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The Forum > General Discussion > is conservative Australia stunned in Rudd's light?

is conservative Australia stunned in Rudd's light?

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Why has hasnt there been an enquiry.?
Sounds bad
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 18 August 2007 4:48:21 PM
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This is Bad

Do we want pedophiles and sexual abusers represententing us.

Do you think the newspapers care about our safety and are really willing to inform us about the level of coruption within these party structures, especially when they have motive not to inform the public.

Lets look at why there is no enquiry, oh almost forgot its the labor party in state governments.

When the media start acting like media and print what is there to print then we will really be informed.

And people like Belly just too ashamed and the rest of the labor faithful are still hiding their secrets.

Stuart Ulrich
Independent Candidate for Charlton
Posted by tapp, Saturday, 18 August 2007 5:57:50 PM
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Well I am surprised the libs and their supporting media crews are not all over it.
Then again lets face it we cant say its unique to just ALP.

Possibly they have a high amount of other cultures that seem to tolerate this type of thing.

I feel sure Belly is a country chap with in his own way a deep sense of justice and loyalty void from knowing the ins and outs and the other issues involved.

Just from exchanging posts with him I am certain he would not support this man.

If Rudd were smart- If Again- He himself would have made much of this and much of getting this guy out of the ALP

Thats what I mean Rudd simply lacks the ability to turn a disaster into a positive story for his strong christian leadership.
Then again with the churches track record he may have decided to stay silent.
Thank you for this information and it is to be hoped all people are more aware of our leaders dark secrets because of it.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 18 August 2007 6:29:51 PM
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all i can say is that I'm glad you are willing to make your views public, so we can get to know the real you. You are a truly disgusting creature.

it is clear if you even had half a brain you would be dangerous.

I know that in our system anyone can stand for parliament but in your case they should make an exception.


I originally thought you were an enlightened type who also cared alot about animals. Seems i was totally wrong. stick with your strong suit because everywhere else you are a joke
Posted by Paul.L, Sunday, 19 August 2007 9:32:05 PM
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What you fail to see is we are fair to everybody.
Your clearly a ALP man and that is OK too.
I was the first- in fact the only one to stick up for belly when I thought Tapp was attacting him personally despite the fact that we do not always agree.
Your comments a few threads up which I pretty much ignored were silly.
Why on earth would you come to the conclushion I have no regard for peoples saftey simply because I support humane treatment of Animals.
The fact is Paul the two go hand in hand and you cant have one without the other.
I was the first person to say So What If Kevin Rudd went to a strip club in the USA four years ago.
I really DO think thats his bussiness and between nobody than himself and his wife.

Perhaps as a Labour Man you could answer a few of the questions that Belly ignores.
Such as What do you Like About Julia and how do you think Swan will handle Australias interests.
Do you think he is the right man for the ALP position and why?
A little more info on policies might actually help your party.
What about the meat unions being told to back off the live exports?
Anything to say about that?"
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 20 August 2007 7:15:30 AM
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Belly what makes you think it will be any better under Rudd.
Tony Blair was a great admirer of Margaret Thatcher and retained all that she legislated. The Unions did not have their funds returned to them after they were sequstrated and he planted all the so called socialists into the House of Lords. Kevin Rudd will continue with John Howard policies because he knows they are good for the Country. Paul Keating copied a lot of what Margaret Thatcher did by selling Commonwealth Bank hence bank charges hikes from all banks after that. Giving away Qantas as a gift. Youwill be laughing the other side of your face when you finally see that it will be business as usual that is why Liberals will vote Labor and he will suck up the middle ground decimating the Democrats our cousins.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Saturday, 8 September 2007 11:13:08 PM
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