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The Forum > Article Comments > Gay marriage: an argument against > Comments

Gay marriage: an argument against : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 1/8/2012

Gender division cannot simply be erased because gays want to push their egalitarian agenda to the last bastion: marriage.

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As others have pointed out, Peter, a consistent opposition to 'sterile' marriages would result in campaigns against marriage between people past child-bearing age, and marriages involving people who cannot have children for medical reasons.

Have you EVER campaigned against those? Have you ever suggested for even one second that people like my father and step-mother, both in their late fifties, should not have been allowed to marry? Have you EVER suggested that people should have to pass a fertility test before being granted a marriage licence?

If the answer is -- as I suspect -- a resounding No, then your alleged reasons for opposing gay marriage evaporate like mist in the morning sun, revealing only ugly homophobia underneath.

Luckily in your case, I believe, this is only a condition induced by religion, and as such it can easily be cured.
Posted by Jon J, Wednesday, 1 August 2012 8:14:03 AM
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PS: I also take it that when medical science develops ways to create female gametes from male DNA and vice versa -- as it soon will -- thereby permitting gay couples to have 'their own' children, then your opposition to gay marriage will evaporate?
Posted by Jon J, Wednesday, 1 August 2012 8:16:30 AM
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A beautifully written piece that for the first time actually demonstrates how most of us heterosexuals feel plus if we actually ever get to vote on it will be why homosexuals will never get their way and never should.
They are the ones who have decided to live outside norm and want to behave like this so why should the majority of society change just to suit them?
Please don't leave this in the hands of vote grabbing politicians!
Posted by Sharky, Wednesday, 1 August 2012 8:20:27 AM
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I will have to admit that I find homesexuality disgusting.
However I will also have to admit that I nor you or anyone else has any right to tell what two consenting adults do or cannot do.
Posted by ponde, Wednesday, 1 August 2012 8:32:03 AM
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Once, inadvertently, I saw a catalogue of XXX-rated heterosexual DVDs – mostly German I think – and some of the categories or themes available certainly disgusted me particularly the one involving group sex with pregnant 'daughters' and 'sisters'.

So I share ponde's disgust with some other people's sexual expression.

Unless of course the first sentence wasn't a typo, since I agree "… that I nor you or anyone else has any right to tell what two consenting adults do or cannot do" and believe it applies even in their own home.
Posted by WmTrevor, Wednesday, 1 August 2012 9:14:40 AM
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The obvious flaw in the argument is that many gay unions produce children. Lesbians are perfectly able to make use of donors and usually do. The resulting children are recognized (in NSW) as having 2 female parents.

Considering that there are many heterosexual marriages that use similar techniques as one of the partners is sterile. So while this may not be true for male gay marriages, the Ontological boundaries are very blurred.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 1 August 2012 9:44:22 AM
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