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The Forum > General Discussion > Global warming garbage.

Global warming garbage.

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Dear Mr Opinion,

Hasbeen is just a victim of his political leanings and is probably too old to be prepared to adjust his thinking whatever is put in front of him. Which is absolutely fine in the grand scheme of things. I will even concede to some extent I will probably be the same after a certain age.

So I generally leave him be unless he trots out some derogatory comment like 'warmist idiots' then I have a nibble back. Intemperate language invites a response and I also get that is his intent so I am happy to play my part. I sure he enjoys it. Simple pleasures are to be found where ever one can find them at that age.

So no, I wouldn't want to see him charged for anything. This wee corner of the internet is hardly going to sway the masses at all and people holding the views that he does are quickly being left behind by ordinary Australians.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 2 January 2020 11:19:27 AM
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Dear SteeleRedux,

Good point. I'm a bit of a cynic who gets a kick out of stirring the pot with Hasbeen and his mates.

What do you think will be the consequences of our current environmental crisis with fires tearing the country apart?

Do you think ScuMo and his AGW denialist mates will bite the bullet and admit to the existence of AGW or just dig their heels in and continue with business as usual? Keeping in mind of course that ScuMo is a religious ratbag who thinks he has a God given right to decimate the environment.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 2 January 2020 11:29:30 AM
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ALTRAV thinks he's nailed climate science with sinking continents (worldwide, because the sea level is rising EVERYWHERE) and Arctic hotspots (except the ice is melting uniformly across the Arctic, not just in one hot spot near Iceland.)

Nice counter theories, but there's a problem. He hasn't explained away the KNOWN physics of CO2 which goes back to 1856 when Eunice Foote discovered CO2 traps heat.

As I keep saying (once more, for the dummies).

Even simple thermal cameras can confirm it.

Watch the candle at 90 seconds in! (1 minute)

It's SUCH basic physics that even Mythbusters could set up a backyard test that demonstrated how CO2 traps heat. (3 minutes)

It's in physics textbooks over a century old. Warnings to the public started over 60 years ago, as this 1958 Bell Telephone Company "Science Hour" shows. (2 minutes).

Did you get that? 60 years ago! Before Al Gore was a public thing.

CO2 traps heat.

1. This is known.
2. This is the way.
3. I have spoken.
(Bonus points to anyone that can source my quotes 1 -3 above.)
Posted by Max Green, Thursday, 2 January 2020 11:40:43 AM
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AC, I applaud your initiative, you see, you actually come up with suggestions to saving lives, unlike the greens who seem they are intent on killing lives.
Mate let's not beat around the bush, I'm happy to take the heat or hit, if it means people and properties will not perish.
Forget GW, CC.
Nothing to do with it.
If the greens had shut up years ago and not stopped the tried and proven practice of back burning, or controlled burning, there would not be so much "fuel" on the ground and we would not have been subjected to this catastrophe.
Yes the greens are MURDERERS!
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 2 January 2020 11:41:16 AM
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Goodness me, the AGW activists are in a real tizz !
The now known cause of our current problem is nothing more than what
has been predicted and argued about for years.
The buildup of fuels has been the fault of the National Parks and
various councils who banned even the collection of firewood from the bush.
It has been collecting for years, and this year was predicted.

For the AGW activists to try and blame others is absolutely offensive.
We now know who are the real denialists.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 2 January 2020 12:44:13 PM
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Dear Mr Opinion,

The issue of wresting the global warming debate away from the highly resourced mining and media interests in this country was always going to be a struggle.

However we have reached a pivot point where Australians who might have sat on the fence or been blase about the threats posed by global warming are now staring it straight in the face. I think the conservative forces will have a really hard time deflecting away their concerns. Even the Young Liberals are now kicking the traces.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 2 January 2020 12:48:22 PM
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