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Activists More Interested Own Feelings Than In Preventing Child Abuse
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Posted by PenCraft Blog, Friday, 28 September 2018 4:37:32 AM
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I am not sure whether this is exactly relevant or not, But I have written something on parenting and upbringing of a child. How parents can give their child a quality life without controlling their life.
Please check Posted by PenCraft Blog, Friday, 28 September 2018 4:41:26 AM
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PenCraft blog,
This is all very nice & good. How do you propose parents counter the insipid influence onto their children by media, entertainment, gaming, sport etc industries ? I think one way would be to restrict internet & TV access. The assigned authorities stall in the protection of children so what's required is for parents to form a Nation-wide organisation to do what the authorities fail at. Charge TV programmers & Game developers & Sport promoters with failure to present sensible & moral content. Posted by individual, Friday, 28 September 2018 6:47:47 AM
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"The first link that you gave doesn't work.
Besides, I actually gave it (mine works) on page 14." The first link was simply a quote from your post which is why it doesn't work. The second link was merely to show you how far back I go on this issue. "Dear Philip S., Again - Thank You." You do realise that Philip S was comparing you to someone he obviously despises, right? And you're thanking him! Posted by mhaze, Friday, 28 September 2018 11:11:57 AM
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I certainly am despised by Philip S. Apart from his continual direct harangues, the fact that he has to drag be into a conversation I had no part in indicates what a problem I am to him. And of course Foxy will pounce on anything to discredit me; so vehement is she that she has been getting very 'needy' and desperate of late - looking sadder than ever. Some of the side-bar comments coming out of the main theme can be quite amusing, I find.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 28 September 2018 11:23:45 AM
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Suck it up, you fellas.
To try vainly to get back to topic: remote 'communities' are going down-hill from zero, with very little genuine employment (except the taking-in-each-others'-washing type of employment), adults with very few skills (especially for today's economy), children getting very little education, major self-inflicted health problems, rampant violence, child neglect and abuse, and no progress being made on any of the Close-The-Gap targets. Australia 2018 needs very high levels of skills across the board. Rural and remote Aboriginal populations barely have the skills to dig in and fill in holes, or paint rocks. Racists of the left and right, back and white, are not likely to offer any criticisms of all that, except to sink the boot in. But surely, if someone was genuinely concerned, they should make legitimate and strident criticism of the situation ? Even if this comes down to attacking the parasites who live off such fraught populations ? i.e. Black and white bureaucrats ? Surely even some of those parasites, those few within any conscience, should be racking their brains to honestly work out what works and what doesn't, and how to crack the closed circle ? Or is it impossible ? Are remote 'communities' doomed to grind down to nothing, grinding down their populations and condemning them to boring lives (except for the excitement of vicious fights and beatings) and early deaths ? Meanwhile, in the cities, where Aboriginal people have experienced far more colonisation, university graduate numbers should hit fifty eight thousand by the end of this year. In the cities, perhaps one in every three Indigenous women is a graduate. Yes, many get sucked into the Indigenous Industry and learn how to be parasites, but many resist and strive to find employment in fields in which they have graduated. At least, that's my faint hope. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 28 September 2018 11:50:48 AM
Please check