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Israel should be given the South African treatment : Comments
By Antony Loewenstein and Moammar Mashni, published 1/3/2011Initiatives by Sydney city councils to run a BDS campaign against Israel should be supported.
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Posted by Danielle, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 5:06:08 PM
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Danielle :
Sorry I can't accommodate your view . ### I can't for the same reason you cannot accommodate mine - a matter of JUDGMENT (personality) . Peoples' VALUES , & thus their PRIORITIES are based on a worthy or unworthy foundation (personality) - depending on who is doing the assessment - yours differs from mine . ### When the goal of a BDS comes into sight , the BDS should become negotiable . ### In my books , an offender cannot hope to escape a just sentence on the basis that they are too valuable to society to be put out of business - otherwise , bank robbers with innocent , dependent children would acquire a licence to rob banks . ### I don't say that Israel is the worst offender - only AN offender . Enough people in my country (& elsewhere) are working overtime on the case of other offenders . They don't need me to keep them on track . Good Luck , Danielle . I agree with you - honesty (reality) is good. . Posted by Oz, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 10:30:23 PM
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Even the current diplomatic pressure, slight as it is, begins to produce cracks in the Israeli coalition between the Hateful and the Fearful: The settlers are unaffected of course, but the security-minded are! Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 17 March 2011 5:04:39 PM
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I agree with you. A principle is non negotiable. Thus, if you believe a BDS should be applied, it should be applied in all areas, irrespective of what it is. You have a lot of homework to do. I trust the others here OLO are prepared to do the same, even if it means going without a vital service for themselves. However, I doubt very much if the others here would do this. Perhaps they will "sacrifice" something they don't use/need anyway. This is the general outcome of such stands; all very self-serving to their egos. There are more pressing and demanding issues than the Palestinians. Indeed many Palestinians seem quite comfortable with the status quo. But I know that many protesters who jump on this bandwagon do so because of media hype ... not objective and accurate information Posted by Danielle, Thursday, 17 March 2011 6:46:48 PM
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Compare the health, mortality rates, education, employment, prejudice etc, etc, levels of the Palestinians with our indigenous peoples. Remember the "Sorry Day" the marches, balloons, banners etc. Everyone feeling so self-righteous and rosey. What has been achieved since then. Ask an indigenous person what it is like to try and rent a place in a leafy part of town ... Ask archaeologists who work with indigenous crews, how these crews are treated by outsiders ... Ask indigenous women what the problems are. They will tell you their men have been emasculated. The average indigenous man has been robbed of his role in his society; and, now, do-gooders are continuing this crime. Compare this situation with that of the Palestinians.
Our indigenous people live a a bleak and tattered third world existence; an existence born in hoplessness Then there are the 44,000 street kids - apparently disposeable - to be thrown on the scrap heap before they have even had a chance of life. These are our children irrespective of who their parents are. We should be as concerned about their welfare and future as if born to us. Åsk those who work with them. First their hygiene goes, then comes disease, then an early death. We bleat about the lack of skilled workers ... but ...; we moan about needing a higher population ... but ...; It truly would be kinder (to be absolutely and brutally pragmatic) to cull them. Shocked, I bet you are! But compare the 44,000 street kids conditions with those of the Palestinians. When drawing comparisons ... ensure the facts are correct and informed ... . Too many people see the Palestinian cause as glamorous and trendy because certain interests tell them so. Many who jump on the Palestinian cause are mentally effete, mentally lazy, and, because of innate prejudices are willingly and easily manipulated. Oz, I'm not inferring you are ... but you must agree with this about many of your fellow travellers. Israel is a popular place to hate ... on many, many levels. Isn't it? Posted by Danielle, Thursday, 17 March 2011 6:49:24 PM
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Dear Danielle ,
You are exactly right about Australia's treatment of indigenous people & the results . That is because Australia is a very racist country . So is Israel (& England , US etc) , which is the my problem with Israel. I have little relationship with my "fellow travelers" . I have spent more time than you & them with & on behalf of indigenous Australians . Congratulate me . Today is the 41st anniversary of my engagement to be married , which is the anniversary that I celebrate . Posted by Oz, Thursday, 17 March 2011 11:08:51 PM
I respect those who stand firmly behind their principles, even if I consider that they are in error. I wish you well.
What I don't like are those who are self-serving; creating wriggle-room. These people are hypocrites ... devoid of credibility.
At what point is a BDS "negotiable?" Is it?
Computers, iphones, etc ... indeed latest technologies and components are often the result of Israeli research. Chances are that the computer you are using now ...
Add to these medical breakthroughs ... in coronary disease, neonatal survival, paraplegia ... and alzheimers, ... the list goes on.
The Australian government has acquired Israeli dry-ground technology in agriculture for this country. Foods that are sold may well be the the results from this.
Israeli researchers do not query the ethnicity of their teams. Indeed a review of site Green Prophet shows the extent of Israeli benefits to other territories.
I hope, Oz et al that you are all purists in applying BDS. Anything else is a furphy. Do your homework well.
Curiously, whilst acknowledging the appalling human rights abuses in Middle Eastern States, none seem prepared to apply a ban on products from these places. And it would be so easy ... Petrol right off ... straight and centre. Fortunately, Israel is not a major oil producing area ... what a dilemma ..