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What if its all for nothing

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Hey ttbn,

Sorry I forgot to add the link earlier to the C19 Charts.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 April 2020 10:03:47 AM
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Come, come, mhaze, you try to bucket me re the 1939/45 political situation in Australia during a time of cries, maybe you don't consider it was such a time. Menzies was a pathetic leader, unable to act decisively and suffered the consequences.

The facts for you mhaze!

September 3, 1939. Menzies declares war on Germany.
With war looming in the Pacific, Menzies lost the confidence of his own party, the conservative UAP, and was forced to resign the leadership, 27 August 1941. A joint UAP-Country Party conference chose another incompetent, Country Party leader Arthur Fadden as Coalition leader, and Prime Minister. The Fadden Government lasted only 40 days before being defeated on a confidence motion in parliament, 9th October 1941. Labor's John Curtain become Prime Minister. Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, 7th December 1941. On the evening of the 8th December Curtin broadcast to the nation that Australia was at war with Japan. The only time Australia has independently declared war, in 1939 Menzies had declared war on Germany in response to a declaration of war by the British government.

Where are your facts mhaze? Maybe you don't understand history, or you're just a far right revisionist.

Hey AC, good to see some sensible posts from some, keep it up. I did some research on the 1918 Spanish Flu, which killed 20 to 50 million world wide. Seems it was actually American Swine Flu, originating in pigs in the Mid-West USA, early 1918, not proven conclusively, but there is plenty of evidence. Taken to Europe by newly arrive US troops. Why it was called Spanish Flu, both sides in the war suppressed their own death tolls from the flu, not wanting to give advantage to the other. Spain was neutral in the war, and freely reported its death toll, so it got the label of the Spanish Flu, wherever it came from, it certainly was not Spain.

Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 10 April 2020 10:53:15 AM
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"At the time, there were no effective drugs or vaccines to treat this killer flu strain. Citizens were ordered to wear masks, schools, theaters and businesses were shuttered and bodies piled up in makeshift morgues before the virus ended its deadly global march." Sound familiar, not written about the Coronavirus, but the 1918 flu pandemic.

Mr O, I absolutely agree with you on how the cash splash may not be used as intended.

What about this; "We're all in this together!" Seems that does not apply to New South Wales LNP Minister Don Harwin. Dear old Don was spotted choffing off to his million dollar holiday haunt on the NSW central coast for Easter. Is it a case of "Do as I say, not do as I do!" Big Nose, when you finished sacking Brad, sack Don!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 10 April 2020 10:54:33 AM
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Hey Armchair,

and others....

This doco makes a pretty good case that the virus was created by the Chinese military and covered up by the CCP.

Its pretty long but worth the effort.

Bear in mind that it is made by The Epoch times which has links to Falun Gung and is therefore anti-CCP. So ignore the propaganda bits, particularly the last 5 minutes or so. But the factual portion appears to hold up.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 10 April 2020 11:00:37 AM
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"I do believe Hassy was a member of the Luftwaffe back in the day, flying his trusty old Messerschmitt. Hassy needs help understanding English, does anyone "sprechen deutsch" Paul.

Come on Paul, what utter garbage you talk.

If I had been a member of the Luftwaffe, England would have lost the war & surrendered before Pearl Harbor.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 10 April 2020 11:16:38 AM
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Paul1405, SteeleRedux & Mr Opinion would have made perfect Kamikaze Pilots for attacking a toilet block ! Would have given the Luftwaffe chaps something to laugh about & brighten their miserable days !
Posted by individual, Friday, 10 April 2020 11:24:44 AM
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