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The masculinity crisis : Comments

By Warwick Marsh, published 17/6/2010

The crises in masculinity and men’s health are closely related to the rampant discrimination men endure at the hands of the system.

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And your urge to stick your penis into women has nothing to do with the urge to breed. I suggest you refrain from this biological urge if you do not wish to produce offspring.


That’s HILARIOUS. We can see by taking a snapshot of the atrocities committed against women all around the world just what a sweet natured sex the male is if they are allowed to do things their way.

ALGOREisRICH <Wives submit yourselves unto your husbands as unto the lord>

Well any men writing text to govern society (obeying Christian rules as they did strictly in days of yore) would write that wouldn’t they.

The female is the prototype and the male the carbon copy. That is why men have nipples that serve no earthly purpose. In biology right across the globe the female dominates. The female chromosome X contains most of the genetic code that makes up a human being, the Y chromosome is simply added over the X to turn the predominantly female fetus into a male. If the Y chromosome is damaged the fetus can still go on to be a perfectly functioning human being without defect, If the X chromosome is damaged even slightly there will be some kind of handicap or deformity that will occur in the human being. In the lab it is known as the EVE principal. Stick that in your Adam was created first pipe.
Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 19 June 2010 9:52:26 PM
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Good one Cherful, but you missed one thing, the definition of pregnancy.

That is "something taken seriously, that was only poked in fun". Now if you lot could just tell that Y chromosome of yours to learn to take a joke, you would have none of these problems.

Biology & breeding has very little to do with where most men stick their penis, most of the time, it's all just in fun. Y oh Y can't you take it that way.

I'll promise to keep my Xs out of trouble, if you will promise to control your Ys in future.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 19 June 2010 11:38:57 PM
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benk, thanks. It's useful to have to compose a retort before sending it, much easy than verbal responses.

I'm far more bothered by the damage done to us all by those who make it their point to attack and or blame one gender for most of the things that they think are wrong in the world than by dane's opinion of me.

The women I know are not generally feeble minded or incapable of doing well at any task that's not primarily about physical strength. The men I know are not rapists or interested in dominating a partner or excluding women from active participation in all aspects of life.

People like that do exist but they are not the norm in our society.

Extremists on both sides determined to define the debate in terms of their own issues harm us all unless we actively work to counter their claims.

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 20 June 2010 4:51:24 PM
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What a frustrating topic, and what absolutely frustrating comments....I don't buy this rubbish.."lets not blame woman"...They are very much to blame! It is not men who have changed. Woman wanted equality. Can't blame them there. BUT, it has gone way,way,way TOO FAR..What has been the cost?..

Broken families, broken men, broken kids, broken society....

Woman are thriving, at an immense cost to the rest of us.

Us men have tried so hard to accommodate what woman want...But guess what, they don't know what they want.

I've seen so many friends; good men, absolutely smashed to bits because their wives left them "because IT JUST WASN"T ENOUGH"...These are men that treated their wives well, helped her live her dream, looked after their kids, worked hard and were fantastic role models to their kids...

....The dream these women had when they were young didn't turn out to actually be what they wanted...No problem, I can do whatever I want...For I am Woman..Even the family counselor told me I can do whatever I want! It's about me! Don't worry about the kids or the man that committed to me...I have the right to do whatever I want....

Then after absolutely destroying many, many lives these same woman declare "there are no good men"...I'm not surprised these newly single guys aren't lining up for another go...Especially after being dragged through a gob smackingly biased court, receiving an AVO because she and the system that stopped him seeing his kids made him so angry he needed one....

This problem is huge...AND despite woman finding everyone else to blame. It is THEIR fault...
Posted by billythekid, Sunday, 20 June 2010 8:43:16 PM
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billy why not blame the men who abuse spouses and the men who don't do the right thing by ex's and kid's who create the stereotypes those women who abuse the system rely on?

I'm sick of men being blamed for all the world's ill's when it's blatantly obvious that both genders have been involved in creating the social conditions which create those ill's. I think women also have good cause to be sick of being blamed for it all.

Playing the blame game against one gender just perpetuates a war that does none of us any good. Just as we have both known men who's lives have left because it was just not enough I've known women who's lives have been smashed to bit's by partners running multiple affairs or who treat wife and children as a ticklist on a life inventory. That item is ticked off, no further effort required. men and women are both capable of an utter lack of consideration for partners.

Are you as harsh about men who don't take marriage vows seriously as you are regarding women who treat those vows lightly?

If it's all the fault of women then what is the accountability for men who don't do the right thing? If men are also accountable then why is it all the fault of women?

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 20 June 2010 9:16:53 PM
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All good points R0bert. In my circles however I have mainly seen men as the overwhelming victims of "the system"... In the cases where the woman is the victim she has such a massive network of friends, family and court bias that she ends up by far being the better off in terms of asset allocation, time with the kids and social standing....

What springs to mind is when guys let their family/wife down it is no surprise...He was always going to do it. You can predict it from the kind of guy he is...On the flip side. When woman do it, it seems to me, more a brain snap....Or change of personality/what she wants in life... Don't know the significance of this..Just my observations..

I am so disillusioned, but have a very clear view of what's going on for men because of the modern woman and the society that backs her with such disgraceful bias......
Posted by billythekid, Sunday, 20 June 2010 10:01:39 PM
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