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Misunderstanding the Family Law : Comments

By Barbara Biggs, published 4/2/2010

Despite the recommendations, A-G Robert McClelland has flagged that he is reluctant to change the shared parenting laws.

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ChazP, And what a sick reality you live in. No such thing as a good man anywhere, is there?

My greatest regret in life is that i never did use DV, in any of my relationships. Looking back with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, i can safely say that my children would have been infinitely better off without their mother. If only i had murdered her when my children were toddlers, they would not have been neglected & abused while i was at work? If only i had tried "slapping her around a little", then maybe i could have gotten her to do some counselling or treatment & straightened herself out? 70 hours a week, i did 80 to 100 hours a week & if i didn't do the housework when i got home it did not get done. If only the DOCS workers i went to in despair, (after years of extensive DV perpetrated by her against myself & children) to report my wife for neglecting & abusing my children while i was at work were not radical, extremist, loony, left, lesbian, feman-nazi paedophiles, then maybe they would have looked at the evidence & credible independent witnesses available to them, but they live in the same sick world as you do ChazP, where there are only sick fathers & good mothers. What a sick joke you live in? The day is soon coming when people like you will be locked up in Baxter detention centre for the good of the country & the safety of our children.

Antiseptic, have you heard about the 68's? They were an international movement of hard core communists & socialists who started out protesting the Vietnam war in all western nations, all orchestrated from Moscow. They then moved onto femanism, a cold, evil, plan to destroy the capitalist family or our entire society, white anted from within. The evidence is all there, Germaine Greer is hardly the only femanist leader who is a Marxist, almost all of them were.
Posted by Formersnag, Tuesday, 9 February 2010 12:33:09 PM
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'Septic, again you disgust me by the way you tried to make assumptions about ChazP's late partner... a new low even for you.

Formerneversnag <" ChazP, And what a sick reality you live in. No such thing as a good man anywhere, is there?"
What a sick reality YOU live in. No such thing as a good woman anywhere?

You guys should be poster boys for the new Family Court Laws..... as prime reasons why they were ever first enacted and as why the latest laws aren't working.
Posted by suzeonline, Wednesday, 10 February 2010 12:26:48 AM
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Former/NeverSnag – there are many, many good men in our society, who genuinely care for their children and provide for them, and don’t abuse them or their partners, and are in equitable and harmonious relationships But they are not to be found among the FR Redneck Groups or as contributors to this thread.

The FR Rednecks are those males who are insecure and frightened and have very bruised ego’s.

The underlying issue to the FLA, are male fears, that they are almost totally redundant in traditional roles and relationships. That increasing numbers of females don’t need or want them. Females are now in a position to pursue careers and provide for themselves and for any children they may have and all they need is a sperm donor.

But the sperm donors are desperate to be needed and wanted. Hence the FLA 2006.

“Children need Fathers” should more correctly read “We want to be needed, please somebody need us!” ~ the poor things. And what about our Rights?. ~ (Father’s Rights groups). Now how pathetic do those desperate appeals sound from such tough men!.

More and more females are beginning to overcome their early indoctrination and conditioning to become `good’ wives and mothers and that they `Need a man’ – PIFFLE!. Who needs to buy a whole pig when all you want is a little piece of sausage??.

The FLA 2006 was about father’s fears that they were losing control over females and children (as they had such control in Victorian times) and were redundant. So the FLA was going back to the past. They are still fighting a losing battle to preserve their position. So its not about `their’ kids, its about THEM and their own insecurities.

And now that sperm can be artificially manufactured from DNA, well what else are they needed for ?. .

They cleverly continue to mask these basic anxieties and fears, and try to argue that children need them and that mothers are all bad. It gives them the last vestige of something to believe in, no matter how untrue.

GIRLS' RULE. Ok Boys!.
Posted by ChazP, Wednesday, 10 February 2010 11:45:58 AM
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Dear Sharkfin,

My tongue (or typing fingers) must have been so firmly in my cheek that I sounded anti MOG, instead of so 'over' the nazi-like condemnation and degradation of women and mothers that I was using sarcasm to respond. You'll note references to all these highly organised womens lobbyists groups (that are supposed to exist and I wish I knew where they are)do not respond in kind. It's like watching Domestic Abuse - only on line.
You see, many of us non-nazi-like workers in the field can dispute the unbelievable uninformed cr ap I'm reading on this blog each time children's safety is mentioned. Let alone Family Law. The blog is full of idle imaginings - for example of 'what happens in courts' and what ought to happen, which has little relationship to what does happen in the real world and real courts.

Like MOG I am pro safety of children and for some unknown reason, caring about the safety of children with these particular men equates with depriving them of something. You will note that any politician who cares about women or children as part of their constituency is immediately labelled as 'feminazi' yet they still have such laughingly low numbers in parliament compared with male representation in this land of equality of opportunity.

What I was trying (ineptly) to say was that there are people, sadly seem to be some of the men represented here, who so hate the women who left them, that they must attack all women. Rather than focus on safety for children
Posted by Cotter, Wednesday, 10 February 2010 1:52:40 PM
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Sharkfin. I brought up my own daughter myself for 10 years because her mother was too lazy and useless to do it herself being more interested in spending my child support money down the pubs and on her lifestyle than on my child, while my daughter was often left alone and abused and made to go hungry,despite the thousands of dollars i paid her mother in child support. I'm sick to death of hearing how hard it is to bring up a child and keep a house. To hear many single mothers it seems to consist of lurching from one crisis to another. Dr Phill the dill can say what he likes but i found it extremely easy and that, despite only receiving the princely sum of $5 p/w from her mother. And i did a much better job than her mother ever did. As i was told by one of your fellow man hating cronies on here in another post, tell some one who cares.
Posted by eyeinthesky, Wednesday, 10 February 2010 4:59:18 PM
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Dear Cotter,

Please forgive me for my post. I can plainly see that you are very tongue in cheek when I reread what you said. The trouble is I wrote down some notes earlier when I was reading through everybodies posts and then I went away for a couple of hours I must have skimmed through too quickly when I came back the second time.

It was late I should have just gone to bed instead I think.
Thank you for confirming the truth about the realities of what is actually happening in the courts instead of some of the uneducated opinions of the womanhaters here.

I was thinking of you when I wrote my first post that's why I said there would be some exceptions to the fact that children are in general better off with their mothers. It always comes across in your posts that you are a very caring and loving father. I am sorry to catch you in the crossfire.

Eyeinthesky: sounds like another loving and caring father. There will always be a percentage of exceptions but I still think that in the main women are more equipped by nature to mother children than men are.
Posted by sharkfin, Wednesday, 10 February 2010 9:47:07 PM
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