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Gay marriage: an argument against : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 1/8/2012

Gender division cannot simply be erased because gays want to push their egalitarian agenda to the last bastion: marriage.

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@Saltpetre, That greater understanding can be achieved when people begin to understand three words; "Peer Pressure" and "Brainwash." Once people know and understand those words, they will know where the onslaught of homosexuality comes from and be able to deal with it accordingly. There's no mystery behind homosexuality. When it's no longer promoted as something good and, instead, facts are displayed publicly and without fear, it will no longer be the self-destructive force that it is.

One other thing to understand is left-wing history. Most people believe that Nazism died in the forties. But it is far from over. Just as they did in Europe during World War 2, the socialists and communists are spreading hate to gain sympathy, build armies and destroy nations. Homosexuals are just another 'class' created by the left as a tool to eradicate the human species, just as Jews were classified and used to destroy the nation of Europe. Look at Europe now and you'll see where the rest of the world is heading and why.
Posted by TheTruth, Sunday, 5 August 2012 4:12:27 AM
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The Truth,
"Jews" didn't set about destroying the countries of Europe, White people did, there were Jewish Fascists as well as Jewish Communists, the 20th century was a White civil war, basically between Indo-Aryan and Judeo-Christian worldviews. The mix up usually occurs when lay people see the way so called Christians worship Jews as a people, it's complicated but the way Christians view Jewish custody of the written law has always led to the belief that their oaths or their word carries greater weight or gravity than that of a gentile. It's been an issue since the beginning of the Church, you might read St John Chrysotom's "Homilies Against The Jews", he explains it as he saw it.
Abraham Foxman described the actions against Jews by the German NS as an attempt to kill God, that mindset is what has led to what we call "Holocaustianity", it's what we see today in the Pentecostal movements. Some less than salubrious Jews, like Foxman, exploit the racial traits of gullibilty and extreme credulity in some White people, particularly Anglo Saxons but it's always quid pro quo, we live in an Anglo Saxon dominated world, "equality" and all the evil that flows from that concept is their gig, not the Jews.
Blaming all Jews for things which are not under their control, or that are merely exploited by Jewish crooks is counterproductive if you're talking about saving Western civilisation, it's the Anglo Saxons who are the real wreckers and the ones I'm suggesting we confront and overthrow with a return to Pagan, Aryan traditions and values.
You can't fight fire with fire, you can't reform Anglo Saxons as an ethnic group apart from diluting their genetic stock with Aryan (Indo /European)Blood ,their problems with "equality" are racial, not learned from Jews or anyone else.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 5 August 2012 10:00:40 AM
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Please feel free to re-write past and future history as you see fit. Your imagination knows no bounds.

"You can fool some of the people some of the time ...."
Posted by Saltpetre, Sunday, 5 August 2012 11:02:37 AM
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Commies and Nazis created homosexuality in the early 20th century to eradicate the human species? Well I've heard some stupid conspiracy theories in my time but I have to say that one is possibly the stupidest of the lot. What about all the homosexuals who were around before communism and nazism were invented? And why would Commies or Nazis want to eradicate the human species when they are members of that species? How does that make any kind of sense? If this is supposed to be 'the truth' then I'd to see what your idea of fantasy looks like - it would be so absurd that my brain would melt.

Instead of just reading nonsense on sites like conservapedia and then mindlessly regurgitating it why not follow the sage advice of Lord Edmund Blackadder:

Try to have a thought of your own, Baldrick, thinking is so important.


Posted by Tony Lavis, Sunday, 5 August 2012 5:07:53 PM
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Oh, so you agree with the other poster that "the Jews" are the problem?
Jewish law was not based on egalitarianism, neither was Islam or Orthodox Christianity, Jews and Muslims don't believe in "equality", neither do the vast bulk of Christians who are non Anglo Saxon.
Do you really think "Gay Marriage" is anything but anti Homosexual and anti virility? Could you possibly countenance the idea that this push for "Marriage Equality" is an attempt to head off the inevitable resurgence in Elitist European Male power, the much feared "rise of the right"?
"Gay Marriage" is a feeble attempt to Christianise homosexuals, to bind them to hearth and home lest they take to the streets in the time honoured fashion and begin purging society of alien elements.
"LGBTI" is part of the same strategy, you surely can't denigrate the Indo Aryan Wild Boys like Alexander The Great and Hadrian by lumping them in with women, people with chromosomal disorders and mentally disturbed people who want to cut off their own genitals.
Virile Indo Aryan Men who don't lie with women should feel obliged to protect their nation and be prepared to give their lives to preserve it's genetic heritage and the customs that nurtured them, not play at housewives or bow down to the God of Abraham, leave that to the prudish Anglo Saxons and their like.
The Sky God has no problem with homosexuality, it's the bloodthirsty desert Djinn named Yahweh who hates male virility and vitality and seeks to kill it wherever he sees it.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 5 August 2012 5:23:06 PM
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Tony Lavis,
The "Nazis" had a very Roman attitude to Homosexuality, it's true that they did imprison and execute what they termed "asocial" or criminal types, that is to say Homosexuals of the "Infamia" or those who held opposing political views (as we know Communism and Anarchism are magnets for "Gays" and social outsiders).
What I'm saying is that, as in Rome there was one set of laws for elite Homosexuals and another for street hustlers and "Gays" and sexual transgression against (but not by)"Good Boys" was totally forbidden. Why do you think WASPS hate "Nazis" so much and are ever prepared to shed blood of people who are basically genetically similar to them in order to wipe out this Pagan stain?
This is the problem with the egalitarian mindset and the reason it's so oppressive, it's alien to Europe and completely at odds with the idea of virility, Hadrian, were he alive today would not be able follow this conversation, he'd be all at sea with the notion of equality and horrified by the idea of men "Marrying" other men.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 5 August 2012 5:40:42 PM
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