The Forum > Article Comments > Gay marriage: an argument against > Comments
Gay marriage: an argument against : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 1/8/2012Gender division cannot simply be erased because gays want to push their egalitarian agenda to the last bastion: marriage.
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Posted by Tim.Lumsden, Saturday, 4 August 2012 8:54:08 AM
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@Jay Of Melbourne, it's got nothing at all to do with religion. It has to do with nature. Religion is just an excuse for left-wingers because you have to blame your ignorance on someone. And who better to blame than those who are better than you?
@Shadow Minister, Perhaps you should look up "bigoted," since it actually describes you and the left. Your religion is hatred. And, as for the lies, I agree; you socialists never tell the truth and, even when it is told to you, you ignore it and call it lies. By the way, the KKK are your boys... Democrat losers. And, while we're on the subject of racist, left-wing trash, how are your buddies in the Nazi movement doing? Posted by TheTruth, Saturday, 4 August 2012 9:22:50 AM
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OK Tim,
Sorry, you can have a white hat with stars on it too. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 4 August 2012 9:29:35 AM
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Shadow Minister,
Who's the most popular, outspoken and widely syndicated homosexual pundit in Australian public life? That'd be Alan Jones, whose viewpoints were echoed by the ever "controversial" homosexual John Michael Howson during his stint with the short lived right wing blabber fest known as radio MTR. Howson's interview on the ABC program "Talking Heads" is very revealing, he talks about homoeroticism and the higher, intellectual bonds betwen men. Discrete homosexuals have traditionally stood on the right of politics while "Gays", the criminal outsiders and chancers have been prominent on the Left. @Tim Lumsden That's right Leftists can't argue their case because the premise of their whole intellectual movement is a set of beliefs which are no more believable or palatable to the liberated mind than Judeo Christian mumbo mumbo. "Equality" is a belief, it can be formalised in law only but it can't ever be substantiated. Besides, Herbert Marcuse said that they didn't have to argue and that some views should not be allowed under any circumstances, then people like Elie Wiesel came up with the idea that even though a lot of the tales told about the "Nazis" never actually happened it didn't mean that they weren't're not dealing with sane people here, if you try to argue with them they just scream "NAZI!" or hit you. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 4 August 2012 12:15:02 PM
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Why we have to fight "Cam and Mitchell" with every ounce of strength we can muster:
"Homosexuals have a long and honourable tradition as culture-bearers, and for fighting for and defending their tribes and later, nations. Now, when the survival and evolution of Western Civilization itself is at stake, the duty of all brave, aware, truthful and well-meaning gay men is self-evident. Homosexuals must act as white blood cells, ready to attack any invasion of the Western body politic." Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 4 August 2012 12:37:30 PM
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Well, this thread has become pretty awful, and quite off-track.
I have a feeling many of us have little contact with or understanding of GLBIT people, and hence tend to make value judgements based on the media. I have had relatively minor contact, but have been quite impressed with those I have met, and found them thoroughly nice people and good company - a bit quirky perhaps, and not your pub dwelling footie followers (but neither am I), but intelligent, sensitive, and generally with a good sense of humour. But then, there were two nice, and harmless fellows who rented my house and did some weird repainting without approval, wet-vacuumed the carpet causing it to shrink and bubble, replaced the kikuyu lawn with Kentucky Blue Grass, and had a breakup and left owing two months rent. So, I guess we can't all be perfect. Alternatively, I have met some pub dwelling footie followers who would dearly have loved to put my lights out given half a chance - and in fact one gave me a black eye once just because I was in Aussie defence force uniform (no provocation, we were just chatting and he lashed out - s..hd.). Demon Drink, psycho or culture? You tell me. I guess I have mostly met 'confident' gays - those who are at ease with themselves and with being 'different' - and mostly in an accepting environment. The ones I feel sorry for are those who feel on-the-out, isolated and unhappy, and particularly for those who are harassed, bullied or abused. It can be a tough life, and no-one should make it harder, but quite the reverse - greater understanding is needed. I re-iterate: If approving same-sex-marriage could prevent even one gay suicide, it would be worth it - but I still think better and more extensive support and counseling services should be the higher priority. Posted by Saltpetre, Saturday, 4 August 2012 7:42:33 PM
I hereby award you the White hat (with gold stars) award for the most Red-neck bigoted behaviour possible. I have never seen such a collection of bigoted lies in one place. Your Klan members must be very proud."
Someone disagrees with your viewpoint and all you can do is bring out abuse. The truth is always hard to swallow for those that refuse to see it. Even though God and all that is truthful and natural declares itself against your beliefs you are still too stubborn (gay pride at its best). Just try to be humble and listen to truth, it really isn't that painful and your life will be better for it