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The Chalmers Report

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The IPA's John Roskam has written an article called, "If only the Coalition knew how to govern like Labor", in which he refers to the "ambition" of the ALP in office, and the stark "meekness" and timidity of the Coalition".

Although Labor has formed government only three times in the last ten federal elections, they have more influence on the direction of Australia's policy than the Coalition does.

Roskam writes that the Coalition governs as though they will be in power for ever - and they achieve very little; but the Socialists, knowing that their popular support is tenuous, use "every means at their disposal" to implement their policies.

A case in point is the enshrining in law of the 43% emissions reduction horror, which will mean that the government can change the figure at any time "without reference to Parliament" and with no approval by the Senate. This might be questionable, But constitutional niceties aren’t stopping the Albanese government, according to the author. Morrison didn't bother with them either, with his national "cabinet" which Albanese has retained.

Another example is the intention to abolish the Australian Building and Construction Commission. In this, the Minister responsible, Tony Burke, has said that, even if the assault on the ABCC is not supported in the Senate, his regime will simply stop funding it.

Roskam finds it impossible to imagine a Coalition Minister making such a move. Nobody could.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 30 July 2022 3:14:35 PM
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It has been revealed that voters will be asked, if the Voice referendum gets off the ground, the simple question" Do you support an alteration to the constitution that establishes an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice?".

Straightforward yes or no. Nothing tricky.

Reportedly, the construction of the Voice to Parliament would be a matter for the Parliament and would not be able to do more than advise the government on relevant issues.

Would the activists and YES voters be happy with that? With all the rabble rousing and screeching going on, I would think not.

The three sentences that would be added to the Constitution are available now, but the PM will announce them officially, at least showing that he, or someone, has rejected the secretiveness of the pushers and urgers, particularly of the Aboriginal Affairs Minister who wanted a YES vote 'sight unseen' fashion, which would have attracted plenty of NO votes. Silly woman.

Albanese is "expected" to warn that the situation for Indigenous Australians which sees a life expectancy gap of 20 years and higher rates of imprisonment will not improve without action.

As if we haven't known that for many years! But 'action' is not just fiddling with the Constitution, and we already have 70 expensive quangos that have changed nothing.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 30 July 2022 3:28:13 PM
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The idiot will mizzle off just as Mr. Opinion did when nobody took any notice of him. I have not looked at any of the new arrival's posts since his first maniacal outburst. Twitter and Facebook with all the other nutters is the where he/she should be.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 30 July 2022 3:39:34 PM
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"Would the activists and YES voters be happy with that? With all the rabble rousing and screeching going on, I would think not.

Only elderly right wing people are screeching, mate....
Posted by The voice of reason, Saturday, 30 July 2022 5:24:51 PM
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There needs to be a sunset clause in the referendum.
Visualise in the future, there will be a group of people perhaps as
high as 30% of the population that has special influence in the
making of laws. This 30% will be largely only defined by examination
of their DNA. They will look exactly like the rest of us but have
that tiny difference in their DNA that says, yes you have one 256th
part aboriginal ancestory.
Look even now, how many aboriginals look very white or about as dark
as Italians or Spaniards.
Without a sunset clause we will generate a group of Landed Gentry.
Those opposed can scream racism but this Voice proposal will implant
racism into history.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 30 July 2022 6:51:18 PM
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There is a significant advantage to Labour winning the election.
They will introduce NetZero sooner and harder and crash the economy
before a lot more money is spent.
Once they get started it will quickly, and in Victoria it is already
becoming obvious, start to have disastrous affects.
I have not heard how the legislation is to be enforced.
Will we have petrol rationing ? Will be have to breath 43% less ?
Will factories with heat processes have to reduce production by 43% ?
Will bus services be reduced by 43% ?
I have not heard how it will all be done, does anyone here know ?
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 30 July 2022 7:09:07 PM
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