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The Forum > General Discussion > Global warming garbage.

Global warming garbage.

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Shouting "It's the sun" is another climate denier objection so common it's only second to "Climate's changed before", and ranks number 2 in the Denier hymn book.

Adding in Cosmic Rays would seem a big more ingenious, but we all saw that one portrayed on "Great Global Warming Swindle", so no points for originality, even though that one comes in at 21, slightly rarer.

The science checks out. The fact that Deniers sing to the same tired old hymnal just proves to me, time and again, how unoriginal they are. And how desperate! There's just something in their brains that doesn't want to accept that we might have to change our energy systems. Which is bizarre. We're going to run out of fossil fuels one day, may as well start making that change before they peak and start to go into decline, bringing economic chaos.
Posted by Max Green, Thursday, 2 January 2020 4:11:49 AM
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Max, for your record, humanity has NEVER run out of a natural resource.
So because of this huge GW, CC fallacy, we are being steered away from fossil fuels to other less efficient, more expensive, less reliable variants or sources of power/energy.
I don't mind the idea of EV's but object to being forced/lied into them.
We pretty much don't care that the believers do or don't agree with us, we are satisfied that even though there is evidence of something to do with CO2, it is, in truth, nowhere near as bad as being pushed or promoted.
It is this overstatement of the alleged severity of the CO2 situation that angers me.
If things are as bad as we are led to believe, then why exaggerate and lie.
No there has been a huge over-reaction to a storm in a teacup, and I and millions of others aren't buying it.
Tell you what, stop trying to BS your way into OUR minds and start attacking China and India, as they are flat out building nuclear and coal fired power stations.
Now stop and take a moment for a reality check; we are 25 million.
And we produce a poofteenth of the o/a CO2 emissions, compared to these two countries of over 2 BILLION, between them.
So shut up with your annoying virtue shaming, exaggerating, unfounded and unrealistic promotion of a fallacy/fraud.
Why is it annoying people like yourself and that sicko of a kid pick on the EASY targets.
What's REALLY going on?
Because so far those pushing the big con are pushing sh!t uphill, and are slowly being exposed as backing the wrong team.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 2 January 2020 5:57:40 AM
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I do not consider myself a 'Climate Denier' but to simply fall for the all the nonsensical gobblydook by half-baked BA carrying mutts is not my cup of tea either.
It looks to me that the whole show is a battle of wits among the dim wits !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 2 January 2020 6:12:28 AM
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It seems to me there are two possibilities;
First the timing is such that the present warm period is right on
schedule in the sequence Roman, Medieval, Maunder Minimum and Now.
Or AGW has occurred at the same time as the above cycle.
If they have both happened then which is the most significant will
keep scientists busy for a long time.

I agree we have never run out of a resource. The reason is quite simple.
It just gets more expensive because of rising production costs that
the demand falls off till it reaches zero. It is still there but too expensive.
That was why the Roman Empire got into a decline cycle, it needed too
many slaves to keep silver production up in Spain.
It was made worse by the preditations of the Arab slave traders who
were operating in the Mediterranean.
Same thing is happening with oil as the fracking is not profitable
and companies are being wound up. That is however a purely US symptom.
The rest of us are just hanging on hoping that another new field will
be found.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 2 January 2020 7:53:07 AM
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The climate change people are all nutty.

They think that somehow they can exert godly powers over the weather.
Maybe they can part the oceans too what do I know.

I'm all for practical solutions to life's problems.
What solutions do the climate change people have for these bushfires?

We need to recognise that environmentalists policies lead to increased fire fuel, and an increase risk of raging infernos.

I think there should be a focus on saving life, not property.
Some people may not recognise the danger at hand or are willing to put themselves at risk to save what they have.

That's why we need more fire shelters.

This is where it all comes down to government incompetence.
A failure to find the best policies for the best interests of the people.

Governments are always whinging about people on the dole.
Use them to help you fix the things the community needs.
There's no reason the government couldn't establish 1000 jobs paying double dole in exchange for full time work manufacturing these fire shelters at a lower cost during a 24 month scheme so they can be distributed where they're needed.
Mandate their installation in areas of high fire danger for new dwellings, and offer a 50% government rebate for both new and existing dwellings.
Then, after the 24 moth scheme period, revert back to normal production by existing private companies and offer a 25% government rebate.

This means there are emergency measure in place so that our firey's need not be forced to place their own lives in so much danger.

And secondly, we need a fleet of water bombers sufficient enough to deal with this nations fires.

No global climte tax or obligations that send us broke.
Just create a policy that installs thousands of fire shelters to protect people from the fires.
And another one that ensures we have the proper tools to fight them.

These things can be achieved with a bloody pen.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 January 2020 8:30:51 AM
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Weather Whingers

Some people think summer and winter is an excuse to have a whinge.
In summer "Ohh it's so hot" they whine. "Waaaaahhhhhh"
In winter it's the opposite, "Ohh its so cold". "Waaaaahhhhhhh"

Other people just accept the climate, accept the changing of the seasons and master their own environment to suit their own tastes.
Some like to live in warmer climates, whilst others prefer cooler climates.

For the weather whingers people I wonder if the cup's half full or is it half empty?

Empowered Weather Wingers
The climate change agenda just empowered the weather wingers to whinge and moan the whole damn year round.

"My cups half empty!" They scream like fully grown babies.
"Doesn't anyone understand that my cups half empty!"
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 January 2020 8:54:28 AM
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