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What if its all for nothing

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"Now he wants to know why people can't be injected with a dose of DISINFECTANT!"

Do you fall for EVERY bogus claim about Trump? Now this? Struth. You don't have to be utterly gullible to fall for all this gumph...but it helps

The mans an IDIOT!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 April 2020 12:40:43 PM
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Hi Paul,

Don't be too hard on the US President.

He might have something there.

After all it appears that the sale of alcohol
has gone through the roof. So maybe he's onto
something. And Aussies think its working great.
And the sale of booze is good for the economy. (grin).
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 25 April 2020 1:55:12 PM
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MSNBC? oh dear!!

It is truly written that Trump supporters take him seriously but not literally, while his opponents take him literally but not seriously.


A short history of the virus responses in NYC:

31/1 - Trump closes all travel from China except returning Americans. Called racist, xenophobic etc etc

2/2 NYC Health Commissioner - Join the parades and don't believe the misinformation from Trump

2/2 NYC Health Council head - huge crowd is powerful message of defiance against Trump scare tactics

24/2 Pelosi urges people to join downtown crowds

3/3 NYC mayor urges people to get out, visit cinemas, ignore CV19 warnings

3/4 Democrats announce inquiry into Trump's handling of the virus.

All deaths in NYC Trump's fault, apparently.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 25 April 2020 2:02:57 PM
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Dear mhaze,

You really are being utterly childish yet again.

You claim;

“So manufacturing wasn't closed by the Swedish government but by some companies. They say its due to CV19 but Volvo Australia admitted it was supply chain problems. The Swedish government didn't close manufacturing as you said. Naughty, naughty.”

This is what I actually said;

“There were many schools in Sweden who took upon themselves to close like they did here against the advice of the government. The car manufacturing industry also shuttered their factories and are only now looking to slowly ramp up again albeit with social distancing measures even more stringent than those within our own sector.”

So why do you do it? Is it just deflection? Mate it really is kindergarten stuff.

And this,

“As to your UK figures, yes they are up. But if you look at the Euromono site you'll find many places that are down. Why aren't you talking about them?”

Because after the record breaking 'worst in 40 year' flu season and a pretty bad on the years after Europe had been enjoying a mild season in terms of excess deaths. But you know all this, it is evident from the figres. But you aren't going to let t get in the way of you defending unto the death a completely false representation of the figures.

Time to grow up.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 25 April 2020 3:27:08 PM
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Dear Paul1405,

This is a good breakdown of how stupid suggestions have people acting stupidly.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 25 April 2020 3:58:29 PM
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Thanks Steele, The latest from the 'Dangerous Dr Donald' and his jab of "DISINFECTANT", well he was just "geeing up" the news reporters, so he claims. Seems even his minders who try to vet every word he says, in the hope of avoiding the foot in mouth disease the poor fool suffer from, missed that one.

With all the CV-19 news, something that went under reported was Trump's directing the US Navy to “shoot down and destroy” Iranian gunboats that “harass” U.S. ships. “Shoot down” implies that the target is airborne, are these flying gunboats?

A spokesman for the Iranian armed forces Abolfazl Shekarchi said Trump’s threat is misplaced. Quoting Shekarchi according to the Iranian Students’ News Agency.

“Today, instead of bullying others, the Americans should put all their efforts toward saving those members of their forces who are infected with coronavirus.”
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 April 2020 5:55:11 PM
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