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Global warming garbage.

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I'm a little concerned, haven't seen the usual pompous rebut from SR and Co.
Maybe he's run out of posting time, in which case, he'll be back spitting and raving to assert his self appointed position of leader of the GW, CC movement.
I've just been told that it doesn't matter if SR and the other climate alarmists respond or not, as we already know what they are going to say.
Exactly what they have been saying all along, without any new and actual, real information or body of proof.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 2 January 2020 11:56:47 PM
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Hi Josephus,
(I can't believe I'm going to type this.) Bazz is right. Tinyurl is great. You can copy and paste your link into the Tinyurl website and then copy out their tiny one all manually, or use the browser widget.

Now, you said "The Greens" stopped the back-burning in Gippsland.

Why are you lying to this group? Did you simply mistype? Did you mean 'greenies' as in environmentalists? Because when I read "The Greens" I read a political party. Try to be more accurate, it will help your credibility. This is the Gippsland Environment Group, and it's only a letter to the minister. He didn't HAVE to obey them if he knew better!

Also, environmental activists like this tend to research stuff about their local region. Paragraph 2 on the science of backburning blew me away, and I obviously need to research some of their claims. I simply did not know that! Hmm, too busy this week, but definitely something to look into.

Finally, see what the experts say?
Also, the following link raises another interesting point that some sectors of at least NSW parks management have had an INCREASE in staff, so I will have to check my claims about the various NSW fire fighting and parks agencies and check my sources on these different agencies. There might be different stats for different departments.

"“These are very tired and very old conspiracy theories that get a run after most major fires,” says Prof Ross Bradstock, the director of the centre for environmental risk management of bushfires at the University of Wollongong, who has been researching bushfires for 40 years.

“They’ve been extensively dealt with in many inquiries.” ...

... A former NSW fire and rescue commissioner, Greg Mullins, has written this week that the hotter and drier conditions, and the higher fire danger ratings, were preventing agencies from carrying out prescribed burning.

He said: “Blaming ‘greenies’ for stopping these important measures is a familiar, populist, but basically untrue claim.”
Posted by Max Green, Friday, 3 January 2020 4:05:15 AM
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Hey Max Green,

>>"... A former NSW fire and rescue commissioner, Greg Mullins, has written this week that the hotter and drier conditions, and the higher fire danger ratings, were preventing agencies from carrying out prescribed burning.

He said: "Blaming ‘greenies’ for stopping these important measures is a familiar, populist, but basically untrue claim."<<

The excuse still doesn't pass the sniff test, in the bigger scheme of things.

I'll tell you why:
If the NSW fire and rescue commissioner knew that hotter conditions were preventing back-burning


At this point it comes back to bureaucratic failure and government / political incompetence on the part of bureaucrats and leaders.

What do you want to do point the finger at the citizens?

What was done to mitigate a potential disaster in a situation where it was known there was an increased fuel load and a high fire danger?


Did our leaders contact other nations leaders and say "Hey, any chance we could borrow or lease some of your water bombers this season? We might have a serious problem on our hands with fires come summer"

Why don't we have an international policy or agreement to share water bombing planes to others whose summer months fall during our winter months; and vice versa?
This might be an international policy that could actually benefit nations and their citizens.

You know the problem with democracy?
Two teams of idiots put on a sideshow where their aim is to constantly disagree with each other, on the very principle on purpose of constantly disagreeing.
The citizens lose out when these idiots constantly arguing with each other fail to work together for the peoples best interests.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 January 2020 7:18:42 AM
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I think we should all take a moment to reflect on the philosophy of ScuMo and his mates with this famous episode in his life:
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 3 January 2020 7:20:46 AM
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Hey Mr Opinion,

What was the point you were trying to make with that article?

Who cares about your lump of coal?

I love coal.

Without it, I'd have grown up in the dark ages, probably without lights and fresh water, and certainly without a coles supermarket, and probably steel, ships, motor vehicles and an opportunity for an education above a third world level as well.
Also it's an Australian export, meaning it helps our economy pay for all the little whiney things entitled progressives and millennials demand;
And also it helps put the food on the plates of australian families.

So what exactly is your issue with it?

Enlighten us - what should we think?

[Continued from my previous comment]
Tell me did the current NSW fire and rescue commissioner Paul Baxter, get on the phone to the NSW Environment Minister Matthew Kean, and say "Hey - we need some more bloody water bombers or were in deep crap!"
And did the NSW Environment Minister Matthew Kean get on the phone to Federal Minister for Environment Sussan Ley and say "Hey, You'd better get me some more water bombers because if you effing don't, when a bloody catastrophe unfolds I'll tell everyone that when I demanded you do something you sat on your damn hands. Make it happen or I'll make sure you're front and bloody centre when the crap hits the fan."

TELL ME, did these conversations take place?

AND IF NOT - Why not?

And what did our government do about it?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 January 2020 7:49:29 AM
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FUEL LOAD — why don't you be true to your name and tell us what should have been done OTHER THAN BURN THAT FUEL LOAD? Manually walk through and pick up fallen twigs and lumber on a continent whose different states are themselves often many times larger than most European countries? On a budget? Yeah, right! They couldn't burn because of our climate change winter. Thank global warming!

WATER BOMBERS - we used to borrow California's in their off season. Now both our fire seasons overlap. Again, thank global warming!

I agree that AFTER this year, we need to buy our own. Isn't hindsight wonderful?

COAL - was great for industrialising us, but I *wish* there had only been enough to get us to the nuclear era, peaked in the 1950's and ran out by 2000. That would have been a vastly better future for us all!

We don't need it. Nuclear can displace it for billions of years.

Coal kills nearly 3 million people a year, which is about 650 Chernobyl disasters a YEAR. (The west NEVER built a single Chernobyl reactor — not all nuclear reactors are the same!) Every year coal kills the same as 650 Chernobyl disasters.

This is why George Monbiot says: “….when coal goes right it kills more people than nuclear power does when it goes wrong. It kills more people every week than nuclear power has in its entire history. And that’s before we take climate change into account.”

The health costs nearly double the cost of coal! You pay once in your electricity bill, and again in your public health bill.

Dr James Hansen has calculated that by displacing coal, nuclear power has already saved 1.8 million lives.

W.H.O. also reports that the pollution from energy poverty, like wood and dung smoke, kill another 4 million people a year. That's 7 million people a year dying from dirty energy worldwide & their health bill. Mass produced breeder reactors could fix all that.
Posted by Max Green, Friday, 3 January 2020 8:26:37 AM
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