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Global warming garbage.

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Armchair Critic,

When was the last time you paid a visit to a psychiatrist?
Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 2 January 2020 9:08:14 AM
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Hey Mr Opinion,
Your acting like a baby and proving my point, but trying to disguise it as something intelligent.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 January 2020 9:15:01 AM
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AC, I'm not sure about these bunkers.
Are they for humans or wildlife?
Either way, I would feel trapped by the very nature of the structure or design, not to mention the threat of a complete depletion of oxygen when your in the centre of a huge fire, which could outlast the oxygen in the bunker.
Just wondering.
I think more importantly and urgently, we need to address THE ACTUAL cause and the centre of the blame for all these catastrophes, such as these inferno's that we are seeing all to often now, which will not cost us one cent, and yet rid us forever of the risk and cause of the threat of death.


They are not a political party.
They know nothing of the real world and it's realities.
They are sick; petulant, arrogant, selfish and ignorant, about, well, EVERYTHING!
I would much rather see Hanson and the like, as she actually addresses REAL issues, and not someone who at best can only promote things that do us all harm, not good.
Think about the stupidity of the greens, what is their platform?
They simply piggy-back on the back of other parties, pretty much having a mantra of; YEAH, WHAT THEY SAID.
They are sick, mentally ill, social misfits.
They must be removed from existence even, if necessary.
They again have blood on their hands, and when their mental deficient followers finally open their eyes, they too will run them down and out of our lives and sight.
So beware and be warned, the greens are murderers and should be treated as such, vilified and driven into oblivion and extinction.
The worst thing that could happen to them, is the best solution
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 2 January 2020 9:22:22 AM
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Throw out that paper from the Finns then, as I can see IPCC working on clouds from a variety of angles.

Oh, and surprise surprise you quote a geologist Ian Plimer? While there are many fine geologists contributing meaningful work to the IPCC, but Ian Plimer is not one of them! He thought he could move from debunking Creationists to debunking Climatologists and sell a few books. If you are reading “Heaven and Earth”, here’s the review by climatologist David Karoly:-

“Given the errors, the non-science, and the nonsense in this book, it should be classified as science fiction in any library that wastes its funds buying it. The book can then be placed on the shelves alongside Michael Crichton's State of Fear, another science fiction book about climate change with many footnotes. The only difference is that there are fewer scientific errors in State of Fear.”

See review link above.

>>96% natural
What’s this crap? You can’t do basic math? We’ve increased it from 280ppm pre industrial revolution NATURAL to 405ppm now. Do the math, that 280ppm is only 69% natural. The rest is ours, identified by a unique isotopic signature.

Humans emit 100 times more CO2 than volcanoes.

“Sure, our emissions are 1.3% of the global total. But our population is 0.3% of the global total…” (add in our coal exports) “…4% rather than 1.3%. This would make Australia the world’s sixth-largest contributor to climate change.”
But Aussie Deniers have a silver spoon jammed so far up their asses they don’t think they have to change? Entitled bitches much? We’re the worst per capita polluters, so we must do our bit and lead by example.

BAZZ, just slow down a bit and think about what you’re typing. It’s like you are hyperventilating, trying to get out any and every Denier Dogma you can possibly remember ASAP. Breathe. The science is real, and you don’t want your family to remember you as one of those Denier cranks when you’re gone.
Posted by Max Green, Thursday, 2 January 2020 9:22:54 AM
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"Other people just accept the climate, accept the changing of the seasons and master their own environment to suit their own tastes."

How ... sensitive of you, while Australia burns due to the worst drought on record? While we lose billions in agricultural exports? Where's the technological wizardry that can just cure drought for a continent 4000 km wide? I'm a fan of desal, but you're talking about satisfying the vast water needs of AGRICULTURE, not just a city! Even I won't go that far!

How do you think "mastering their own environment to suit their own tastes" would go down with the 900 NSW families that have lost their homes this fire season? With farmers that have lost all their livestock and crops? With Bureau of Meteorology staff that are recording the worst drought on record for about a third of the continent?

Basically, I don't even know why I'm 'feeding the troll', but I just wanted to point out I think that's a new low, even for you. What, you're not getting enough attention in the real world so you come in here trying to compensate by getting a bit of negative attention? The psychology of trolls is really quite sad and pathetic.
Posted by Max Green, Thursday, 2 January 2020 9:31:31 AM
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Hi Max Green,

How do you think all of the deniers are feeling in light of all of the fires raging across the country?

I reckon they must be feeling as guilty as sin. After all, it is their rejection of anthropogenic global warming that has created the environmental crisis that we have been seeing daily on our TVs for the past two months.

What do you think we should do with them? Is their any punishment that fits their particular crime against humanity?
Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 2 January 2020 9:37:57 AM
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