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Trump, Again

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Hi Steele,

What I'm very worried about is that the more Trump cavorts and postures and polarises, the more the dumb-arse Democrats will move away from the centre (as if in tandem with [or half-witted reaction against] Trump) and move further to the 'left'. The centre is a very broad and numerous church.

Surely, as Trump moves more right and crazy, more ground is opened up across the centre ? As he buggers up agricultural trade with China, and helps to jack up prices at Walmart, surely some of those farmers in critical states will move, perhaps ever so slightly, towards the centre ?

Or are we still in some childish, either-or, manichaean, bipolar political scene with both sides not giving a stuff for really winning over people that don't agree with their ridiculous positions, as if they were quite willing - both Trump-types and current Democrat candidates - to go down in a Gotterdammerung of flames, rather than reach out to the centre ?

Surely there are alternatives to dopey extreme Right or dopey extreme [in the American context] 'Left' ?


Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 11:37:51 AM
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Are you saying that Trump should stop what he is doing - what he said he would do before the election - just so the Democrats won't go further left? An elected President has to keep the Opposition under control?

Are you so unused to politicians in Australia not doing what they promise to do that you are confused by one who does keep his promises? Hell, the man has turned around the American economy, and he is putting his country first.

Most mainstream Western political leaders, whether of the right or the left, including ours, are garden-variety globalists. They are out to dispense increasing quantities of useless foreign aid to ne’er-do-well states; import unending streams of poorly-skilled, culturally-challenged refugees; free up trade whatever the despair this causes within many of their own communities; and make quixotic quests to save the planet whatever the cost to their own industries, to their old and to their poor.

Trump doesn't do that. What is more, he is standing up to the CCP thugs in China.

I would like to see that useless accidental PM of ours, like the rank amateur and apprentice he is, shadow Trump for a while to see how it is done
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 11:58:24 AM
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The Western world is going down, and the only Western leader trying to do something about it is regularly rubbished by morons who couldn't find their backsides with bother hands.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 12:33:02 PM
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Hi Ttb,

No, Trump will not stop whatever he is doing, he will only get more idiotic and contradictory. It will be up to the Democrats whether or not they get some sense and move towards the centre, rather than move further to the 'left' and feed Trump.

I don't think the Democrats will actually get any of that commonsense, and Trump will win the next election, regardless of whatever damage he has inflicted on the US economy and society in the meantime.

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 12:33:48 PM
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Dear ttbn,

It's good to find someone who can see ScuMo for exactly what he is.

ScuMo is only interested in one thing: getting re-elected. He's trying to match the master in that game: John Howard.

Unfortunately for ScuMo he might go down in the history books as the prime minister who lost Australia to the Chinese.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 12:34:56 PM
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Mr. Opinion,

I think it's ScOMo, after Scott. He could be called Scutt, I suppose; ‘scut’ with one ‘t’ is what a rabbit’s tail is called.

Yes. He smirks about 'quiet Australians', and kids himself that he won the election; but it was Labor that lost the election because of its appalling policies and the totally no-good Shorten. He needs to watch out and start revealing what, if anything, he believes in apart from himself. Albanese is still feeling his way, but he has potential. And he comes over as a much more trustworthy and sincere bloke than Shorten ever was. As a person of the Right, I don’t see a lot of difference between Labor and Liberal. Perhaps the Nationals should start putting candidates up against Liberals in all seats. After they get rid of Joyce, of course.

Do you see anyone in the current parliament who could stand up to China? The Liberals turned their backs on Hastie when he told the truth.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 2:27:53 PM
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