what he had to say about persecution and torture. Peter before his conversion was a dagger bearing zealot sympathiser who constantly believed Jesus would attract followers and overthrow the polytheistic pagan Roman occupation [Acts 1: 6]. Didn't Mahomet follow the Jewish Zealot line, which Jesus identified as satanas [opposed to God] when he was asked to join them in their overthrow of the pagan Roman occupiers, "Get thee behind me satan" Matthew 4: 1- 11.

F_H you have rightly stated: "The Quran have enough puzzling statements..."
Divine revelation in your opinion is verified by natural science. Things which man can discover himself. For me divine revelations are things that natural man does not conclude, like "Love your enemy". Or For God so loved mankind that he demonstrated this in the giving of his chosen Christ [his son - in the terms of the Messiah] to death that whoever believes him will know his forgiveness and be eternally saved.

Quote, "that proves its divine source... an ‘egg shaped Earth’, planets movements, ... the sun motion, the sun as a source of light and the moon as its reflection, identifies star location and not stars (astrological facts we are finding this century)."
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 20 October 2005 6:08:37 PM
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