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What if its all for nothing

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Well Paul,

That's a whole lot better than your first effort. At least now you've dropped the Nazi sympathiser/Pig Iron Bob bullsh!t.

I can't help but notice that you've decided to ignore the point about the unions being in cahoots with Moscow to hinder the Menzies Government's war efforts.

I also can't help but notice that you've completely missed the fact that the parliament Menzies faced was hopelessly divided and that his was a minority government opposed by an ALP that was much more interested in gaining power than in helping the war effort.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 10 April 2020 12:25:32 PM
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Hey Mr Opinion,
"LNP economic policy has always been targeted at helping business with the idea that there is a trickle down effect to the betterment of lower classes. Just won't happen!"

If you don't like trickle down policy, come up with something better, I did.

It's called 'Socialist Base Level Employment Scheme'.
Take the 5% unemployed Capitalism needs to prevent wage growth and turn them from a liability to an asset.
Double Dole for full-time work doing things to help the government save money.
You already pay someone $500 a fortnight to do nothing ($50 work-day).
Why not pay them $500 a week and get a full-time worker instead?
It only costs an extra $50 a day from someone doing nothing to someone doing something constructive full-time that helps the country.

People would confirm a work-shift through myGov which would also match jobs to skills via a digital resume.
Skills and Training would be almost entirely app-based.

People taking part in the non-compulsory scheme would also earn Training credits which could be used to increase skills (Pay for Training and Testing)

If you don't like trickle down then try trickle up.
All you have to do is change the rules of the game.

This ends the 'I can't get a job' excuse and stops a need for half the social programs that are needed to deal with peoples problems caused during difficult times in their lives.

This stops them falling down in the first place.
And it's not a hand out being unfair to existing taxpayers.
It's a hand up.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 April 2020 4:04:01 PM
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Hey mhaze,
I'll give it a look.
Epoch Times are sometimes out in front with the facts.
- Many Thanks -
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 April 2020 4:07:25 PM
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Hey Paul1405,

"I did some research on the 1918 Spanish Flu, which killed 20 to 50 million world wide. Seems it was actually American Swine Flu, originating in pigs in the Mid-West USA, early 1918, not proven conclusively, but there is plenty of evidence."

Yeah, it's not Spanish at all, courtesy of the good ole US of A.
I've heard a few of my YouTube hosts mention it lately.
If I hear any of them mention it again and get any more specifics I'll share it with you.

Chinavirus / Wuflu probably didn't originate in China either.

America's a funny country.
Federal reserve is not a department of the Federal Government.
It's no more federal that Federal Express.

They will name government bills big grand names, but really they're the opposite of what they're called.
For example:

National Defense Authorisation Act
- is actually the National Offense Authorisation Act
(That's what it REALLY is)
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
- is actually the Defense Threat Production Agency
(That's what they REALLY do)

Can't remember them all, but there's heaps of joke names that make fun of all these bills and agencies.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 April 2020 4:19:37 PM
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I haven't dropped it mhaze, I just didn't mention it in my last post that 'Pig Iron' Bob was a Nazi sympathiser and apologist. 'Pig Iron' got his nick name from authorising sales of iron from Port Kembla to Japan, which was turned into bombs dropped on innocent civilians in Manchuria and China, then on our own people in Darwin 1942. Patriotic unions tried to stop the practice to no avail, that's why you claim they were in league with the USSR.

During WWI, although being of serviceable age, when 95% of such men volunteered, by the standards of the times Menzies was a coward, failing to enlist, preferring to stay at home in the family mansion. Did Menzies receive a white feather in the mail, we'll never know.

Just on Menzies and the Nazi's; In August 1938, while Attorney-General of Australia, Menzies spent several weeks visiting Nazi Germany. He reported in glowing terms the achievements of the Third Reich, brushing aside their human rights violations, he thought that the Germans should take care of their own affairs, and had no intention of war. Was he disappointed that he didn't have an audience with the Fuhrer, where he could have given a good old "seig heil" to Adolf, we'll never know
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 10 April 2020 6:32:08 PM
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Hey AC, just on the claim that the 1918/19 Spanish Flu was actually American Swain Flu. Regardless of it origin it wasn't Spanish, they just happened to be neutral in WWI and openly reported their cases, so the name stuck. Plus the fact the Allies didn't want to stick their new compatriot America with creating a world wide pandemic.
I'm writing this from memory from what I've read and seen. In the winter of 1917, a back water doctor in the Mid West USA, Kansas, reported to Washington that a highly virulent strain of flu had killed an usually high number of hog farmers and their families, mostly young health people, in the area. This was not that unusual, as previous outbreaks of Swine Flu in remote pig farming areas of the Mid West had occurred, and as quick as they came, they subsided with the change of seasons. Washington simply noted the doctors report, and took no action. What was different this time was America joined WWI, and young farm youth were enlisting and being located in large numbers away from remote isolated areas to army camps, where overcrowded conditions were right for the spread of influenza. At the time the US Army was dealing with a serious measles outbreak, not giving a high priority to the influenza.

The vast majority of US troops shipped to Europe, disembarked at the French port of Brest, where influenza among allied troops was first reported. It quickly spread with the movement of troops. It was not until later that it spread into the German army and its allies. Neither side reported on the epidemic, not wishing to give the other an advantage.

The only other creditable explanation for its origins is that it was brought to Europe with British Empire troops from the far east. However the outbreak in those troops definitely took place after Brest. My Old Man, who was a young boy during WWI, told me where ever it came from, it wasn't China
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 10 April 2020 6:34:48 PM
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