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Trump, Again

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Dear mhaze,

I laugh because you are amusing and actually quite a bit of fun to liven up the day.

My response to your blather was greeted with;

"Oh well, SR, if you're gunna laugh out loud, that changes everything. How can I ignore such cogent argument and insightful analysis. I'll go and rethink everything."

I am more than happy to provide cogent argument and insightful analysis when presented with something I can argue and analyse.

Nothing you presented in the post in question fitted that description.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 7 September 2019 10:08:50 AM
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Informative reading not for closed minds and the victims of Trump
Those must wait until world headlines scream the truth to them
While waiting maybe [gee hope I am not asking the impossible] give some thought to what YOU think he has achieved
And what you understand he CLEARLY has got wrong
That Halo you have given Trump may yet become noose around his neck
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 7 September 2019 11:46:20 AM
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Have you read any of Reagan's biographies?

Did you know that his mind was described as
"barren terrain?"

That you could walk through his deepest thoughts
and not get your ankles wet?

He was known as an "amiable dunce"
and one of the least qualified to be President.

He had everything done for him. Where to stand, what
to say, how to look. And that suited him very well.
Being an actor he was used to following instructions
to the letter.

Get hold of some of his biographies. They are a
revelation. Not meaning to be unkind.
Just the facts Sir, Just the Facts.

There's also the biography of Nancy Reagan - that you might
find interesting.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 7 September 2019 11:57:17 AM
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cont'd ...

Here's more from the Los Angeles Times on what
you're trying to deny but what's on public
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 7 September 2019 12:09:52 PM
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M Haze brings a very real fear to me
Just think, informed posters know, without doubt, Trump is a fraud
We are informed because we read from other than Sky/Foxes propaganda factory,working on behalf of the very rich,who intend to stay that way
We see and continue to, Trump actions that are heartless and brainless
Like separating children, from their refugee parents
Warming to Putin, the head of what is Americas biggest enemy
Those news paper headlines, when they tell of Trumps fall, will be met with deep state nonsense and leftist plots rubbish
See Trumps victims/followers have been inoculated against truth
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 7 September 2019 4:37:54 PM
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Foxy asked: "Have you read any of Reagan's biographies?"

I have 11 books on Reagan in my library and a further 8 on my kindle. So yes. He was the most consequential leader in my lifetime so a major area of study. That's how I knew the "Sound of Music" story was false.

Since you're ( temporarily) enamoured of Cannon perhaps you'll like this (grin)...

"Ronald Reagan's great accomplishment was the enormous contribution he made to the end of the Cold War. He certainly didn't end it by himself, but he led the way. The military buildup he initiated, and Soviet concerns about the Strategic Defense Initiative, made it possible for him to negotiate with Mikhail Gorbachev from a position of strength. I discussed this extensively in the 2000 edition of my book, President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime. [which I've read]"'

"He had everything done for him. Where to stand, what
to say, how to look. And that suited him very well.
Being an actor he was used to following instructions
to the letter."

That's patent rubbish. Now you're just making stuff up.There's any number of examples to show its rubbish, but read about how he defied all advisers in the "Pull down this wall" speech to see one of the better examples.

Reading a few anecdotes isn't the same as studying Reagan, his development and his presidency.

Most revealing are his 1950 speeches culminating in the 'Time for Choosing' speech.

But since you've read all these biographies </sarc> you already knew all that, n'est pas?

Having a bad day, Foxy?

Belly, I give up.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 7 September 2019 5:56:08 PM
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