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The Forum > Article Comments > Israel should be given the South African treatment > Comments

Israel should be given the South African treatment : Comments

By Antony Loewenstein and Moammar Mashni, published 1/3/2011

Initiatives by Sydney city councils to run a BDS campaign against Israel should be supported.

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Israel does not need a smack on the bottom, Yuyutsu. It needs to be moved somewhere else, somewhere where it can't antagonize the majority of people who live in the region by its gross, brutal, criminal behaviour.

If the Israeli Jews can make the desert bloom, why not move them into the Sahara? There is plenty of desert there.

P.S. Of course, they would have to be disarmed otherwise they would start taking over their neighbors.
Posted by David G, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 4:31:51 PM
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Thank you for your honesty, David G.

Israel started its way on the straight-and-narrow, but has admittedly strayed, especially since 1967.

However, as you state, even an Israel that does tread the straight-and-narrow is unacceptable to you, nor was it ever acceptable to some of the Arabs or to the malign-new-left.

With such an attitude, what hope have you of bringing Israel back to the straight-and-narrow? None, but you are not interested in it either. You want Israel destroyed, and perhaps you will even succeed, but only at the price of having the rest of the world killed off as well in a nuclear winter. Thanks.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 5:17:37 PM
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Yuyutsu, you have put into words what the whole world fears: that Israel, driven by its blind religious fanaticism, will destroy the whole world rather than give up its narrow, elitist agenda.

Thanks you for your honesty but the idea that less than 1% of the world's population will destroy the world for the other 99% is farcical and delusional.

America is to blame for this terrible predicament. After all, it created Israel's military might.
Posted by David G, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 6:06:00 PM
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Will you accept Israel at all if it does come back to the straight-and-narrow, if it does give up its religious-fanatic agenda as Oz and I wish it will?

Whatever the history, the existing options are now two:
1. Israel existing and the world too.
2. Israel destroyed and the world too.

I leave it in your hands.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 8:53:10 PM
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Actually it was the French who contributed most to Israel's military power, by the French:

- building Dimona's plutonium producing reactor and reprocessing facilities

- jointly deveoping nuclear weapons in France for French and Israeli use

- jointly testing these nuclear weapons in the Sahara, North Africa

- supplying the Jericho IRBM missiles to Israel to project those nuclear weapons

- and mainly to deter the vastly more numerous Arab aggressors.

The Israeli's then promised the Russians (who were arming Egypt, Syria and Jordan etc) in the early 70s that if Israel looked as though it might go under then several Soviet targets, including Moscow, would be obliterated by the Jerichos.

The mouse that roared.

Moscow decided that its socialist comradeship with the Arab world was not worth it.

The French helped Israel due to guilt over Vichy Jewish annihilation policies in World War Two and due to large amounts of money contributed by those who cared from all over the (non-Muslim) world.

Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 9:03:21 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu ,
I see more options than the "take it or leave it" choices that you list in your post of 2 Mar 2011 8.53.10 .

The world could wake up to what is going on - ie Australian foreign policy which favours Israel ,(for whom I have a semi-permanent soft spot, irrespective of its effect on Australia)...supported by Australian politicians, whose actual talent would not keep them in office without the highly organized Australian Israel lobby .

It is entirely possible that thinking Australia (even Australian/Israeli citizens) will see Israel as an unreliable & unsustainable member of the world community .
Posted by Oz, Thursday, 3 March 2011 10:26:34 PM
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