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Proud Australian

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AC, why are you addressing your replies to me? Was that on purpose, I happen to agree with Steele on this. Many thousands of lives have been saved in Australia, thanks to the efforts particularly of state governments, but despite some federal cock-ups Morrison played a part as well.

On the economic side, I agree stimulus was necessary, but Morrison wasted many billions that could have been put to better use, or not spent at all.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 9 May 2022 6:49:03 AM
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Hi Paul1405,
Yes I saw my mistake after I posted it, sorry.
I haven't really been on the ball this last week.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 9 May 2022 10:47:07 AM
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Dear SteeleRedux,

«Well done all.»

Yes, we have been great, the people of Australia did very well during this pandemic compared with any other place.

The problem is, that government takes credit for our good work, they claim as if it were them who did it, which is not true. In some states they were even in the way, working for the virus and against the people, and it was the central regime which actually denied us the vaccines while people in other countries already had them. Why we were not (and still are not) allowed to produce/import our own vaccines, we are only allowed those vaccines supplied by that evil government itself and only when they by their "grace" allow us to have them. To humiliate us further, they do not even allow us to pay for our own COVID vaccines, tests and treatments.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 9 May 2022 10:53:06 AM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

A rather myopic view of the situation and of course one I do not share. If there was ever a place for government to step in and coordinate a response it is either a war or a pandemic like the one we have just had.

I concede that governments are there to create the space for us to step up and contribute to the effort but even in this regard the difference between Australia for instance and the US was stark.

We have done alright as a nation including our leaders and I really think it is something that needs to be celebrated.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 9 May 2022 11:13:15 AM
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Well done us!
So many small businesses closed, so many people oppressed and so much cruelty and corruption! Well done!
We closed the State for three hundred daily cases encouraged more fear and hatred of people unless they took the vaccine and have now reduced cases to only ten thousand a day! Well done us!
You old Stalinists revel in murder and mayhem, bashing people and house arrests? Why not just move to North Korea, your natural home? You could be guards in death camps.
Eventually the truth will out but Boris Johnson initially pointed out people dying were over the usual age of death so let it spread. Personally I hate all your lies but understand your corruption as you can then live the totalitarian dream.
I loved that you had to even compliment that lily-livered cur in Canberra whilst cheering on the WA and Victorian Nazi premiers.
Bring on the coming depression!
Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 9 May 2022 11:44:56 AM
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Nothing screams Nazi as being happy to see off the old and infirmed before their time.

As to depression suicide rates here in Victoria plummeted through the Covid period.

Go bark up someone else's tree.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 9 May 2022 12:58:05 PM
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