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Israel should be given the South African treatment : Comments

By Antony Loewenstein and Moammar Mashni, published 1/3/2011

Initiatives by Sydney city councils to run a BDS campaign against Israel should be supported.

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Brave Yuyutsu . Would I have the guts to do that ?
His intervention thoughtfully avoids targeting "innocents" back in Israel who are , meanwhile , intentionally squandering their "innocent" status by not only running dead on the Settlement issue , but also on the Peace issue . Where is the innocence in that ?
They are bleeding what is left of the dwindling goodwill for Israel in the world that exists outside Israel. I can only see them as luxurious self-serving passengers (along with the Settlers & Supremacists)who are white-anting Israel's future .
It is uncivilized of them to bludge on Yuyutsu & his ilk , leaving him to carry the can , attempting to remove obstacles to the goodwill that Israel desperately needs if a sustainable solution is to remain as an option .
I salute Yuyutsu .The Jews running & manning Israel do not deserve him .And a lot of them will go for his throat now .
But , I still think that his positive contribution does not go far enough to address the entire problem , as would a full blown & widespread BDS .
Posted by Oz, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 8:56:16 PM
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Rhys Stanley,

Where do you get your information about Sabra and Shatila? You have been maliciously misled. Even worse, you constantly refer to such as if it were fact.
No citation no references ... Do check your facts.

None of us here will accept horse-feathers. To expect one to, is an insult to one's intelligence.

The Lebanese Christian Phalangist militia, not Israeli troops, committed the massacres in the Palestinian refugee camps Sabra and Shatila on September 16-17, 1982. No Israeli troops entered Sabra nor Shatlia. They did however, permit the Phalangists to enter these camps to root out terrorist cells believed there - an estimated 200 armed men operated from PLO built bunkers stocked with arms of ammunition.

When Israeli soldiers ordered the Phalangists out, they found hundreds dead, ranging from 460 (the Lebanese police report) to 700-800 (Israeli intelligence calculations.). The Lebanese reported 35 women and children dead, the remainder being men comprised Palestinians, Lebanese, Pakistanis, Iranians, Syrians and Algerians.

The massacres were perpetrated to avenge the murders of Lebanese President Bashir Gemayel and 25 of his followers, killed in a bomb attack earlier that week.

Israel accepted responsibility for the decision to let the Phalange to enter the camps in order to transfer authority to the Lebanese.

In response to public outrage in Israel, the Israeli government set up Kahan Commission of Inquiry, finding that Israel was “indirectly responsible for not anticipating the possibility of Phalangist violence”. Israel instituted the panel's recommendations, Defense Minister Ariel Sharon resigned and Gen. Raful Eitan, the Army Chief of Staff was dismissed.

300,000 Israelis had demonstrated in protest about the killings; nary a peep from Arab states; international outcry against Israel - but for The Phalangists, the perpetrators, barely a mention.

In Lebanon, itself, public recognition for the Phalangist leaders, even political elevations and rewards. Look where they now are in public life!

Washington Post, (February 8, 1983) The Kahan Commission was "a great tribute to Israeli democracy....There are very few governments in the world that one can imagine making such a public investigation of such a difficult and shameful episode."
Posted by Danielle, Thursday, 10 March 2011 3:44:33 PM
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cont ...

Belgium attempted to try Sharon for his role in what happened in Lebanon. The appellate court, however, threw out the case. Radio Free Europe/Radio Free Liberty,( June 26, 2002)

In May 1985, Muslim militiamen attacked the Shatila and Burj-el Barajneh Palestinian refugee camps. UN officials reported 635 killed and 2,500 wounded.

In the two-year battle between the Syrian-backed Shiite Amal militia and the PLO, over 2,000 people, including civilians, were killed.

In October 1990 Syrian forces attacked Christian-controlled areas of Lebanon. In eight-hours 700 Christians were killed — the worst single massacre of Lebanon's Civil War. New York Times, (October 19, 1990).

These killings came on top of an estimated 95,000 deaths that occurred during the civil war in Lebanon from 1975-1982.

Zeev Schiff and Ehud Yaari, Israel's Lebanon War, pp. 70, 257 (well referenced)
Jillian Becker, The PLO p. 212 (well referenced)
Washington Post, (February 8, 1983)
Radio Free Europe/Radio Free Liberty, (June 26, 2002)
New York Times, (October 19, 1990)

Again .. Rhys Stanley, Don't be gullible. ... No horse-feathers. Please ... OLO members consider such horse-feathers an insult to their intelligence. And rightly so.
Posted by Danielle, Thursday, 10 March 2011 3:53:44 PM
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Those who believe that a complete BDS should be imposed on Israel. Bravo! I suggest you personally commit to this (individuals can do such a lot).

Record you names here. You are extremely courageous. I record those who definitely make such a stance ... just to get things going ...

Rhys Stanley
David G

Israel Today

Green Prophet

These two sites provide much information about Israel, including new products etc... so are a valuable resource.

Some developments are joint with Arab-and-non-Jewish Israelis. But what the heck ... let the businesses, research facilities, etc. go bust. Just teach them a lesson ...

I know, that one particular inovation none of the above will avail themselves of is...

I make a challenge to those who demand a BDS on Israel. Put your commitment where your mouth is ... in the nicest possible way, of course.
Posted by Danielle, Thursday, 10 March 2011 4:41:17 PM
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Dear Oz,

I am not that brave - the proposed law has not yet come into effect. It will probably take a few more weeks.

"I still think that his positive contribution does not go far enough to address the entire problem"

How can you tell if the gentler and accurately-directed approach was never tried before?

If you use a jackhammar to kill an ant, you might also injure your own foot, as Danielle just nicely noted. Do you think that those researchers working on Alzheimer vaccines have time for either robbing Palestinians of their land and water, or for protesting and trying (in vain) to take their government to task? No - they are simply too busy in the lab! What have you got against them? What have they done to you?

I understand that the stupid Americans are in the way. Perhaps they should be made to understand that the alternative, unless they stay out of the way and abstain in the security-council, would be a full-blown BDS by the rest of the world which they could have otherwise prevented, perhaps that would convince them to listen to reason.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 10 March 2011 6:07:26 PM
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Dear Yutyusu ,
Late again , sorry again .

"What have you got against them . What have they done to you".
Nothing . I have nothing PERSONAL against the ordinary citizens of Israel .
I support a BDS , not because it will cause suffering (ie. not for PUNISHMENT)but because it will , I think , eventuuually force an end to those totally unacceptable voter-sanctioned policies which have the continuing result of even WORSE suffering , including death .
The disproportion of
".jackhammer to ...ant"
in no way applies when comparing the remedy of BDS to those lethal policies . I cannot compare those policies to "ant(s)".

I can understand why you press for
"a gentler & accurately-directed approach"
But I disagree with your view that the ordinary Israeli voter is blameless , or not in a position to deliver a solution to this problem .
Posted by Oz, Friday, 11 March 2011 11:08:16 PM
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