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What if its all for nothing

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mhaze, watch the video of Dangerous Dr Donald going on about DISINFECTANT. Listen for the words disinfectant and injection. mhaze you have backed a loser in Trump, just admit it.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 26 April 2020 4:01:24 PM
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Dear Paul,

The US President is certainly a worry.

His unhealthy patterns of thinking, functioning,
and behaving, have become the defining characteristics
of his presidency. His extreme narcissism, his
addiction to lying (saying something and then denying
it, blaming it on being a joke or sarcasm - sound familiar?).
His bullying, and silencing (firing) those who disagree
with him or could expose him. The list goes on.

And yet many of his supporters refuse to accept the
US President's disordered personality.
Perhaps they themselves are erratic, unstable, and have
personality disorders?
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 April 2020 4:19:03 PM
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Well it seems that we now have quite a few places starting to remove restrictions and lockdowns.

Sweden obviously. But parts of Europe as well. South Korea, Japan.

Most importantly, those parts of the US that weren't greatly affected by the virus but badly affected by the over-reaction to it, are also realising that the lockdowns were unnecessary and are starting to open. Middle America is now realising that, just because the bozos who run NY screwed up doesn't mean that they need to continue to suffer.

Quite when Australia catches on is difficult to say since all leaders federal and state continue to compete as to who can propose the next infringements of our liberties.

As the peak passes, data will start to firm up. Its now very clear, as I said from the outset, that this is a disease of the old and that the young, even if they caught the infection, were basically safe. Data from virtually all sources show this to be true. In Australia, no Australian under 50 has died and the average age is 79.

So it ought to be clear that closing the schools was a monumental over-reaction and that the only reasons it is not reversed right now is the reluctance to admit the error.

Equally it is clear that the reaction to this was based on utterly failed models that started off predicting catastrophic deaths levels. (In Australia, the models weren't designed for our conditions nor used Australian input data. That should never be forgotten) But as more and better data came in, it is now clear that for many countries, this is just another flu season. For some, like Europe, its slightly worse than a bad flu season while for places like Australia and the US (despite the errors made in NYC) it's still not clear that it will approach the levels of recent flu seasons in terms of death rates.

Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 26 April 2020 4:27:08 PM
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We will need to closely watch how the re-opening of the the US heartland goes to try to learn how its done and to avoid the inevitable errors. I have little confidence that the current Australian leadership, which so wantonly lead us into this chasm, has the faintest idea how to exit it.

The errors made here in the last few months will reverberate through our society for a generation at least. And not in a good way. Already it seems likely that our tourism industry is going to be decimated several times over and that our universities and prestige schools are going to suffer significant losses from reduced overseas student numbers.

With China now in the cross-hairs of the US, Britain, Japan etc a slowing or even reversal of the Chinese economy is likely. Since we hitched our wagon to that economy back in the early 1990's any hiccup there will be felt here.

I was very pessimistic about our future economy before the virus and that's only exacerbated now. It might be possible to turn things around in the medium term by jettisoning the baggage we accumulated over the past decade. The renewable energy policies are things a rich and complacent country could (barely) afford. But its not affordable for a country set back on it heels by the changing international landscape. Who knows, even manufacturing might become fashionable again - even those tariffs that have gone out of favour at the hands of the internationalists.

May you live in interesting times.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 26 April 2020 4:27:15 PM
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You might note that the clips you listed which purport to show that Trump said inject disinfectant are very short. Yet those briefings go for often up to an hour.
Had you listened further, or had those who regularly misled you let the tape run further, you'd have heard this exchange:

"KARL: Can I ask about — the President mentioned the idea of cleaners, like bleach and isopropyl alcohol you mentioned. There’s no scenario that could be injected into a person, is there? I mean —

BRYAN: No, I’m here to talk about the findings that we had in the study. We won’t do that within that lab and our lab. So —

TRUMP: It wouldn’t be through injection. We’re talking about through almost a cleaning, sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work. But it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object."

There's no doubt that what Trump originally said was open to misinterpretation and required clarification. And that clarification came only minutes later. Yet the media you and Foxy and SR rely on, didn't tell you about that.

When you have someone like a president having virtually every waking word recorded, its inevitable that some things are going to sound incoherent. I posted an example here showing Obama being completely unintelligible. But as usual with such things, the usual suspected pretended not to see it.

If you've decided that Trump is a fool and if you've decided to accept any and all memes issued in that regard by your chosen media, you will of course find myriad examples. Just as those who adopted the same attitude to Obama found myriad examples.

But adopting such a policy simply leads you to being endlessly surprised when events turn out differently to what you've been conditioned to believe.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 27 April 2020 11:21:18 AM
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Dear mhaze,

This is what easing restrictions too early looks like;

“Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido offers a grim lesson in the next phase of the battle against COVID-19. It acted quickly and contained an early outbreak of the coronavirus with a 3-week lockdown. But, when the governor lifted restrictions, a second wave of infections hit even harder. Twenty-six days later, the island was forced back into lockdown.
A doctor who helped coordinate the government response says he wishes they’d done things differently. “Now I regret it, we should not have lifted the first state of emergency,” Dr. Kiyoshi Nagase, chairman of the Hokkaido Medical Association, tells TIME.”

As to Trump I'm actually quite devastated. I have been addicted to his briefings and witnessed first hand the spiral of denial and equivocation. He was obviously looking to them as a campaign substitute and they were highly entertaining. The last one was just gold. Brix couldn't even look at the clown as he rambled down the injecting disinfectant line, even though at times he was directly addressing her.

But now it looks like there will be a long halt to anymore briefings from your president. He obviously has realised how idiotic he came across. While I'm happy that he went out with a bang I'm a little distressed that I'm going to have to get my laughs elsewhere. It's a worry when even SLN skits aren't half as amusing as the real thing.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 27 April 2020 12:53:33 PM
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