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Trump, Again

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Dear mhaze,

Sorry old chap but you didn't think he would win either;

“I still think the machine-men will finally wear him down, but don't write him off just yet.”

And this was another of your prescient predictions;

“Trump doesn't have to actually impose the anti-Chinese tariffs to force them to the negotiating table. The threat is enough. Just start the process and get all the ducks lined up ready to implement the tariff. Then go to the Chinese and say "Now about that currency of your's and your copyright violations. Anything you can do about them?" “

It is interesting how you even then were intent on assigning him magical powers. Yet there doesn't seem to be one iota of disappointment from you when he spectacularly fails to live up to them,
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 4 September 2019 2:40:57 PM
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It appears that you've swallowed Trump's braggadocio.

The man started on day one with false claims about
the size of the inauguration crowd. According to the
BBC and other sources since then we've had more than
7,000 falsehoods from the man.

The first drafts of Trump's history - most notably Bob
Woodward's Best Seller - "Fear" have painted a portrait
of unprecedented dysfunction.

One only has to look at the chaos of staff turnover,
two secretaries of state, two secretaries of defence,
two attorney's general, three White House Chiefs of
staff and a revolving door of senior West Wing aids.

Then there's foreign policy by tweet, the chumminess with
adversarial authoritarian leaders such as Kim Jong-Un
and Vladimir Putin. The blurring of ethical lines
supposedly separating the Trump White House from the
Trump business empire. The Russian collusion investigation
which has raised questions, so far unsettled about his
true allegiance.

We have the twitter tirades, the ugly slurs, the playground
nicknames. He often sounds like a crime family boss than a
US President. Even conservatives have (and are) criticizing
his presidency.

Dear oh dear. How will history judge this man?
It will be interesting to read to forthcoming books
by those in the White House who will paint even
a more clearer picture for us. And it won't be a flattering
one - either of the man himself or of the people that have
kept this clown in power for as long as they have.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 4 September 2019 3:05:16 PM
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cont'd ...

I forgot to mention that Trump's inflated claims -
US Steel is not opening up six new plants. Trump
is not the author of the biggest tax cut in American

The trade war has penalised US manufacturers and
farmers and in 2018 the stock market suffered its
worst year, since the 2008 financial meltdown.
This market volatility high lights other Trump
tendencies contributing to his poor reviews in the
media - pointing to a buoyant stock market as a metric
of personal success, the downside of which is the
downswing and blaming others when things go south.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 4 September 2019 3:12:01 PM
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Those books Foxy are being written right now
Many by past Trump lovers, they will wait for his fall, then put the verbal boot in
Of most concern is how he conned those like Is Mise, how did rational humans ever not see him for what he is
Right now, in between rounds of golf, he is quite, just maybe he has been warned to calm down
Or he maybe trying to find a way to get himself and his family immunity if he steps down
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 4 September 2019 3:20:13 PM
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Dear Belly,

As soon as he leaves the White House the
law will come down on him like a ton of
bricks. They can't indite a sitting President -
but once he leaves office its a different story.

In any case I'm sure that he can always be taken
in by Russia. Maybe he's already made arrangements?
Didn't he try to build a Trump Tower in Moscow?
And aren't Russian oligarths bank-rolling his
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 4 September 2019 3:43:40 PM
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Sorry for the typo.

Indite should have read - indict.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 4 September 2019 5:16:20 PM
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