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The Chalmers Report

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I think Albo is already finding that he'll need to run a little dictatorship if he wants to be as effective as he can. His mob is like Goaf's crowd !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 31 July 2022 10:43:37 AM
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Dear Paul,

You're spot on. Galileo's scientific endeavours showed
that humans did not need the help of the supernatural
to explain nature and cure ill-health. He was put under
house arrest by the Vatican for saying that the earth moved
around the sun. In fact,, in 1633 the church made him recant
his theory of the universe.

However lets not dismiss this religious intervention in
science as a thing of the past.. We can see that on issues
which require radical solutions that are likely to harm
vested economic and political interests, censorship still
exists today.

Prof. Tor Hundloe told us that in Australia in 2006, leading
climatologists with this country's pre-eminent
public research organisation, CSIRO, were forbidden by the
organisation's management from publicly discussing the
implications of climate change.

Management was acting on behalf of the government. And Australia
is one of the standout countries in terms of human development
status. It is not corrupt. It's science is world class. None of that mattered.

In 2006, the Australian Government's position
was to cast doubt on global warming and refuse
to enter into UN agreements such as
the Kyoto Protocol. With the release of the
Stern Report on climate
change, the Australian Government's position had changed
- yet the then PM remained half-hearted about a commitment to counter global
warming. So you see - little had changed in near to 400 years
when ignorance and vested interests are confronted by
scientific facts.

While Galileo's and other wonderful discoveries were being made
not much had been learnt by the political elite in 2000 years
since Socrates' murder by the state.

And today we can see that new ideas, instead of being welcome
for the opportunities they open up for the improvement of
the human lot, are still seen as threats to those who have
become comfortable in their ideologies (religious or
otherwise). Look at the recent Labor's opening move in Parliament
where Labor and the Greens each seek to win on climate, while
the Coalition opts to be left behind.

cont'd ...
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 31 July 2022 11:42:21 AM
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If Albo gets this 43% BS into law, he will be able to dictate any increase he comes up with in one of his brainfarts, without any reference to Parliament. He will have judicial backing, too.

I get the feeling that Albo will make the Fabian Whitlam look very conservative.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 31 July 2022 12:45:39 PM
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cont'd ...

Dear Paul,

Rachel Withers writes:

" The entire climate bill upgrade has been one giant
self-own from a recalcitrant Opposition. The Coalition
has forced Labor into negotiation with the Greens when
it could have simply helped the bill in it weaker form
and sidelined the minor party instead ( not to mention,
this would have helped the Coalition regain a small
shred of credibility in this space)."

"No doubt the Opposition was hoping the whole thing
would fall over, or that it would gain an opening to
attack the government for negotiating with the Greens."

" Indeed, Senator Hollie "climate change is not Australia's
problem" Hughes has already been on the attack, telling
Sky News this morning that Labor was giving the Greens
"what they want", while complaining about not having a
copy of the bill herself. But few, it seems, are really
listening to the party that is sniping from the sideline
over a bill it refused to countenance."

"This government is not out of the woods yet, of course,
with some way to go in negotiations with the Greens. But
there's no doubt that the climate bill is going to end up
stronger. If only marginally as a result of Labor needing
to negotiate with those to its left instead of those to
the right. And that's something for which we can all
thank the Coalition."
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 31 July 2022 12:58:22 PM
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The coalition is counting on a wildly unrealistic climate bill. Any coalition with the greens has typically sunk any labor government.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 31 July 2022 2:03:47 PM
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This is a great opportunity for the Coalition to show
clearly to voters, particularly former Liberal supporters
in many electorates who left on 21 May that it has heard
their calls for more action on climate.

Ignoring the call was one of the primary reasons so
many seats that were regarded as Liberal heartland were lost.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 31 July 2022 3:17:15 PM
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