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The Forum > General Discussion > Global warming garbage.

Global warming garbage.

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Greens religion demands killing the unborn and now sacrificing this country and lives for the sake of saving a beetle from becoming extinct. The generation of Marxist who virtue signal about banning straws or driving an electric car shows how dumbed down the left has made so many.
Posted by runner, Friday, 3 January 2020 9:30:22 AM
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There are plenty of studies that show poorly done burns add to fuel loads and fire risk. I have an example in my local bit of bush. A hotter than planned burn killed off a section of yellow gums and once the shade area was lost the shrubs quickly took over. Within a few years the place was heavily overgrown and far more of a hazard than it should have been.

We need far better trained fire specialists who seek to also protect natural habitat. The Gippsland lot were basically saying because a huge fire had gone through the previous year that the burn area should be credited into the following years burning program. On the face of it that would seem like a reasonable ask.

Whether or not the government followed this request is not known.

Dear runner,

You really are like an annoying blowfly, buzzing in just looking to wipe some germs somewhere. And stop with the pretend care for children you defender of the pedophiles within your faith who wrought so much pain, misery and death upon so many thousands of innocent Aussie kids.

Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 3 January 2020 9:59:01 AM
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Dear Josephus,

Looked at the link you posted from that idiot Kelly's facebook page. Of course after the 1939 fires we got a Royal Commission which eventually led to the formation of the CFA in Victoria albeit only after the 1944 fires.

I would love to see a Royal Commission into the serious defunding of capacity of our parks and fire services.

Would you support one too?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 3 January 2020 10:17:14 AM
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I have to stand up for common sense and reason.
Why the GW, CC backers keep trying to push that proverbial sh!t uphill is an absolute comedy to behold, as they are also themselves, so it comes easy to them.
Why argue about water bombers and politicians, when we ALL know the source/cause of this current fire catastrophe.
You want to blame the pollies, fine but remember how govt works.
People like PM's are guided by advisers, they don't do anything without consulting those in charge of that particular dept.
GW and CC have NOTHING to do with this, let me make that quite clear, so stop trying to deflect or virtue shame, you're all sounding quite pathetic and confirm that you're out of ideas.
You're a lost cause.
If you want to start saving lives, not only around the issue of fires, but in every other issue affecting humanity, at least in this country; CRUSH THE GREENS!
Remove them from the face of the earth.
They have no actual policies or viable ideas.
Simply boring the buggery out of the public with their stupid childish and somewhat insipid and irrelevant mantra's does not qualify them or entitle them to call themselves a political party, or definitely not influence policies at govt level.
I'm not saying that these latest fires would not have been a threat to the people and properties involved, but I am saying that had things been left as they have been for years, controlled burning would have lessened the severity and devastating results we have seen, and still to see, this time around.
I'd like to smash one point into the faces of the GREENS.
How's your stupid, moronic stance and attitude looking now, when all your idiotic attempts at justifying not killing any flora and fauna by not burning off periodically, as has been the custom for as long as we can remember, before you bastards came along, looking now with the very thing you promote against, has happened but with many times more severe consequences, because of your very unwanted, irrelevant beliefs and ideals.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 3 January 2020 10:18:41 AM
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Unfortunately, the Greens won't be crushed until we do away with preferential voting. Even Labor has gone so far to the left that they would no longer survive without preferential voting. It is ludicrous that voters have to put a number next to some jerk they wouldn't piss on if he or she was on fire.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 January 2020 10:35:03 AM
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"There are plenty of studies that show poorly done burns add to fuel loads and fire risk."

Well the logic here might be 'Don't do them poorly then'.

I'm just going to go now, think I'm just going to go and beat my head against the brick wall for a bit...

A nation of idiots
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 January 2020 10:53:02 AM
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