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The Chalmers Report

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"Will we have petrol rationing ? Will be have to breath 43% less ?
Will factories with heat processes have to reduce production by 43% ?
Will bus services be reduced by 43% ?"

I honest to God believe this level of ignorance should result in losing the right to vote
Posted by The voice of reason, Saturday, 30 July 2022 7:30:18 PM
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Most of this pie-in-the-sky crap simply won't happen. These 'believe the science' fanatics would be better off believing history.

At various times throughout the history of humankind, our most brilliant scientists and philosophers believed many things most eight-year-olds now know to be false: the earth was flat, the sun revolved around the earth, smoking cigarettes was good for digestion, humans were not related to apes, the planet was 75,000 years old, or left-handed people were unclean.

Around 100 years ago, doctors still thought bloodletting (that is, using leeches or a lancet to address infections) was useful in curing a patient. The idea that the universe was bigger than the Milky Way was unfathomable, and the fact the earth had tectonic plates that moved beneath our feet was yet to be discovered.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 30 July 2022 9:08:15 PM
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"Most of this pie-in-the-sky crap simply won't happen. These 'believe the science' fanatics would be better off believing history."

I reiterate, this level of stupid should not get to vote
Posted by The voice of reason, Saturday, 30 July 2022 9:14:13 PM
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Those things were absurdities based on religious beliefs, not science. It was not even based on pseudoscience simply based on biblical interpretation. The few scientists of the time, people like Copernicus and Galileo, risked their lives in scientific pursuits.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 31 July 2022 5:34:48 AM
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The reality is that there is nothing in the economic conditions today that wasn't blindingly obvious a month before the election. The Ukraine war that boosted fuel, gas and food prices and inflation around the world started in Feb 2022.

The Chalmer's report is Labor trying to walk away from its promises and trying to blame the coalition. Either Labor was lying through its teeth when making its promises to reduce power prices and increase real wages or it was and still is massively incompetent.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 31 July 2022 8:42:56 AM
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No Paul. It was based on the science of the day, in exactly the same way as it is today. As I said, people should bone up on history to see what happened in the past when nonsense the same as we are fed today was fed to people just as smart as we are - or think we are.

We will be looked back on with the same derision that we now look back on flat earthers with. Given the technology and communication abilities that we have now, I think that we are more gullible and easier led than they were.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 31 July 2022 9:37:38 AM
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