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The Forum > General Discussion > Gladys Liu - Are the Questions justified?

Gladys Liu - Are the Questions justified?

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runner, you failed to mention all those religious nutters, and their pseudo religious affiliations to foreign churches! Where is your churches HQ? Rome, Salt Lake City, pray tell where! Who barks out the orders to the foot solders on the ground?
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 18 September 2019 12:00:37 PM
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Paul/Mr Opinion no doubt you both know the usual suspects are defending her
Fact is they belittle them selves in doing so an open full investigation of every such case no less
Amusing to see but sad too
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 18 September 2019 12:00:53 PM
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Given that Rhiannon had far far stronger links to communist Russia than Liu that well known, but stayed in parliament(s) for roughly 2 decades.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 18 September 2019 1:24:48 PM
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I would of thought you would be thrilled Paul to have socialist/communist infiltrate the main parties. As I said its all about politics. If the regressives really cared about foreign influence they would denounce the corrupted universities, the idiotic UN agreements which do away with Australia's sovereignty and the money hungry gw alarmist who want to de industralise our nation. The warmist alarmist/fraudsters, the champions of the corrupt UN, the suppliers of money to terrrorist groups in Palestine are every bit as big a threat and as treachorous as anyone else in this nation. That puts the Greens on top or at least close.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 18 September 2019 2:19:40 PM
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Shadow Minister,

Rhiannon is not longer in Parliament. Gladys Liu
is. Rhiannon did not raise money from Communist
sources for her party. Liu did.

Our Prime Minister has won praise in one of the
Chinese Co0mmunist Party's key media mouthpieces -
The Global Times - which is regarded as a key
mouth piece for the Chinese Communist Party. It has
published a searing opinion piece on the embattled
MP's Gladys Liu's political controversy.

The Global Times, which is fiercely nationalistic
and a frequent critic of Australia has published
an opinion piece praising Mr Morrison's staunch
support for Liu.

That I find very disconcerting.

Obviously you don't. Which I find rather surprising.
But I suppose - predictable. "My Party do-or die!"

If this behaviour continues - it just may, whither and
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 18 September 2019 2:24:30 PM
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cont'd ...

Sorry - it should read - wither, (dry up),
not - whither (what place).
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 18 September 2019 2:27:28 PM
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