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Trump, Again

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Dear Belly,

As you know my husband and I lived and worked
in the US for close to ten years. We travelled
extensively all over the country. Our children
were born there. We have family and friends still
living there. And we keep in touch regularly.
So we've got a very good grip on the pulse of that
country and having experienced the massiveness of
elections there, and the politics, we know what's
at stack. Of course the keyboard warriors on the
forum - are entitled to their opinions. But
not their facts, and they
certainly can't speak for the many concerned
citizens whose opinions are reflected on TV
programs like - Meet The Press,
ABC America, PBS News, Planet America, NBS Today,
CNN, et cetera.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 September 2019 4:40:00 PM
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Sorry for the typo.

I meant to say - stake not stack.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 September 2019 4:42:54 PM
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Well, of course. Anyone who was in the U.S who knows how many years ago would have a "very good grip on the pulse of that country". Particularly with the experience of "the massiveness" of elections there. But hang on, wasn't Trump just elected in 2016? So they would know diddly squat, really. When this person was there, nobody would have dreamed of anyone like Trump going into politics. So, whatever might, or might not, have been experienced in the past has no bearing on the present.

What about the rellies? Well, this person doesn't say they actually have contact with them, so we don't have a clue what they think; although if their attitudes were the same as hers … well we already know about her opinions anyway, so not much of a backup for her. About half American population have severe Trumpitis.

The fact that she then trips back over to Leftist media (as usual) for 'proof' that the rest of us are wrong really puts the mockers on her bluff.

Sorry, Foxy. You are a harmless enough odd ball, but you really are full of 'it'.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 2 September 2019 6:09:22 PM
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I lived and worked in the US during times of massive
changes and upheavals. I saw and experienced first
hand how politics operated in that country. I attended
many rallies and again saw first hand the power of
the media. I lived through several presidential elections.
So I am in a position to judge the election of Trump
and what has resulted in his election far better than you
having lived in that country and experienced things
first hand.

I know what I do know. You have no idea - and therefore
are in no position to judge me, my knowledge, or my
past experiences.

Why do you deliberately try to demean my opinion?
You don't have to agree with it - but you should have
the decency to be civil so that we can have a
reasoned conversation.

Your current behaviour is that of a typical bully.

Which is disappointing because you have displayed many
moments of lucidity and good reasoning on this forum.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 September 2019 6:39:34 PM
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I am not trying to demean your opinion; opinions are like backsides, everyone has one. But you are making sweeping statements claiming qualifications you simply do not have. You are no more qualified to hand down findings on American politics than anyone else. Even if living in America helped, which it does not - we are only talking about opinions here - you have no proof that you have been anywhere near America - ever. Who cares. You are not harming anyone with your claims, real or imaginary. But, I assure you, you are no better equipped to express opinions than anyone else on this site; and everyone else thinks their opinion is more valid than yours. Get used to it. And believe me, lady, I am in a position to "judge" you - if you feel you are being judged. And judging you is not being 'uncivil'. I'll judge anyone I choose to judge, based on what they say and how they say it; and I am sure other people do the same with me and everyone else. Judging people and situations is a vital component of survival - and it's OK to do it just because you want to. Madam Foxy doesn't make the rules. Short of abuse and bad language, anything goes, until our coordinator says otherwise. And, don't you dare call me a bully. That's something you do a good job of yourself, relying on your gender to get a free pass from a few of the old goofs here who sometimes ovederdo the 'gentleman' bit. Ooh, sexism. Off with his head!

I know lots of non-Left women out there who don't feel it's necessary to nag and nag if someone disagrees with them; they don't need to win every argument going. Why can't we have some of them? Perhaps you are frightening them off with your particular brand of bullying
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 2 September 2019 8:51:47 PM
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So you lived in the US for many years ? You're completely familiar with US politics ?

Trump reminds me of a bully in my Third Class at a Bankstown PS, a big boy, the son of the headmaster. Except that Trump, the grandson of a brothel-keeper and inheritor of $ 600 million which he has turned into bankruptcy, probably is far less intelligent even than that bully.

And he's got even more power over 320 million people. And to a large extent, the world.

He sucks up to Russia, North Korea and China. Figuratively, he sits on the faces of small countries and farts. Big joke. Some of us know the type. And never forget.

A deal-maker ? Has he tried Hong Kong ? Now THAT would be a deal: democracy for Hong Kong. But he's too busy with his 'brilliant' tactics of alternating between bombastic bluster and snivelling sucking-up to Xi Zhing Ping. What a turd of a 'man'.

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 2 September 2019 9:15:28 PM
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