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Activists More Interested Own Feelings Than In Preventing Child Abuse
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Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 27 September 2018 2:28:46 PM
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Windschuttle has been dismissed ages ago. You are wrong about me. I know who I am. You don't. Neither do you know the depth of my knowledge and experience or what conversations and arguments I have had in the past - and with whom. I am familiar with Dawson and his work. The following may be of interest to you: Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 27 September 2018 3:39:32 PM
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'Windschuttle has been dismissed ages ago.'
by you and the swamp Foxy, not for those interested in the truth and facts. Posted by runner, Thursday, 27 September 2018 3:42:16 PM
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Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you're an ... (take your pick). Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 27 September 2018 3:45:45 PM
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Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you're an ... (take your pick). thanks Foxy. At least the only One who never lied loves me. Ha! Ha! Posted by runner, Thursday, 27 September 2018 3:47:52 PM
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Big hug! Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 27 September 2018 4:18:42 PM
Yes I did. Indeed I read it back in 2003 when it was first published. At the time I was immersing myself in the entire 'Fabrication' issue.
But what's any of that got to do with you explaining why you thought I was "misinformed" about Manne's book?
I suggested you stop digging the hole you've created but it seems you've decided to instead try to just change the subject. Oh well, I guess that's as close as we get to an admission of error.
"[Manne's essay] is worth a read and raises questions about Windschuttle's research."
And how to answer those questions? Well a start would be to read Windschuttle's side. But that's not your process, is it Foxy? You don't want the questions answered. You merely want to be able to say Windscuttle (or anyone else whose views you want to ignore) has questions unanswered, and thereby pretend that you've researched the issue. You do it all the time.
If you were really interested in answering those questions you might have also found out about "Washout" - the book written to examine the veracity of 'Whitewash'...."Washout is major contribution to the debate over the "History Wars". It is a dissection of the Robert Manne edited book "Whitewash: on Keith Windshuttle's Dissection of Aboriginal History". Dawson shows that the authors of Whitewash have manipulated the evidence and failed to establish their case."
An essay about it is here....
Somehow I doubt it'll have the merest affect upon your desire to dismiss Windschuttle.