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The Forum > General Discussion > Global warming garbage.

Global warming garbage.

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Mr O, give it a rest.
Just because one loud mouth maggot and her mentally deficient followers decide to get some attention justified by all the virtue shaming clowns in her group, does in no way make her point relevant.
I would really love it if she was a greens/labour supporter.
Now that's a line worth following.
All she has done is demonstrated to the world that she is a low-life with a crass and judgmental mentality.
If she has lost property, she can be given a little consideration, but to make a fool of herself acting in a rancid manner and dis-respecting the Prime Minister, only confirms what garbage people are.
We lose all respect and sympathy for someone who fails to keep their composure under pressure.
Her visual cues were of a rabid bitch, (dog).
I am pleased that he did not shake her hand, he would more than likely have caught some mentally challenging disease, like she obviously has.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 3 January 2020 4:16:34 PM
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It wasn't just one person who was angry. It was a lot. It looked like none of the locals wanted ScuMo to be there and they seemed more than happy to see him jump into his car and head off down the road.

One firefighter told ScuMo he didn't want to shake his hand but ScuMo grabbed hold of his other hand and shook it. Why? Because ScuMo went to Cobargo simply to get photos of him shaking hands. I bet ScuMo gave his publicist an ear bashing after leaving Cobargo for telling him it would be a good idea to go the Cobargo.

It will be interesting to see if the LNP start breaking ranks as MPs in marginal seats begin to see voters reactions against the LNP who have been telling voters that the burning of fossil fuels is not responsible for global warming which in turn is the cause of the climate change that has brought this devastating environmental crisis.

The best description I can give to ScuMo and his mates: environmental criminals.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 3 January 2020 4:46:34 PM
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Dear Mr Opinion,

It has started already with the NSW Liberal transport minister, Andrew Constance saying of prime minister Scott Morrison; "So to be honest with you the locals probably gave him the welcome that he probably deserved.”

They can see right through this bloke, just like the rest of us.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 3 January 2020 4:53:46 PM
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Well, in that case the world is a very scary place ALTRAV.
Because whoever 'they' are they can deceive the entire planet's scientific community. Every National Academy of Science on the entire PLANET accepts climate science. Seriously, it's not my fault you have your own retarded definition of common sense. It's not my fault you reject science. It's not my fault you're making a fool of yourself defying known physics and observational science.

It's yours.
Entirely yours.

But hey, you go and believe in "the conspiracy" — whatever it is. Please don't tell me it's too BORING to try and tune into your kind of tinfoil hat. I can never get the frequency right! I really don't care what you think right now. I'm too busy spanking you with a little dose of reality. A little TRUTH!

Let the spanking begin!

Academies of science (general science)
Since 2001, 34 national science academies, three regional academies, and both the international InterAcademy Council and International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences have made formal declarations confirming human induced global warming and urging nations to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The 34 national science academy statements include 33 who have signed joint science academy statements and one individual declaration by the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2007.

(Now I know nothing here works on your belief system, but I just wanted to highlight, for the record and for lurkers, just what kind of scientific enterprise you're stubbornly sticking your fingers in your ears about!)
Posted by Max Green, Friday, 3 January 2020 5:38:00 PM
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Dear SteeleRedux,

Totally concur. It's only the LNP diehards who will want to be seen with ScuMo from now on.

Unfortunately it has taken an environmental catastrophe to make people realise that the climatologists have been right all along and that the AGW denialists like ScuMo and his mates have been pulling the wool over their eyes with promises of jobs and growth in a country with an environment that can only support a small population and limited development. Hmmm ........ I think I'm starting to sound like Greta Thunberg. All for the best I think.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 3 January 2020 5:44:33 PM
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Mr Opinion,
please don't sound like Greta! I mean, the poor kid has every right to be freaked out, because the risks are real. But there's something about her standing up and shouting at the UN that just makes me wince.

I love how she became a rallying point, and I love the goal, but the execution? Ouch.

Anyway, I'm optimistic that we have the technology to survive and even thrive with today's population the on planet, maybe more. The problem is the later we leave adopting that technology, the more developing nations will suffer, and the more the impact will be on ecosystems. There are risks to us, but we are tricky and clever and can adapt.

Nature can't, not with us surrounding her. I'm more a climate activist because of my concerns for nature than my concerns for us. But, yes, there are risks, especially if some unpredictable climate scenarios lead us to large scale nuclear war.
Posted by Max Green, Friday, 3 January 2020 5:51:59 PM
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