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Activists More Interested Own Feelings Than In Preventing Child Abuse

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Loudmouth- It seems you are very concerned about remote communities. Sadly I found found myself drawn into other political concerns due largely to the turbulence of the complex community that we've created over the last 20- 30 years. A progressive society creates more complexity and squanders capacity. Councils should be leaders of community development bringing people together so they can do great things- when you create distrust in the community and make them afraid then there is less communication less development. Probably this is also occurring in the cities. Many Australians of British origin feel that they are under siege and so they are unable to use their strength effectively. They really need a decisive victory against the forces that undermine them so they can focus on the serious issues occurring in our remote and rural communities. I find it tragic when a small business goes to the wall- and the waste in life that it entails
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 28 September 2018 1:05:10 PM
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Loudmouth said that there are a lack of university educated people in remote regions -

Well universities have issues with a socially progressive bias that it may not be a good idea for the locals to export to regions. Many of the graduates coming out of the universities are not traditional Australians- exporting these to the regions is likely to have a large negative impact on the communities.

Regional areas are currently fighting a battle between the needs of modern technology and their towns traditions.

As far as greater expertise (which is what universities are supposed to provide) there are a number of ways to address this issue. Universities do have outreach programs that are occasionally held in regional areas.

Often regional development programs are seemingly designed to replace the people in these communities rather than to give them self sufficiency.

As rural areas become more self sufficient it makes them more attractive to interlopers.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 28 September 2018 1:15:50 PM
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You stated on page 15 -

"The following may be of interest to you"

and then gave my link, from page 14. You did not
indicate that it was a "quote". And the link you'd
cited did not work.

Then you gave the second link in exactly the same
fashion and you tell me it was to show me how far
back your interest goes on this issue?

My interest goes back just as far, if not further.
So what?

As I stated to you in my last post - dismissing someone
else's opinion does not make our own more valid. Instead it
dismisses our value as a discourse participant. And I
pointed out that there's a lesson there for both of us.

As for my Thanking Philip S.,? I did so because he directed
your quote that you had assigned to me as being more apt
for ttbn. I did not question Philip's motives in doing so.
You probably shouldn't either. It's would purely be a
supposition on your part. Although probably a good one.
His toxicity is hard to take for anyone. And he's one most
people on this forum avoid dealing with.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 September 2018 1:44:40 PM
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cont'd ...

I need to correct a few errors in my previous post.
Before the feral jumped in and did it for me.

1) The sentence should read - "It" would probably be a good one..."
Not "It's" would ...

2) And "His toxicity..."
Should read - "ttbn's toxicity..."
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 September 2018 1:53:29 PM
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“His toxicity is hard to take for anyone. And he's one most people on this forum avoid dealing with”, spews Foxy Motor Mouth. If only SHE was one of the people who would ignore me. But, she always has something to say about anything I post, even when it's nothing to do with her. What she says other people manage to do - avoid dealing with me - Foxy simply cannot do herself. Very odd.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 28 September 2018 2:44:26 PM
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I have tried to ignore you totally and even when you
attacked my mother (a dementia patient in a nursing home)
I tried not to respond. But you were the one who continued
with your comments about me. After a while I was obligated
to correct the untruths. Yes, it is odd. Even odder that
now you've singled out Belly. Why? He's asked you to drop
the insults - yet you can't. Why?

I think that you get your jollies from insults. This gives
you an excuse to continue to post - especially against people
you see as your enemies.
I'll make another attempt at ignoring you and not reading your
posts and leaving you alone on the condition that you do the
same to me.

I am not in the slightest bit interested in you, what you think,
or have to say. You, to me are a non-entity. And I shall
be more than pleased to ignore you. If you do the same to
me. But I shall respond if you continue with your tirades.
I will not tolerate a bully. Nor should I be expected to.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 September 2018 3:10:34 PM
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